Also called dry eye syndrome, dry eyes commonly occur when your eyes are not provided with enough tears for maintaining the lubrication. This, in turn, causes discomfort as well as lead to several symptoms and signs. If you suffer from ...
Also called dry eye syndrome, dry eyes commonly occur when your eyes are not provided with enough tears for maintaining the lubrication. This, in turn, causes discomfort as well as lead to several symptoms and signs. If you suffer from ...
A stiff neck is not really a big problem but may occur to everyone and leave bad effects on the daily activities. It includes some main symptoms like pain, soreness, and difficulty managing the neck, particularly when you try to ...
When your skin exposes to the sun, this causes to increase the production of cells which are known as melanocytes. These cells will increase the amount of melanin in the skin and then turn the skin darker. The dark skin ...
We hear so much about cleansing our body and may wonder how beneficial this can be. In fact, a proper cleansing can help you detoxify your body naturally and this can help you get amazing health benefits. You should integrate ...
Sweaty palms, medically known as hyperhidrosis, is one of the most common forms of hyperhidrosis for people suffering from excessive sweating. Sweaty palm is a clinical medical condition impacting patients in their daily life with both functional and social activities. ...
Stress is common in this modern society where people are always busy with work, family and relationships. Stress is not always bad. If it exists in small doses, then it could help you perfect under the acceptable pressure and motivate ...