How To
21 Tips How to Get Rid of Boils on Face, Inner Thighs, Nose, & Butt

21 Tips How to Get Rid of Boils on Face, Inner Thighs, Nose, & Butt

A boil is primarily a skin infection. Boils are hard pimples with some pus filled in center. Well, a boil begins with redness and tenderness on the skin. And then protein, white blood cells and bacteria get filled in the boil’s center and forms pus.

How To Get Rid Of Boils On Nose, Face, Inner Thighs, And Butt – Top 21 Best Tips To Apply At Home

Boils can occur on the face, back of the neck, armpit, groin, throat and buttocks. They are small bumps with yellow or white centers and they can spread to other skin. They can become painful and even increase in their size in several days once pus occurs.

In this article, I will reveal some of the best tips on how to deal with your boils on face and body skin in details, so you should read on this article to discover skin care facts and then try to try out any of these home remedies for good.

I. Causes Of A Boil

Boils are caused by bacteria, called Staphylococcus aureus, which get into the body through small cuts on your skin or the hair follicle. Besides, they are caused by blocked sweat glands. Some other factors of a boil are:

  • Alcoholism
  • Poor hygiene
  • Friction from tight outfits
  • Poor nutrition
  • Diabetes
  • Poor immune system
  • Chemotherapy
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals

Read the 26 Best Smoothies For Diabetes to get more knowledge of smoothies that are good for diabetes,

II. Symptoms Of A Boil

Its appearance depends on the condition of the skin as well as dietetic factors. Here are some common symptoms of a boil:

  • Get filled with pus
  • Skin around the boil becomes painful and hard
  • Boils are sometimes very itchy
  • High fever, especially in kids
  • Red streaks on skin
  • Severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Diabetes or heart disorders
  • Change in appetite

III. How To Get Rid Of Boils On Nose, Butt, Inner Thighs, And Face Naturally At Home

Boils can be treated effectively and naturally. Here are some of the best home remedies to get rid of boils that you should not skip out.

1. Have A Healthy Diet

This is the first one out of the best tips to get rid of boils on nose, face, butt, and inner thighs and  that I want to reveal in this article and want all of my readers to know and follow for good.

Having a healthy diet is very important for treating boils at home. So, you should try to apply it for good. You should consume:

  • Foods that are high in vitamin C such as berries, kiwi, citrus fruits, peas, spinach, melons, tomatoes, etc. Have an intake of 3000mg of vitamin C daily for treating bacterial infection
  • Foods that contain high content of vitamin A including paprika, cod liver oil, carrots, mango, tomatoes, oatmeal and dandelion greens.
  • Foods that are rich in vitamin E, including Swiss chard, kale, plant oils, avocado and wheat.
  • Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables
  • Foods that are high in zinc such as cocoa, chicken, pork, nuts, mushrooms, beans.
  • Foods that contain phytonutrients like wheat grass, chicory root and spirulina.
  • Foods that can help detoxify the lungs including kelp, dandelion, burdock, peppermint and artichoke.

To know best foods for bone health, check out the Top 14 Best Foods For Bones

2. Warm Compress

According to a study [1], using heat applications is one of the simplest ways to get rid of boils that you should know for good. This method when applied on the boils can help increase blood flow and help the white blood cells and antibodies fight the infection more quickly.


  • You soak a clean washcloth in lukewarm water, take out the excess water and then press it over your affected skin.
  • Repeat this home remedy throughout the day until you see your boils erupt.
  • Clean it off and then apply an ointment in order to prevent further infection
3. Tea Tree Oil

It is a great home remedy for boils due to its strong antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties.


  • Soak a cotton ball in some tea tree oil and then apply it on your boils.
  • Repeat this treatment several times on a daily basis until your boils are healed.
  • Alternatively, you can mix some tea tree oil in a bowl of lukewarm water. Add some lavender oil to it. Then, soak a clean washcloth in this mixture and place it on your boils for about 10 minutes. Reapply this a few times a day.

To know top natural oils that can help your hair become strong, healthy and shiny, see the Top 22 Natural Oils For Hair 

4. Onion

Onions contain antiseptic properties that can help you battle with skin infection, including acne, pimples, boiling and simultaneously boost up the healing process. According to a research about the uses of onion for boils, when the onion juice applied on the infected area, it will work as an irritant and an antimicrobial property. This will help you draw out the heat from your boils. Also, it helps relieve inflammation and pain caused by boils.


  • You cut out a fresh onion into some thick slices of onion
  • Place the slices of onion on your boils and then cover them with the help of a cloth.
  • Change the slices of onion every 2-3 hours until you see the boil drain.

Read on the How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast At Home – 40 Natural Treatments to discover best natural treatments to treat acne fast at home.

5. Turmeric

According to a study about benefits of turmeric for skin health [3], the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties found in turmeric can help boost up the healing process of your boils. Besides, the compound called curcumin found in turmeric is also effective in relieving pain. This remedy will help your boils burst within several days.


