Skin darkening can be caused by extreme sun exposure, illnesses, certain medications, dry skin conditions, having a poor diet, stress, and genetics. Actually, none of us want to have dark and dull skin, so we always try to find natural ways on how to lighten your skin. And if you are trying to give your skin a youthful glow, you should apply some of the following natural remedies that are gentle on your skin naturally.
List Of 44 Ways To Lighten Your Skin Within 2 Weeks
In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the simplest ways that you should consider applying, if you want to lighten your skin naturally and effectively. So, if you want to improve your skin tone without costing too much time and money, you should keep your eyes on this interesting article right now.
hI. How To Lighten Your Skin Naturally- Good Habits:
It is very important for you to follow a balanced diet and a proper skincare routine if you want to lighten your skin naturally. Now, we will show you some of the best tips you should try to apply in order to give your skin a lighter and fairer look effectively.
1. Protect Your Skin From Sun Rays
This is the first one of the most effective ways to lighten your skin that I want to mention in this article and want all of my readers to apply for good. Prevention is really important for lightening your skin, so you should remember to apply sunscreen that blocks UVA & UVB sun rays. This will help to prevent the skin from darkening. If you need to go out, aside from applying SPF sunscreen of at least 30, you should wear thick clothes and sunglasses.
Read on How To Remove Sun Tan From Face & Hands Naturally – 34 Ways to discover some of the best ways that can help you remove sun tan from the skin naturally.
2. Drink Water Regularly
Whether you are thirsty or not, you should try to drink water regularly. This simple way can help you improve the blood circulation, so it can be effective in improving your skin’s surface. You can get a bottle of water with you in order to keep your skin well- hydrated. To get better results, you can consider adding a slice of lime or lemon to your water to give your body more nutrients. In fact, this is one of the most effective ways to lighten your skin naturally at home that we want to introduce in the entire article today and people should make use for good!
To know some of the simplest homemade drinks that you can make with ease at home, read on List Of 29 Best Easy Homemade Drinks To Make At Home
3. Exfoliate The Skin
You need to exfoliate your skin at least once a week if you want to lighten your skin naturally. This will help to remove dead skin cells from your skin and also brighten your skin. Plus, you need to take your makeup off before going to sleep if you want to unclog your skin pores, causing uneven skin tone.
List of 35 Best Ways On How To Exfoliate Skin Naturally At Home will show you some of the natural remedies for removing dead skin cells from the skin, so check it out!
4. Moisturize The Skin
When it comes to natural ways to lighten your skin, you should remember to keep your skin well-moisturized. Having dry skin is a common cause of skin darkening; therefore, moisturizing the skin is one of the best ways for you to maintain lightened skin. You should try to use mild skincare products that are formulated for your skin type.
If you want to know some of the best beauty tips that you should know and then try to apply when taking care of your facial skin, read on Top 25 Best Beauty Tips For Face Skin Care And Improvement
5. Follow A Balanced Diet
Following a balanced diet can give you a lighter skin. Consuming all of these healthy foods can protect your skin from harmful UV rays, offer your skin a natural glow and also lighten your skin from the inside.
- Avoid consuming processed foods because they can cause skin redness and blemishes.
- Avoid consuming oily and greasy foods because they can increase the risks of getting acne, redness, and blemishes.
- Avoid consuming junk foods and alcohol
- Consume organic foods that are rich in fiber and low in sugar to avoid making your skin darker.
- Consume vitamin C- rich fruits and vegetables because these foods are good for your skin health.
- Consume more dark green leafy vegetables to provide your skin with more nutrients
- Consume more vitamin A- rich foods to minimize the negative effects of harmful rays on the skin.
Read More: 22 Homemade Juices For Glowing Skin In A Week
6. Quit Smoking
Smoking is harmful to human health, including skin health; therefore, you need to stop smoking if you want to improve your skin tone naturally. Actually, smoking can cause harm to your skin, causing some skin problems, including fine lines, pimples, premature aging, and wrinkles. Besides, smoking also reduces blood flow to the skin, making it gray-looking. As a result, one of the simplest ways to lighten your skin is to quit smoking.
