How To
27 Tips How to Get Rid of Clogged Ears from Cold, Flying, & Allergies

27 Tips How to Get Rid of Clogged Ears from Cold, Flying, & Allergies

In many cases, your hearing has become muffled. Often it is due to a clogged ear that refers to a blockage happening in your ear canal. Main symptoms of a clogged ear are a popping sensation in the ear, reduced hearing capacity, a windy sound inside your ear as well as a feeling of getting liquid or mucus within your ear.

You can have a clogged ear when your Eustachian tube has difficult in opening and closing to equalize the pressure between your middle ear and that in the atmosphere outside your ear. Besides, some of other factors that can lead to clogged ears include air flow blockage to your Eustachian tubes, wax buildup, pressure differences in your middle ear, as well as cold and sinus problems. Remember that this condition can happen to people of all ages; however, it is most common among younger people, especially when they suffer from colds.

Apart from being annoying, a clogged ear can cause pain, so it is really important to treat this condition early. There are a plenty of home remedies that you can follow to unclog ears. Now, you keep your eyes on best tips that will help you get rid of clogged ears naturally on the Healthy Guide site.

How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears From Cold, Flying, And Allergies – Best Home Remedies 

1. Olive Oil

Olive Oil

This is because it will help you soften earwax so that you can remove it in an easy way.

How to use:

Ÿ At first, you gently warm some olive oil

ŸThen, you use a dropper in order to put several drops of the warm olive oil in your affected ear.

Ÿ Let it settle for about 10 minutes so that you can see the earwax become softer.

Ÿ Finally, you hold the head sideways and then remove this oil as well as earwax by using ear buds.

Ÿ Repeat this process gently to ensure that you do not hurt any delicate organ.

Ÿ Also, you can use baby oil or other mineral oils in place of olive oil. 

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2. Valsalva Maneuver


You can easily treat clogged ears by doing the Valsalva maneuver. This ear equalization  technique will help you relieve pain and stuffiness in your ears.

How to do:

Ÿ You close your mouth and then pinch the nostrils closed with the fingers. Take a deep breath.

Ÿ Next, you blow air out of the nose in order to balance out the air pressure. If performed correctly, you will feel that there is a slight popping sound in the ears. This means that the Eustachian tubes are opened again.

Ÿ Remember that you do not blow the nose too hard. This is because it may lead to damage to your eardrum.

This is actually one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from cold, flying, and allergies that you should know and follow for good. 

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3. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears From Flying, Cold, And Allergies – Warm Compress


It is one of the best home remedies for clogged ears caused by colds or sinus congestion. In fact, the heat from the warm compress will help you effectively in loosening congestion, unclogging the ear and easing the pain.

How to do:

Ÿ At first, you soak a cloth in lukewarm water, squeezing the excess water.

Ÿ Then, you place the cloth over your affected ear for 5-10 minutes. This will help you promote fluid drainage and relieve the pain.

Ÿ Alternatively, you can cover a hot-water bottle with a thin towel.

Ÿ Then, you apply this towel to your clogged ear for 5-10 minutes in order to reduce the pressure and open your clogged ear again. 

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4. Hydrogen Peroxide


For treating clogged ears, you can consider using hydrogen peroxide. This remedy is used to unclog ears blocked caused by wax accumulation.

How to use:

Ÿ You use a dropper to put 2 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your affected ear. After done, you will hear fizzing in a couple of minutes.

Ÿ Wait for about 10 minutes or until you can notice the fizzing to stop.

Ÿ Finally, you tilt the head so that the earwax and solution drain out.

Ÿ Remember that you do not use hydrogen peroxide too much as this will be able to cause harm to the ear drum. 

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5. Steam


Inhaling steam is known as one of the simplest remedies on how to get rid of clogged ears caused by a cold that you can follow at home. The steam will help you loosen the mucus, which gives you an instant relief from clogged ears. Also, steam can help you loosen earwax that causes clogging.

How to do:

Ÿ At first, you pour hot steaming water in a bowl

Ÿ Then, you add several drops of lavender or tea tree oil in it.

Ÿ Finally, you cover the head with a towel and then slowly inhale the steam until you can see the clogged ear is open.

Ÿ Also, you can take a hot shower for approximately 10 minutes to treat clogged ears.

