How To
30 Tips How to Get Rid of Razor Burn on Legs, Neck, Face & Body Fast

30 Tips How to Get Rid of Razor Burn on Legs, Neck, Face & Body Fast

While shaving is a quick way to get rid of unwanted hair, it can cause a razor burn. It can be described as a skin irritation that occurs soon after your skin has been shaved. It will cause a burning sensation and red rash. At the same time, it can be swollen and itchy, too.

Razor burn is commonly linked with men who frequently shave their faces. Women can also get razor burn after they shave their armpits and legs. There are some causes of razor burn, including using a hard soap, using a dull blade, shaving dry, having sensitive skin and unconditioned skin. Razor burn can cause discomfort to you. Fortunately, you can get rid of razor burn quickly by using following natural home remedies. Now, you should keep your eyes on these simple tips on How To get rid of razor burn on Healthy Guide site.

How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Face, Legs, Neck, And Body Fast – Top 30 Tips

1. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn Fast – Cold Compress


It is very effective way to get relief from the burning sensation that is caused by razor burn. It will soothe the skin area and can help you reduce the inflammation. Also, it will help you reduce the itching, redness and prevent razor burns from occurring.

How to use:

Ÿ You wrap several ice cubes in a towel. Simply, you put a towel down on your affected area for a couple of minutes.

Ÿ Alternatively, you can consider soaking a clean cloth in cold water and then put it on your affected area for a couple of minutes.

Ÿ Repeat any of these treatments a couple of times a day. To prevent razor burn from forming, consider splashing with cold water immediately after you shave.

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2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is well-known and famous for its common use in daily cooking.

You can get rid of razor burn quickly with apple cider vinegar. This is because anti-inflammatory properties found in apple cider vinegar can help you reduce inflammation and the itching sensation. Also, its acetic acid can also help you prevent infection.

How to use:

Ÿ You dab a cotton ball in a cup of apple cider vinegar and then apply this cotton ball on your affected area.

Ÿ Let it dry and then rinse it off with water.

Ÿ Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times daily until you can see your burning sensation stop.

Ÿ Note that people who get sensitive skin have to dilute apple cider vinegar by adding water before applying it on your affected area. 

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3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Tips on how to get rid of razor burn fast at home must include aloe vera. It is another good choice on how to get rid of razor burn on face and body that you should know and follow for good. The cooling and soothing nature of aloe vera will bring you an instant relief from the inflammation and burning sensation. Also, aloe vera will make your skin moisturized and speed up the healing process.

How to use:

Ÿ You extract aloe vera gel and then rub this gel on your affected skin.

Ÿ Let it air dry and then wash the gel off with cold water

Ÿ Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.

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4. Aspirin


It is another simple tip on how to get rid of razor burn body and face you should care about. The anti-inflammatory property found in aspirin can help you reduce inflammation as well as redness.

How to use:

Ÿ You place 2 aspirins in 1 tsp of lukewarm water.

Ÿ You allow it to sit for a couple of minutes until you get a paste.

Ÿ Next, you rub this paste on your affected skin.

Ÿ You let it sit on your skin for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water

Ÿ Repeat this simple home remedy twice a day to reduce the discomfort. It will also be effective in treating razor bumps.

Ÿ Note that people with sensitive skin are advised not to use this home remedy. 

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5. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Legs, Neck, Face, And Body – Baking Soda


Another effective home remedy for razor burn that you should know is baking soda. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties found in baking soda, it has a soothing effect on your affected skin. Also, baking soda helps you relieve itching and redness.

How to use:

Ÿ You mix 1 tbsp of baking soda in a cup of water

Ÿ Then, you soak a cotton ball in this mixture and rub it on your affected skin.

Ÿ Let it sit for 5 minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

Ÿ Repeat this home remedy 2-3 times daily until you can see your desired result. 

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6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Being high in antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this oil is another great choice for treating razor burn quickly.