Learn More: Top 53 Best Natural Home Remedies For Pimples Removal
II. Simple Home Remedies For Lightening The Skin
By applying some natural remedies for lightening skin, you can save both of your time and money. Here are some effective home remedies for lightening the skin that you should consider applying as soon as possible. They are worth a try in case you want to know ways to lighten your skin naturally.
1. Yogurt
When you are looking for natural ways to lighten your skin, you should not skip out yogurt. Yogurt contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin. Besides, yogurt contains lactic acids, so it can help to lighten your skin. Besides, this remedy is suitable for all of the skin types. Now, you can apply one of the following recipes if you want to improve your skin tone at home
Method 1:
- Apply some yogurt onto your skin.
- Leave it on for a few minutes before washing it off with warm water.
- Repeat this remedy daily for several weeks
Method 2:
- Mix ½ tbsp. of raw honey and 1 tbsp. of yogurt
- Gently apply this mixture onto your skin and leave it on for 10- 15 minutes
- Then, wash it off with warm water.
- Repeat this method on a daily basis
Method 3:
- Mix some oatmeal, yogurt and lemon juice to get a thick paste.
- Apply this paste onto your skin in order to keep your skin moisturized and supple.
2. Almond Paste
If you want to get a glow and lighter skin, you can try using an almond paste. Now, you can take the following steps to make a homemade almond paste.
- Soak some almonds in a medium bowl of water and leave it on for overnight.
- The next morning, peel these almonds and then mash them to get a consistency
- Then, add some raw honey until you get a smooth and easy-to-apply almond paste.
- Allow it to dry on its own before rinsing it off with warm water.
There are other natural ways to lighten your skin in this interesting article. So, you should keep reading this article and then consider including one or more of these home remedies in your skincare routine for good.
3. Rice Powder
To lighten your skin naturally, you can consider using rice powder, which works as a natural sunscreen to block the sunlight. Addition to this, according to a study about ways to use rice powder for skin [1], rice powder is rich in vitamins C, E as well as other powerful antioxidants that can slow down the skin aging process and also lighten your skin.
- Mix some milk, rice powder, and warm water to get a paste.
- Then, apply this paste onto your skin.
- Let it sit on for half an hour before washing it off with lukewarm water.
- Repeat this treatment twice a week to improve your skin tone.
4. Gram Flour
Gram flour is known as a great ingredient for skin lightening, making it one of the best ways to lighten your skin naturally. Actually, it contains many essential nutrients that can add a lighter look to your skin. Besides, this remedy also helps you remove excess oil and toxins from your skin and also keep your skin well- hydrated. To use gram flour for skin lightening, you just need to mix some rose water with gram flour. Then, apply this mixture onto your skin and leave it on for 20- 30 minutes before rinsing it off with water.
5. Eggs
Using eggs can help you lighten your skin tone naturally without contributing to any skin irritation. In fact, eggs contain many nutrients, so they can be used to increase the energy and also improve health.
Method 1:
- At first, cleanse your skin with some water
- Break an egg and then separate the egg white from the egg yolk.
- Apply the egg white onto your skin by using a cotton ball.
- Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.
Method 2:
- Mix 1 tsp. of honey with some egg yolks.
- Then, apply this mixture onto your skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes b
- Finally, rinse off your skin with water
6. Papaya
This is another one on the list of natural ways to lighten your skin that I want to mention in this article. This healthy fruit will help to lighten your skin tone because it contains natural bleaching properties. To use papaya naturally and effectively, you can apply any of the following ways:
Method 1:
- Eat ripe papaya as a fruit. The cleansing properties found in papaya can help to cleanse the impurities that could cause it to darken.
Method 2:
- Apply the inner skin part of a papaya on your skin.
- Let it dry out naturally before washing it off with cold water
- Do this remedy daily for the best results.
Method 3:
- At first, mash a ripe papaya
- Then, mix it with a cup of fresh lemon juice to get a paste.
- Massage this paste all over your skin and let it sit on for at least half an hour.