  • Mix some turmeric powder and water in order to create a thick paste. Also, you can make a paste from turmeric powder, vinegar and milk cream.
  • Apply this thick paste on your boils and let it sit on for 20-30 minutes before you wash it off.
  • Repeat this home remedy several times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can add ½-1 tsp. of turmeric powder to a cup of milk. Bring it to a boil and then drink it twice a day for a relief from the pain and inflammation caused by the boils.
6. Black Seed Oil

how to get rid of boils

This oil is widely used to get rid of skin problems. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents, which are effective in getting rid of the boils.


  • Add ½ tsp. of black seed oil to a cup of cold or hot fruit juices or green tea and then drink it.
  • Drink this home remedy twice a day.

Read More: List Of Natural Oils For Skin Care – Top 30 Great Oils To Apply 

7. Garlic

It is one of the best home remedies for boils due to its antibacterial properties. Using the juice of garlic can help you ripen your boils, control the infection and boost up the healing process.


  • You crush 2-3 cloves of garlic to take out its juice.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply the garlic juice on your boils.
  • Allow it to sit on for several minutes.
  • Repeat this home remedy 1-2 times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can consider making a paste by mixing garlic juice and turmeric powder.
  • Apply it on your infected area and allow it to sit on for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this home remedy several times a day.

Actually, it is one of the best tips to get rid of boils on face and on body skin that you should make use if you want to deal with your boils naturally.

8. Milk Cream

Milk cream is a good cure for boils. It may help soften the boil’s surface so the pus can flow out and the head can break.


  • Apply some milk cream on your affected skin. Allow it to rest on for more than 30 minutes.
  • Repeat this treatment several times daily until you get your desired results.
  • Alternatively, you can mix 1 tsp. each of white vinegar and milk cream, along with some turmeric powder.
  • Then, apply this mixture on your boils and allow it to sit on for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this several times daily for the best results.

In fact, this is one of the most effective tips to get rid of boils on body skin and on face naturally that may help boost up the healing process and lower the risk of skin infection.

9. Neem

Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, neem or Indian lilac is another powerful; natural treatment for boils.


  • Wash and grind some neem leaves into a paste. Also, you can add some turmeric powder.
  • Apply this paste on your boils and let it rest for at least half an hour before washing it off.
  • Repeat this way several times a day
  • Alternatively, you can boil some neem leaves with water until most water evaporates and 1/3 of the water remains.
  • Cool and then strain this solution.
  • Wash your boils off with this solution several times a day.

There are some of the other tips to get rid of boils on face and on body skin in this article. So you should continue reading this entire article to discover all of these tips and then consider following them for good.

10. Cornmeal

Cornmeal can be a good option when you want to know how to get rid of boils on butt, nose, inner thighs, and face. The absorptive agents found in cornmeal can help you treat your boils at home.


  • Mix some cornmeal with enough boiling water to create a thick paste.
  • Then, apply this paste on your boils and cover it with a washcloth.
  • Allow it to sit on for more than 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this home remedy a few times a day until your boils erupt.

In fact, a lot of people in the world are making use of cornmeal to get rid of their boils on their body skin, so you should also follow this home remedy if you want to deal with this skin issue naturally.

11. Epsom Salt

According to a research about the effects of Epsom salt for boils, Epsom salt may help you treat your boils effectively and speed up the bacteria drainage. Besides, due to its absorbent properties, it may help remove toxins and impurities from your skin.


  • Firstly, add ¼ cup of Epsom salt to 2 cups of lukewarm water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the water and then place it on your affected sskin.
  • Allow it to sit on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat this home remedy several times daily until you see your boils begin to drain out.
  • Alternatively, you can take a warm bath mixed with some Epsom salt.
  • Repeat this remedy for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a day within a few days.

In fact, this is one on the list of tips on how to get rid of boils on nose, inner thighs, face, and butt, so you should consider following this home remedy at home.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another effective home remedy on how to get rid of boils on butt, nose, inner thighs, and face is to use apple cider vinegar. It works as a natural antiseptic and it contains antimicrobial agents that may help to battle with skin infections.


  • Add some apple cider vinegar to water and then use a cotton swab to rub it on your boils.
  • Repeat this home remedy a few times a day until your boils drains out.
  • Alternatively, you can consider mixing some apple cider vinegar and enough honey.
  • Then, you apply it on your boils and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy at least twice a day.
13. Echinacea

how to get rid of boils

The herb Echinacea is famous for its immunity-boosting agents that increase the response of your body to different skin infections. In fact, a boil is an infection, so drinking Echinacea tea can help in treating boils and reducing harmful bacteria.


  • Add 1-2 tbsp. of Echinacea to a cup of boiling water and then allow it to steep for several minutes.
  • Strain and drink 2-3 cups of this solution in a day

In fact, it is another one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of boils on nose, inner thighs, face, and butt that you should know and then try to apply it if you want to treat your boils effectively.

