12 Tips How to Make Your Nails Stronger Fast & Naturally at Home

12 Tips How to Make Your Nails Stronger Fast & Naturally at Home

If your nails look unhealthy and are prone to breaking, you should not worry about it as it is only a common problem. Nails are composed of keratin. Healthy nails are smooth without groove, spots or discoloration. On the other hand, unhealthy nails are easy to break and have signs of discoloration.

How To Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier – Top 12 Effective Tips To Apply

Unhealthy nails are often caused by improper care and negligence. They become weak and brittle when drying out. Besides, long-term exposure to chemicals and water are also main causes of weak nails. Now, in this article, I will reveal some of the best ways on how to make your nails stronger naturally. If you want to get rid of weak and brittle nails, read on this article right now to know how to deal with this nail problem naturally.

1. Green Tea

Using green tea is an effective way on how to make your nails stronger that you should know and then make use for good. According to a study about the uses of green tea for nail growth [1], the antioxidants found in green tea can help to prevent weak nails and strengthen them. Now, take the following steps to make your nails stronger and healthier:


  • Have a cup of green tea and let it cool down
  • Soak your nails in the green tea for 10-15 minutes
  • Repeat this process twice a week
  • Alternatively, mix 2 tsp. of green tea, several drops of wheat germ oil and a pinch of salt. To get a nail soak.
  • Soak your nails in it for about 5 minutes before wiping it off with a cloth
  • Repeat this method twice a week.
  • Also, you can mix a few drops of coconut oil and green tea oil and then gently massage your nails with this mixture 1-2 times a week.

List of 25 Effective Ways On How To Grow Nails Fast And Naturally will help you know some of the best ways to grow nails fast, so check it out!

2. Vitamin E Oil

Another way on how to make your nails stronger fast that I want to mention in this article today is to use vitamin E oil. According to a study [2], the moisturizing properties found in vitamin E oil can help to keep all of your nails hydrated.


  • Extract the oil from a vitamin E capsule
  • Apply this oil on all of your nails and then gently massage for a couple of minutes
  • Repeat this process daily before bedtime for several weeks
  • To get better results, you can take vitamin E capsules orally

Read on 23 Best Tips On How To Get Rid Of Yellow Nails In Men And Women to know the most effective ways to treat yellow nails in both men and women.

3. Olive Oil

how to make your nails stronger

According to a research about olive oil for healthy nails and cuticles [3], olive oil is known as a good home remedy for weak nails. This is because olive oil can help fix damages and soften nails, which results in strong and healthy nails.


  • Gently massage your nails with some lukewarm olive oil and then cover both the underside and top of your nails.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with some clean water.
  • Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times a day.
  • Alternatively, mix 3 tsp. of warm olive oil and 1 tsp. of lemon juice
  • Apply this solution to your weak nails with the help of a cotton swab
  • Let it air-dry and then wear soft, cotton gloves.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this process daily before bedtime and in the morning

If you want to know home remedies that can help you get rid of ingrown toenails infection, read on 19 Natural Home Remedies For Ingrown Toenails Infection 

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another way on how to make your nails stronger naturally and it can help to strengthen weak nails. According to a research [4], the antiseptic property found in tea tree oil helps prevent fungal infections that often cause weak and brittle nails. Now, take the following steps to help prevent your nails from breaking with ease.


  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a bowl of lukewarm water
  • Soak all of your nails in this mixture for about 3 minutes and repeat this process a couple of times a eek
  • Alternatively, mix ½ tsp. of jojoba oil or vitamin E oil and 4-5 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Apply it on your nails and then gently massage for a couple of minutes
  • Let it air-dry and then wash it off with warm water
  • Repeat this home remedy once a week

To know some of the best natural treatments for fungal nail infection, read on Top 21 Best Home Remedies For Fungal Nail Infection 

5. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds can also fix your nail problems thanks to its micronutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, protein, zinc, lecithin and omega-3 fatty acids. To make use of flaxseeds for healthy nails, you take the following steps:


  • Apply some flaxseed oil on your weak nails and then gently massage it for a couple of minutes before bedtime
  • Also, add 2 tbsp. of ground flaxseeds to your smoothies or cereals.

There are some other ways on how to make your nails stronger at home in this article. Continue reading this entire article to discover all of these effective ways. Also, remember to follow these ways for healthy nails as soon as possible.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another effective way on how to make your nails stronger fast that you should know and then follow for good is to make use of apple cider vinegar. Actually, apple cider vinegar has magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium that enhance nail health. Also, the acidic nature found in apple cider vinegar makes it a good solution for treating nail fungus.


  • Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water
  • Soak your nails in it for about 5-10 minutes
  • Repeat it once daily for a couple of weeks.
  • Alternatively, add 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and then drink it 2-3 times a day.
7. Beer

how to make your nails stronger

Beer is a good source of silicon, selenium, biotin and potassium that can help fix weak nails, leaving strong and healthy nails, thus making it one of the best ways on how to make your nails stronger at home. Now, follow the instructions below if you want to get rid of weak nails at home.


  • Warm 1 tbsp. of olive oil and mix it in 1 tbsp. each of apple cider vinegar and beer
  • Soak your nails in this mixture for about 15 minutes
  • Repeat this home remedy a couple of times a week
8. Massage Your Nails

Another effective way on how to make your nails stronger at home is regular massage. Massage will help improve blood circulation, thus making your nails healthier. You can make use of a moisturizing lotion, almond oil, nail cream or coconut oil to massage your nails.


  • Apply one of the products above on each of your nail
  • Gently massage for 5-10 minutes
  • Wear cotton gloves and then go to bed
  • Rinse them off with lukewarm water the next morning
  • Repeat this home remedy on a daily basis for a couple of weeks
9. Consume Protein-Based Foods

To have strong nails, you should consume more protein-based foods. Remember that nails are made of keratin, which is a kind of protein, so increasing protein intake can help grow strong nails. On the other hand, protein deficiency can result in white spots on the nails. Consume more protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, nuts, low-fat dairy products, soybeans, seafood, beans, quinoa, tofu and lean meats. Also, you can add protein powder to your milk or drink protein shakes. Otherwise, if you want to take protein supplements, you should consult a doctor first.

In fact, this is another one of the best ways on how to make your nails stronger naturally that you should remember and then consider adding more of protein-based foods to your daily diet if you want to get rid of weak and brittle nails.

10. Increase The Intake Of Biotin

To make your nails stronger, you should increase your intake of biotin. This form of vitamin B helps in building nail thickness while reducing the risk of getting splitting. Besides, insufficient intake of biotin can result in excessive dryness and brittle nails. Some biotin-rich foods you should eat more are corn, salmon, egg yolks, carrots, soybeans, fortified cereals, peanuts, lentils, almonds and sweet potatoes. Also, you can take a biotin supplement to make your nails become stronger. Ask your doctor first for a proper dosage.

In fact, increasing the intake of biotin is known as one of the best ways on how to make your nails stronger naturally that you should not look down, but try to follow this home remedy for good.

11. Increase The Intake Of Vitamins

how to make your nails stronger

When it comes to ways on how to stronger, you should also increase the intake of vitamins to make your nail become healthier and stronger

  • Folic acid or vitamin B9: It is one of the best vitamins for the growth of nail. Some food sources of folic acid are fish, cheese, fortified sot products and red meat
  • Vitamin A: The daily recommended dosage of vitamin A is 700-900mg. Carrots, sweet potatoes, leafy greens and squash are great sources of vitamin A
  • Vitamin C: It helps to aid in improving immune system and nail growth. Some vitamin C-rich foods are kale, oranges, bell peppers and strawberries.

Actually, this is one of the best ways on how to make your nails stronger fast that you should know and then try to increase the intake of vitamins for stronger and healthier nails.

12. Stop Bad Habits

This is the last but very important way on how to make your nails stronger naturally that you should not look down, but try to stop bad habits as soon as possible. To make your nails become stronger and healthier, you need to follow this beauty advice right now.

  • Stop biting your nails: Biting the nails can cause bacterial skin infections in the mouth and on the hands, So, try keeping the nails polished or chew gum
  • Stop wearing gels and acrylics: Removing acrylic or gel nails can make your nails brittle, dry
  • Stop picking at the chipped polish. Picking at the polish often forms a weak nail base.
  • Stop skipping top coats and base coats. When you skip this step, your nails will easily become stained and weak.
  • Stop using your nails as tools. Have other tools available and avoid doing activities that can make your nails bend.

Some additional tips to make your nails become stronger:

  • Be patient as the recovery of your nails needs time
  • Limit the exposure of your nails to harsh chemicals
  • Avoid placing your hands in the water for a long time
  • Wear gloves when working with your hands
  • Always to keep your nails short
  • Do manicure at least once a month

Growing strong nails is a time-taking process. A healthy lifestyle, proper nail care routine and dietary changes as well as some home remedies can help make your nails stronger and healthier. After reading this article that includes 12 effective ways on how to make your nails stronger at home, the readers of Healthy Guide should try to apply one or more of these tips to get rid of weak and brittle nails as soon as possible. These tips have supported a lot of people in the world in growing their nails stronger without causing any side effects, so you do not need to worry when applying any of them. If you know other tips to make your nails stronger at home, share these tips with other readers by leaving your comments below.

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