- Finally, rinse off the skin with cold water.
- Repeat this remedy 1-2 times a week to notice an improvement in your skin tone.
7. Turmeric Powder
Turmeric powder is good for the skin complexion due to its powerful antioxidants. So, using turmeric powder is known as one of the best ways to lighten your skin naturally that you should not skip out. Now, I will show you how to use turmeric powder for lightening the skin.
Method 1:
- Mix some turmeric powder and milk cream
- Then, apply it directly on your skin.
- Allow it to dry out naturally before washing it off with warm water.
Method 2:
- Mix some turmeric powder, gram flour and lemon juice to create a paste
- Then, apply this paste on your skin and leave it on for 20-25 minutes.
- Finally, rinse it off with warm water and enjoy a lighter skin.
8. Coconut Oil
According to a study about beauty benefits of coconut oil [2], this oil contains moisturizing properties, so you can use it to get a lighter skin. Just clean the skin, and then dry it out using a soft towel. Next, apply some coconut oil onto your skin with the help of a cotton ball. For better results, you should add some coconut oil to your daily diet.
9. Oranges
The most important vitamin in skin care may be vitamin C, and you can get its large amount from oranges. Moreover, oranges contain bleaching properties, so they can help to lighten the skin tone. Some studies found that regular intake of fresh orange juice can make the skin lighter and suppler. Using orange is actually a great one among the best ways to lighten your skin that you should not miss at all costs yet try to make use at home because of many reasons mentioned above. To use oranges to lighten your skin, you just need to apply any of the following ways:
Method 1:
- Mix 2 tbsp. of orange juice with some turmeric powder.
- Then, apply this mixture on your skin before you go to bed.
- Leave it on for about 20- 30 minutes before washing it off.
- Repeat this remedy on a daily basis.
Method 2:
- Grind some dried orange peels until you get a fine powder.
- Mix 1 tbsp. of the powder with 1 tbsp. of plain yogurt to create a paste.
- Then, apply this paste on your skin and let it sit on for 15- 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with water and repeat this remedy once or twice a week.
10. Lemons
This is also one of the best ways to lighten your skin without using drugs, pills, or medications we would like to introduce in this article. Vitamin C will stimulate new cell growth while lemons themselves work as a powerful bleaching property. The acidic and skin-tightening property found in lemons acts as a powerful bleaching property for the skin. Also, its high content of vitamin C can boost new cell growth. To use lemons for lightening the skin, you can apply any of the following methods:
Method 1:
- Soak a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and then apply it on your skin.
- Also, rub a cut lemon over your skin and leave it on for about 60 minutes before washing it off with water.
- Do this remedy once a day.
Method 2:
- Mix 3 tsp. of lemon juice with 1 tsp. of turmeric powder.
- Then, apply this mixture on your skin and let it sit on for about 30 minutes.
- Finally, wash it off with clean water.
- Repeat this remedy once a day until you achieve your desired results.
Method 3:
- Mix 1 tsp. each of lemon juice, honey and milk powder.
- Then, apply it on your skin and let it sit on for 15- 20 minutes before washing it off.
- Repeat this home remedy daily or every other day.
Note: When you use lemons for lightening skin, make sure that you have no open wounds on the skin because the acidic property of lemon juice can lead to pain and skin irritation. Also, remember that this remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin or those with allergy to lemons. Plus, remember to stay indoors while applying this remedy because it can result in added sensitivity.
11. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel can help to restore your original skin tone. Also, the cooling properties of aloe vera helps rebuild damaged skin tissues and boost new cell growth. Actually, this is one of the best ways to lighten your skin that you should not look down, yet try to include in your daily diet for good. To use aloe vera gel to improve your overall skin tone, you can follow the instructions below:
- Cut out an aloe vera leaf and take out its gel.
- Apply the aloe vera gel directly on your skin.
- Let it sit on for half an hour before washing it off with water
- Repeat this remedy at least twice a day for about 2 weeks.
- Note: If you have no aloe vera plant available at home, you can buy commercial products containing fresh aloe vera gel.