14. Potatoes

Another one on the list of home remedies on how to get rid of boils on butt, face, nose, and inner thighs that you should know and then try to follow must include using raw potatoes.


  • Peel and grate a small potato and take out its juice.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the juice of potato and then apply it on your boils.
  • Allow it to sit on for several minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this home remedy 3-4 times a day for the best results.

Do you want to discover other tips on how to get rid of boils on nose, face, but, and inner thighs? Continue reading this entire article and try to follow one or more of these home remedies for good.

15. Milk And Bread

This combo can be used to get rid of the boils. Milk is used to relieve skin problems, draw out the pus and treat all itching and pains.


  • Heat a cup of milk and then add about 3 tsp. of salt to it. Also, add some pieces of bread crumbs in order to create a thick paste. Stir them well.
  • Apply it directly on your affected skin. For the best results, reapply it few times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can mix milk cream, turmeric powder and vinegar and then apply it directly on your boils.

In fact, it is actually one on this list of tips on how to get rid of boils on inner thighs, nose, face, and butt, so you need to follow this tip as soon as possible.

16. Japanese Honeysuckle

When it comes to knowing how to get rid of boils, you should not skip out Japanese honeysuckle. It has been used in Chinese medicine for treating many health problems thanks to its antibiotic and antiviral properties.


  • Place some honeysuckle stems in a bowl of water and allow them to stay there overnight.
  • Then, use the residual to apply on your boils until it dries out.
  • Pat it dry with a clean cloth after washing it off.
  • Repeat this to get the best results.

In fact, this is actually one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of boils on inner thighs, nose, face, and butt that you should not look down, but try to follow this tip as soon as possible to get rid of your boils at home.

17. Castor Oil

Castor oil is taken from the castor plant’s seeds. It is used to treat some skin problems, including boils. This oil has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which may be effective in treating boils.


  • Apply some drops of castor oil using a gauze or cotton swab.
  • Cover it for its full absorption.
  • Allow it to sit on for 3 hours or for overnight.

Actually, it is one of the best tips on how to get rid of boils on inner thighs, nose, face, and butt that you should know and then try to make use of it if you want to look for a natural treatment for your boils at home.

18. Drink Plenty Of Water

how to get rid of boils

Drinking plenty of water, about 8 glasses of water on a daily basis may help your blood circulation and the boils that you have will be treated. In fact, drinking plenty of water is good for your overall health and also effective in treating your boils, so you should try to follow this tip if you want to get rid of boils at home.
19. Vinegar

This is a great home remedy for boils. Vinegar acts as an antimicrobial and astringent property. Honey and lemon juice have antimicrobial agents. Also, honey works as an emollient and relieves the skin.


  • You mix 1 tsp. of white vinegar, ½ tsp. of lemon juice and ½ tsp. of honey and then apply it on your boils.
  • Allow it to sit on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat it twice a day for the best results.
20. Toothpaste

Another one on the list of tips on how to get rid of boils on butt, face, nose, and inner thighs that you should not skip out must include toothpaste. All of us know that toothpaste is the first one we should opt for when it comes to treating an annoying pimple. Well, toothpaste can also be used to treat boils. Toothpaste can absorb moisture from your boils and then make them burst more quickly.


  • You spread toothpaste on your affected skin and then leave it on
  • Wash it off and repeat it every few hours. The boils should be healed within a day.
21. Aloe Vera Gel

This is the last but very important one on the list of the most effective tips on how to get rid of boils on but, face, nose, and inner thighs that you should not skip out, but try to follow this tip as soon as possible, especially if you are trying to deal with your boils with ease at home.

Aloe vera can help treat skin problems, so it is another powerful natural treatment for boils. It gives an instant relief from pain and simultaneously boosts up the healing process.


  • Apply aloe vera gel on your affected skin and see them heal in a few days
  • Alternatively, you can use aloe vera gel that you can buy at a drugstore
  • Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times a day.

Some preventive treatments for boils:

  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Practice hygiene
  • Take bath with antibacterial soap
  • Keep your personal items clean and dirt-free
  • Do not squeeze a boil
  • Exfoliate the skin regularly
  • Avoid caffeine products, fat and sugar-rich foods

After you applying all of the home remedies as I mentioned above, if your boils do not heal within 2 weeks, cause a fever or are extremely painful, then consult a doctor for proper treatment.

I hope that after reading this article of 21 best tips on how to get rid of boils on inner thigh, nose, face, and butt, the readers of Healthy Guide will find out the best solution for your boils at home. These home remedies as I mentioned in this article are proven effective in dealing with your skin infections and they also do not cause any unwanted side effects as well, so do not hesitate to follow any of these home remedies. If you know other tips on how to get rid of boils on inner thighs, nose, face, and butt, remember to share them with others by leaving your comments below. I promise to reply you as soon as possible.

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