How to use:

Ÿ You add 5 drops of this oil to 2 tbsp of water. Next, you apply this diluted mixture on your affected skin. Let it rest for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water, Repeat this treatment twice a day as needed.

Ÿ Alternatively, you can add 2-3 drops of this oil to 1 tbsp of olive oil. Then, you apply it on your irritated skin and let it leave on for 10-15 minutes before you wash it off.

This is actually a good tip on how to get rid of razor burn on legs, face and body that you should not ignore when trying to treat razor burn at home. 

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7. Cucumber


The anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties of cucumber will help you get rid of razor burn quickly. Besides, cucumber also contains the high amounts of vitamin C and K, which are 2 important ingredients for easing itchiness and pain.

How to use:

Ÿ You slice a cucumber and place the slices in the fridge for half an hour. Then, you rub the cool slices of cucumber gently on your affected skin for 10 minutes.  Repeat this treatment at regular intervals until you see your skin heal.

Ÿ Alternatively, you puree ½ cucumber and then mix it with ¼ cup of milk. Place this mixture in the fridge and apply it on your razor burn. You leave it on for approximately 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this home remedy twice a day for 2 days.

8. Black Tea

Black Tea

The best tip on how to get rid of razor burn on neck, face, legs, and body must include black tea. Making a cup of black tea can help you get rid of razor burn. This is because the tannic acid found in black tea can help you reduce inflammation and redness.

How to use:

Ÿ You moisten a bag of black tea in lukewarm water.

Ÿ Let the black tea bag cool or place it in the fridge for 5-10 minutes

Ÿ Apply the cool black tea bag over your razor burn for 2-3 minutes.

Ÿ Repeat this treatment a couple of times daily.

9. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Neck, Face, Legs, And Body – Honey


Being rich in antibacterial properties, honey can be used to get rid of razor burn quickly. Also, it can reduce inflammation and swelling, and keep your skin moisturized. Besides, honey can help you prevent your skin from becoming infected.

How to use:

Ÿ You apply some honey directly on your affected skin. Let it air-dry and wash it off with clean cold water.

Ÿ Alternatively, you can mix ½ tsp of honey and 1 tbsp of plain yogurt. Next, you apply this mixture on the razor burn. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

You use any of these treatments 3-4 times a day.

10. Oatmeal


The best tip on how to get rid of razor burn on neck, face, legs, and body naturally must include oatmeal. The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of oatmeal will help you relieve inflammation as well as skin irritation in order to reduce the pain and discomfort of razor burn.

How to use:

Ÿ You mix equal amounts of ground oatmeal and yogurt, and then add honey to this mixture.

Ÿ You apply this mixture on your razor burn.

Ÿ Let it sit for half an hour, and then wash it off with warm water

Ÿ Repeat this treatment 1-2 times a day for 2-3 days.

11. Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel can act as a natural antiseptic that helps you reduce inflammation. Witch hazel has chemicals called tannins, and once you apply it directly to your affected skin, witch hazel may help you reduce pain and swelling, fight bacteria and repair broken skin that is caused by razor burn. Simply apply witch hazel directly to your affected skin to help you reduce the irritation and redness and provide a faster healing effect.

12. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Body Fast – Lemon Juice

The idea of using lemon juice sounds like adding a stinging sensation to the razor burn problem, but lemon juice contains naturally acidic properties and helps you stop bacteria from colonizing your ingrown hair follicles. Besides, lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, and it can be used on your affected skin to help you develop new skin cells more quickly. You apply lemon juice to your affected skin to help you reduce pain and redness as well as prevent infection by killing off any bacteria.

13. Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

When looking for best tips on how to get rid of razor burn on body skin at home, you must not forget lavender oil. Using the lavender essential oil can soothe and treat razor burn. Lavender oil is known for its healing and soothing properties, helping to reduce irritation and redness that may have formed on the skin. Try applying lavender essential oil by diluting 6-8 drops in a carrier oil including almond or grape-seed oil, and gently massage on your affected skin.