12. Cucumber
Cucumber ensures to give you a firm and supple skin. Also, cucumber contains cooling effects, so it can be used for all of the skin types. To use cucumber for skin lightening, you can apply any of the following methods:
Method 1:
- Place some slices of cucumber on your skin.
- Leave them on for several minutes, take them out and then wash off your skin with warm water.
- Repeat this remedy twice a day.
Method 2:
- Grate a cucumber and then combine grated cucumber with some honey to get a homemade mask.
- Apply the mask on your skin and let it sit on for about 15- 20 minutes
- Finally, wash your skin with cold water.
- Repeat this remedy twice a day for the best results.
Method 3:
- Mix 1 tsp. each of cucumber juice and lemon juice.
- Then, apply it on your skin and wait for 15- 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash your skin with clean water.
- Repeat this home remedy once a day.
13. Tomato And Coriander
When it comes to natural ways to lighten your skin from natural ingredients, you should not skip out this mixture. Actually, a mixture of tomato and coriander leaves can help whiten the skin, especially for those with oily and dry skin. To make a mask from a tomato and coriander, take the following steps:
- Mix tomato juice and coriander leave juice in a ratio 1:1.
- Then, add some fresh lemon juice and fuller’s earth to your pack.
- Apply this pack on your skin and leave it on for about 20-30 minutes.
- Finally, wash your skin with tepid water as normal.
14. Gram Flour And Tomato
According to a research about home remedies to remove sun tan from skin [3], gram flour is well-known for its ability to remove sun tan. And, you can make a mask from gram flour and tomato to lighten your skin naturally. Simply, you just need to mix 2 tsp. of gram flour with 2- 3 tsp. of tomato juice to get a paste. Then, apply this paste directly on your skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash it off with cool water.
15. Potato
If you have a dull and dark skin complexion, you may be deficient in vitamin B. In fact, vitamin B6 found in potatoes can help to remove the dead cells from the skin and also improves skin complexion. So, this home remedy is also considered one of the most effective ways to lighten your skin that you should try out.
- Cut a potato into some small chunks and then process them through a juicer.
- Then, mix the potato juice with some lemon juice
- Apply this mixture on your clean skin and leave it o for 20 minutes
- Finally, wash it off with water and repeat this remedy daily.
16. Red Lentil
Red lentil is beneficial for curing many skin problems because it can help to exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and bright. Therefore, it is also used as one of the natural ways to lighten your skin. Now, I will show you how to use red lentil to lighten your skin at home.
- Soak some lentils overnight and then add some raw milk to create a smooth paste
- Then, add some honey to the paste.
- Apply this paste onto the skin and wait for about 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash it off with clean water.
- Repeat this remedy daily for your desired result.
17. Vitamin E oil
Vitamin E oil can help to whiten your skin, and also make your skin supple and smooth. Plus, it helps to remove scars, blemishes and wrinkles. Simply, mix some olive oil with vitamin E oil from a vitamin E capsule and then apply it on your clean skin. Gently massage your skin for about 3- 5 minutes and then leave it on for overnight. Repeat this remedy daily for your desired result.
18. Kiwifruit
Other ways to lighten your skin naturally that you should know must include using kiwifruit because this fruit has high content of vitamin C. Also, it has alpha hydroxy acids, which can help to keep your skin elastic and exfoliate dead skin cells.
- At first, peel a kiwi and then puree it.
- Then, mix 1 tbsp. each of yogurt and honey to your pureed kiwi to create a creamy paste.
- Rub this paste on your skin and let it sit on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash it off with clean water.
19. Pineapple
Using pineapple regularly on your skin is one of the best ways to lighten your skin at home. It can help to improve your skin tone and treat your pimples, warts, black spots, blemishes and wrinkles. If you want to make use of pineapple to lighten your skin naturally, you just need to take the following steps:
- At first, cut a pineapple into some small pieces and puree them to get a smooth paste.
- Then, add some honey to your paste and then apply it to your clean skin.
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
- Repeat this remedy daily for the best results.