This is one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears at home that you can try to follow to unclog your ears. 

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6. Alcohol And Apple Cider Vinegar

Alcohol And Apple Cider Vinegar

In order to destroy bacterial infection that may cause clogged ears, you can consider using a combination of apple cider vinegar and alcohol.

How to use:

Ÿ You mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and alcohol

Ÿ Then, you lie down on a side and then use a dropper to place several drops of this solution in your affected ear.

Ÿ To prevent this solution from spilling out, you place a cotton ball in your ear and remember not to raise the head.

Ÿ Take a rest for 5-10 minutes to let the solution do its work

Ÿ Then, you remove the earwax by using an ear bud.

Ÿ In case your other ear is also clogged, you should repeat this process with it.

7. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears – Warm Water

Warm Water

The best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from cold, flying, and allergies must include warm water. Flushing with warm water is one of the best ways that will help you open up a clogged ear. How to do:

Ÿ You fill an ear syringe with a glass of lukewarm water

Ÿ Then, you tilt the head to your side as much as possible and then pull the ear lobe down in order to open up your ear canal.

Ÿ You insert the syringe’s tip into your ear opening. Then, you slightly point the syringe up and sideways, squeezing the syringe’s bulb to force the water into the ear canal. The force of the water will be able to dislodge the wax.

Ÿ You wait for 0 minutes and then turn the head to the other side. The earwax and water will be removed easily.

8. Yawning


Yawning is another simple way to treat clogged ears. In fact, the act of yawning will lower the air pressure in your ear and support to activate the muscles that will open the Eustachian tubes.

How to do:

Ÿ You open the mouth slightly and try to yawn until you feel a slight popping sound inside the air.

Ÿ If the first yawn did not work, repeat this process until you have started hearing more clearly.

9. Chewing Gum Or Candy

Chewing Gum Or Candy

In case clogged ears are caused by a sudden change in the air pressure, consider chewing gum. This act will open the Eustachian tubes, easing the excess pressure in the ears and opening clogged ears.

Sometimes, a candy will also be able to help you open up your clogged ears. Consume a hard candy, even the swallowing will also help you unclog your ears.

In fact, chewing gum or candy is one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from cold, flying, and allergies that you should not skip out when you are trying to treat your clogged ears.

10. Gargle


Gargling with hot salt water solution will be able to help you unclog your ears and also reduce nasal congestion that may contribute to the problem.

How to do:

Ÿ You mix 1 tsp of salt in a cup of warm water

Ÿ Then, you gargle with this salt water solution for15-30 seconds and then spit it out

Ÿ Repeat this process until you get an instant relief from your clogged ears.

11. Nasal Spray

Nasal Spray

If the cause of clogged ears is sinus blockage, you should go for a nasal spray. This process will clear out the sinuses, thus unclogging your affected ears.

How to do:

Ÿ You boil a cup of water in a pan

Ÿ Let it cool to room temperature and then pour it into a jar with lid or sterilized bottle

Ÿ Then, you add ¼-1/2 tsp of non-iodized salt and ½ tsp of baking soda and mix well.

Ÿ You pour it into a dropper or bulb syringe or squeeze bottle.

Ÿ Turn the head to your side at about 45o and then place the bottle’s tip or dropper into the nostril.

Ÿ Gently push the saline solution to your nostrils

Ÿ After that, you let the solution drain the mouth or nose and spit until nothing remains in your mouth.

Ÿ You blow the nose before you repeat on the other nostril

Ÿ Repeat this process 2-3 times daily. Remember not to store this solution for more than 48 hours.

12. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears – Warm Cloth

Warm Cloth

This is an effective tip on how to get rid of clogged ears from flying, cold, and allergies that you should consider using as soon as possible.

How to use:

Ÿ You iron a cloth or place it in the sunlight so that it becomes warm.

Ÿ Now, you place this warm cloth underneath your affected ear.

Ÿ Alternatively, you heat some water and then dip a cloth in it.

Ÿ Now, you squeeze the excess water and then place the cloth on your affected ear for about 5 minutes.

Ÿ You rub the affected ear with the palm. Place your palm on your clogged ear tightly.

Ÿ Then, you push it out until you notice that your affected ear is unclogged.

13. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

It is a good treatment for clogged ears that will give you a relief quickly and effectively.Tea tree oil contains antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which are the main reason for its positive effects.

How to use:

Ÿ You boil a small cup of water

Ÿ Then, you add several drops of tea tree oil to the water.

Ÿ When it starts to boil, place your clogged ear on the steam.

Ÿ Repeat this process if necessary.

14. Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil

Garlic is a good tip on how to get rid of clogged ears from flying, cold, and allergies that will help you feel relief.

How to use:

Ÿ You take 2 garlic cloves and then mash it with a spoon or knife,

Ÿ Then, you heat a saucepan and place 2 spoons of olive oil in the saucepan. Add the smashed garlic

Ÿ You heat it for a couple of seconds.

Ÿ Turn off the heat and allow it to reach on a warm level.

Ÿ After that, you lie down and place this prepared oil on your clogged ear.

Ÿ Let it rest for about 1 minute, draining the garlic oil.

Consider using garlic oil if you want to treat your clogged ears at home.

15. Sweet Oil

Sweet Oil

How to use:

Ÿ You place several drops of sweet oil in your affected ear.

Ÿ Then, you lie down for a couple of minutes. Ensure that your affected ear is facing up the ceiling.

Ÿ Finally, you drain out the sweet oil after 5 minutes

This is one of the most effective ways on how to get rid of clogged ears from flying, cold, and allergies that you should not miss out when you are trying to deal with your clogged ears at home.

16. Wax Softening Solution

Wax Softening Solution

This is among one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from flying, cold, and allergies that you should not look down, yet try to follow for good.

How to use:

Ÿ You take several drops of baby oil and glycerin and then mix them in boiling water.

Ÿ You mix an equal hydrogen peroxide amounts in this mixture.

Ÿ Now, you lie down and then pour a small amount of wax softening solution in your clogged ear.

Ÿ When you pour this solution in your affected ear, you will hear the bubbling sounds.

When you cannot hear this sound, it is time for you to drain out this solution.

Ÿ Repeat this solution no more than 3 times daily as hydrogen peroxide may harm the eardrums.

Ÿ Note that you do not try this treatment if you get an ear infection

17. Over-The-Counter Eardrops

Counter Eardrops

The most effective tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from allergies, cold, and flying must include over-the-counter eardrops. In the market, there are some eardrops for clogged ears that you can try using:

Ÿ Cerumol Ear Drops: This eardrop has chlorobutanol, which is an antibacterial and antifungal medicine, softens the earwax, thus unclogging the ear.

Ÿ Similasan Ear Relief: This is a natural remedy to treat the sensation of clogged ear.

Ÿ Care Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops: This natural remedy has sodium bicarbonate that will help you clear out the ear.

18. Get A Good Sleeping Position

Get A Good Sleeping Position

Many conditions may affect your health and we wake up with the feeling of discomfort and clogged ears. If you sleep on the back, you should use some pillows to lift your head and sleep in a semi-upright position. This act will help you with passage draining.

Besides, you are also advised to lie on your side. This act will reduce the pressure and help your ears unclog. If you have difficulty in falling asleep, you should use special techniques in order to fall asleep soon.

This is one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from allergies, cold, and flying that you should know and consider following as soon as possible.

19. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears – Garlic And Salt Compress

Garlic And Salt Compress

Garlic and salt compress is actually one of the best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from allergies, cold, and flying that you should try to perform if you are trying to deal with your clogged ears naturally. This is because salt will help you absorb the water from your clogged ear.

How to use:

Ÿ Firstly, you peel the skin off 4 – 7 garlic cloves, adding 1 cup of water

Ÿ You will need to heat it for 10-15 minutes before you remove the garlic cloves.

Ÿ Then, you crush the garlic cloves to create a paste.

Ÿ Add ½ tsp of salt and stir this solution well.

Ÿ Apply this paste on a thin cloth and then wrap it off

Ÿ Keep this compress on your affected ear for a couple of minutes.

Ÿ Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times daily.

20. Jaw Wriggle

Jaw Wriggle

This is known as one of the easiest methods that will help you open your clogged ears very effectively. You can do this process whenever and wherever you are.