20. Fuller’s Earth Clay
Clay can help to absorb excess sebum because it contains magnesium oxide, which cleanses your skin. Also, it can lighten your skin and boost skin cell regeneration. The essential nutrients found in the clay can give the skin a toning effect because it is known as a bleaching agent. Simply, mix some Fuller’s earth clay with rose and then rub this paste on the skin. Keep it on for about 20 minutes before washing it off with water.
21. Mint
When you are looking for ways to lighten your skin naturally, you should consider using mint from today. Mint helps to clean up the skin pores and the vitamin A found in mint helps to control the excessive oil on the skin. Also, using mint on your skin can help to tone up your skin tone.
- Mix 1 tbsp. each of mint paste and yogurt
- Then, add some lemon juice to the mint paste to create a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste onto the skin and let it sit on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash off your skin with water.
22. Sugar
Sugar can be used to lighten your skin, making it one of the most effective ways to lighten your skin naturally that you should give it a try. It can help to exfoliate your skin cells while opening skin pores.
- Mix 1 tbsp. of olive oil, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice with 2 tbsp. of sugar to make a sugar scrub.
- Apply this scrub to your skin and then gently massage it for 3-5 minutes.
23. Tomato
Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is a great antioxidant that offers many beauty benefits including slowing down skin aging, protecting the skin from UV rays, and whitening the skin. To use tomatoes for lightening the skin, follow the instructions below.
- Mix 1 tbsp. each of tomato juice, milk and turmeric.
- Then, apply this paste to your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash off the skin with normal water.
24. Carrots
Using carrot is also among the best ways to lighten your skin that we encourage readers to make use at home for good! Carrots are very effective in whitening the skin tone by naturally reducing the melanin, which is the main cause of the skin darkness. Using a carrot mask can rejuvenate the skin by boosting skin cell regeneration and removing dead skin cells. Carrots are also good for all of the skin types.
- Cut a small carrot into some small pieces and blend them to get a smooth paste.
- Then, mix 1 tbsp. of yogurt and some lemon juice to the carrot paste.
- Apply this paste to your clean skin and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off.
25. Sandalwood
Sandalwood will be able to make the skin brighter. Also, this mask can give your skin an instant glow. So, if you are looking for ways to lighten your skin naturally, you should not look down this ingredient.
- Mix 1 tbsp. of sandalwood powder with some rose water to create a smooth paste.
- Then, rub this to paste on your clean skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, rinse it off with clean water.
26. Strawberry
Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which can make your skin bright and supple. Also, alpha hydroxy acid found in strawberries can help to remove dead skin cells from your skin. Here are the instructions that can help you lighten your skin naturally.
- Add 3-4 strawberries to a blender to create a smooth paste
- Then, mix 1 tbsp. of milk powder and some lemon juice to the strawberry paste.
- Rub this paste onto your skin and wait for about 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash it off with clean water.
- Repeat this remedy daily for the desired result.
- Note: You can use yogurt instead of milk powder if you get an oily skin.
Do you want to know other natural ways to lighten your skin that you can apply with ease at the comfort of your own home? Continue to read this article and then apply these home remedies as soon as possible to improve your skin tone naturally.
27. Milk Powder
Milk contains many nutrients including vitamins A and B3 that help to boost hydration, lighten your skin tone and promote healthy, glowing skin, making it one of the natural ways to lighten your skin at home.
- Mix 1 tbsp. of milk powder, and 1 tsp. each of lemon juice and honey to create a spreadable paste.
- Then, apply this paste to your clean skin and leave it on for half an hour before rinsing it off with clean water.
- Apply this remedy daily for the best results.
28. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a natural scrub, lime juice helps to lighten the skin while milk moisturizes the skin. Therefore, this mixture can give you a lighter skin complexion. To use oatmeal for lightening the skin, you just need to take the following steps:
- Mix 2 tsp. of oatmeal and some lemon juice and milk to create a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste onto your skin and let it sit on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, wash it off with clean water.
29. Licorice Root
The licorice root can make your skin clearer and lighter. Licorice root can be used on all of the skin types. This mask can help to exfoliate the dead skin cells, and make your skin glow and fair.