How to do:

Ÿ You open the mouth widely

Ÿ Then, you wriggle the jaws by moving your mouth from side to side in regular and quick motion

Ÿ Go on this process until your ears pop

21. Toynbee Maneuver

Toynbee Maneuver

The best tips on how to get rid of clogged ears from allergies, cold, and flying must include Toynbee maneuver. This process will be completed by swallowing water while closing the mouth and nose. This act helps to balance the pressure in the ears and then unplug them.

How to do:

Ÿ You sip a cup of water

Ÿ Close your nose and mouth and then swallow a sip of water

Ÿ Repeat this process if needed.

22. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears – Otovent


It is another simple way to balance the pressure in your ears, in which you will inflate small balloons through the nose in order to pop the ears

How to do:

Ÿ You take a balloon and then put it firmly against your right nostril

Ÿ You keep the left nostril closed, inhaling deeply through the mouth.

Ÿ Then, you close the mouth and then inflate a small balloon

Ÿ Repeat this process by putting the balloon on your left nostril

Ÿ Regularly perform this process.

23. Hop On One Foot

Hop On One Foot

This process will make use of gravitational force by lightly hopping on one foot. This process is really effective if the water is trapped in your middle ear.

How to do:

Process 1:

Ÿ You stand on one foot and then turn the head to one side which is blocked

Ÿ Then, you hop on one foot with the head tilted downwards

Ÿ You keep this position until you get an instant relief.

Process 2:

Ÿ You lie on the side with a pillow placed below your clogged ear.

Ÿ Stay in this position for about 15-30 minutes

ŸThis process will help you drain out fluid that has contributed to the pressure in the air

Ÿ Repeat this process as needed.

24. Homemade Ear Wax Solution

Homemade Ear Wax Solution

How to do:

Ÿ You add a few drops of mineral oil or glycerin to ¼- ½ cup of warm water

Ÿ Then, you stir it well and lie down on the side with your clogged ear upwards

Ÿ You pour this solution into your affected ear by using your chosen utensil

Ÿ You keep this position for about 10 minutes

Ÿ Then, you turn the head on the other side in order to drain out this solution from your affected ear

ŸAfter that, you lightly pull your ear lobe down in order to completely drain out this solution

ŸRepeat this home remedy no more than 3 times daily

Ÿ Note that if you think that your condition is caused by an infection, you do not try this process. Besides, if you get symptoms such as green or yellow discharge, feverish or pain, it is better to consult your doctor.

This is on the list of best tips on How To get rid of clogged ears from allergies, cold, and flying that you should try to follow if you are facing up clogged ears.

25. Eat Hot Foods

Eat Hot Foods

Intake of hot foods such as radish, garlic, onions, pepper, jalapeno, chilies, etc. will help you reduce the risk of clogged ears. Besides, warm soups also soften the mucus in order to prevent you from getting clogged ear.

26. Glycerin

It is a common ingredient in most of the eardrops, so it can be used as a good home remedy for clogged ears. Especially, if clogged ears are caused by water, glycerin works best in treating the congestion. It will dry up the excess water, relieving the pressure that has built in your ears.

How to use:

Ÿ You take some drops of glycerin and then mix it well in ½ cup of warm water

Ÿ Then, you use a dropper to pour 2-3 drops of this solution in your clogged ear. Tilt your head through this process

Ÿ Allow this solution to stand for about 10 minutes and drain it out.

Ÿ Repeat this process if needed

27. How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears – Nasal Decongestant

Nasal Decongestant

Sometimes, the clogged ear can be aside effect of the nasal congestion. This process is not only effective in reducing nose blockages that may have been caused by infection or allergies, but it also helps you get rid of clogged ears.

How to do:

Ÿ You prepare a solution by mixing ½ tsp of non-iodized salt and ½ tsp of baking soda in 1 cup of hot sterilized water

Ÿ You use a dropper in order to pour several drops of this solution into your nose

Ÿ When this solution drains, you blow the nose

Ÿ Repeat this process every few hours until your clogged ears are relieved.

You should try to follow one or more of these tips to get rid of clogged ears. In case you still get pain or clogged ears after following these tips as I mentioned above, you should see a doctor or an ear, nose and throat specialist as soon as possible. If you want to ask something about the content of this article, leave your comments below!

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