- Mix 1 tbsp. of oatmeal powder, licorice root powder and some honey to get a paste.
- Apply this paste onto your skin and wait for 20 minutes before washing it off with water.
30. Milk Bath
To get lighter skin, you can consider taking a milk bath regularly. Actually, the lactic acid present in milk can help to moisturize and lighten your skin naturally. However, this remedy is so costly and time- consuming; therefore, you should indulge in it occasionally.
31. White Baking Soda
According to a study about uses of baking soda for skin whitening [4], white baking soda can help you whiten your skin and also exfoliate the dead skin cells. Directions:
- Mix some baking soda with enough water to get a thick paste.
- Gently apply this paste onto your dark skin
- Finally, wash off the skin and then pat it dry.
32. Honey
Honey is very effective in improving your skin tone and treating acne scars and dark spots. You just need to apply some raw honey onto your skin and leave it on for several minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. For the best results, reapply this remedy daily. Alternatively, mix some honey, milk, lemon juice and almond oil to get the better effect.
33. Kojic Acid
Another one out of the list of natural ways to lighten your skin is to use Kojic acid, which can be derived from the mushrooms and other fungi. It can help to whiten your skin naturally because it can prevent the melanin formation on the skin.
- At first, use clean water to wash your skin using a mild soap.
- Add ½-1 tsp. of kojic acid to your gel, lotion or cream
- Apply this mixture on your skin and let it sit on for several minutes
- Repeat this remedy twice a day within 2 months.
- Note: Using kojic acid can cause rashes and skin irritation, especially in those with thin, sensitive skin. Therefore, you should make a patch test before applying this mixture on your skin.
34. Bearberry Extract
Bearberry extract is also known as a useful ingredient for whitening the skin. Actually, bearberry extract has substances called hydroquinone and arbutin, which can help to reduce the melanin production. Moreover, this extract is also effective in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. To use bearberry extract for lightening the skin, you just need to apply this exact directly on your skin or mix it with some glycerin and water for better results.
35. Mulberry Extract
This is among natural ways to lighten your skin that you should not look down, especially if you are trying to improve your skin complexion from the natural ingredients. The mulberry extract contains tyrosinase, which has been found to reduce the melanin production in the skin. Moreover, the mulberry extract also contains flavonoids, which are very good for the skin health. To use mulberry extract for lightening skin, you just need to apply some of this extract directly on the skin and enjoy fair and lighter skin tone.
36. Coconut Water
Coconut water can help to lighten the skin and make it supple and soft because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Simply, soak a cotton ball in some coconut water and then rub it on your dark skin areas. Allow it to stay overnight and the next morning, rinse it off. At the same time, you should drink coconut water to make your skin hydrated.
37. Cold Rose Water
Rose water has anti-inflammatory and skin- lightening properties, so it will be able to help whiten your skin and also reduce skin redness. You just need to spray some cold rose water onto the skin to improve your skin tone. Actually, this remedy can help you fade out dark skin areas and also improve your skin tone naturally, so you should nor look down this remedy.
38. Milk And Saffron
This is the last but very important one among natural ways to lighten your skin that I want to mention in this article and want all of my readers to apply for good. To create a paste from milk and saffron [5], add some saffron to ½ cup of milk. Then, let it stay overnight. The next morning, add 3 tbsp. of ground almonds to this paste and allow it to sit on for an hour. After that, apply this paste on your skin and let it dry out naturally. Finally, gently massage your skin and then rinse it off with clean water.
Following any of the natural remedies above can help you lighten your skin tone. However, keep in mind that these remedies will take patience and time to get your desired results. After reading this article, we hope that you and my other readers can find some of the best solutions for your dark skin areas. Actually, all of the home remedies as I revealed above have been reported to bring you a lighter skin tone without causing any unwanted side effects. So, why do not you apply one or more of these remedies right from today? One more thing, if you know other ways to lighten your skin naturally aside from those as I mentioned, you remember to share them with other readers by leaving your comments below.
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