14. Coconut Oil Or Olive Oil

Many oils can actually be good for your shave, These products will work best by wetting the skin before you use the razor. Animal fats as well as vegetable oils can be used as a shaving lubricant before the practice of shaving begins.

The use of coconut oil or olive oil for shaving is growing in popularity due to their moisturizing and razor glide-enabling properties, and because shave oils will be able to be made without adding toxic chemical ingredients and may help in making the shave closer and smoother since they are not irritating.

Olive oil and coconut oil are non-comedogenic, which means that they can be used on your skin without causing clogging pores. They are highly emollient that helps you soften your skin. Olive oil is absorbed faster than coconut oil, but both of the oils are good options to leave the skin silky smooth.

How to use:

Ÿ You cool a small amount of olive oil or coconut oil for better result and then apply a thin layer of any of these oils on your affected skin.

Ÿ You let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

Ÿ If you would like to leave it on without washing it off, eventually, it is better for your affected skin, but you should ensure that your skin does not keep in touch any fabric because it may leave some unwanted stains that are hard to remove.

15. Lotions


On the market, there are various lotions that may be used to boost the healing process when you suffer from razor burn. Lotions can be added into your regular shaving routine as an effective way to get rid of razor burn. You can also apply lotions on your skin whenever red rashes caused by shaving appear. The best lotions are those having glycolic acid. They boost the healing process and soothe the irritation. Also, you can choose a lotion that has alcohol or salicylic acid. They contain antiseptic properties, but keep in mind that they can dry out the skin when you use them for a long time and may not be a good choice for those with sensitive skin.

16. Petroleum Jelly

Like Vaseline, petroleum jelly help you relieve pain and itchiness caused by razor burn. Also, it keeps the skin moisturized, so it may prevent skin dehydration. Petroleum jelly can give you a quick relief once a razor burn appears.

How to use:

Ÿ Simply, you just need to apply a thin layer of this product on your affected skin and let it sit on your skin.

Ÿ There is no need to rinse it off. Just allow your skin to absorb it and continue to apply another layer after 2 hours or when you see that the skin is entirely dry.

Ÿ Repeat this treatment until you can see your skin completely heal.

17. Avoid Tight Clothes

Avoid Tight Clothes

When you are trying to get rid of razor burn, you need to avoid wearing tight dressing on razor burn areas. Instead, give your skin something to breathe. Your skin pores need to be breathed freely. When your skin has enough oxygen, it will heal itself soon.

18. Choose Cotton Fibre

You should opt for cotton fibre to get rid of inflammation caused by razor burn. Synthetic fibre will cause much irritation. Besides, you should also try to wear cotton underwear or cotton bikini if razor burn if you see razor burns in your bikini line area.

19. Moisturizers


If possible, you should daily apply moisturizer to your skin to soften it. Harsh skin often itches a lot and then it will cause redness in order to brownish affected area on the skin. By you apply moisturizer, you can reduce the occurrence of razor burn. Therefore, consider applying moisturizers on your affected skin to treat razor burn.

20. Hot Compress

This is actually one of the best tips on how to get rid of razor burn on body fast at home that you should know and try to follow for good. You just need to soak cotton wool in hot water and then press it against the skin for 5 minutes. This will diminish all of the germs, which may reside due to the razor burns. You can use any of the antiseptic creams to reduce germs.

21. Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone cream contains anti-inflammatory effect, so it can also be used to lessen the inflammation and itching caused by razor burn. It will help you soothe the wound. You can easily find it in most of the pharmacies as a cure for irritated and swollen skin. You simply apply a thin layer of this cream to your razor burn.

22. Cold Cucumber And Papaya Cube

The best tips on how to get rid of razor burn on body fast must also include cold cucumber and papaya cube. Application of this will be able to reduce your pain and inflammation.

How to use:

Ÿ In a tray of ice cube, you pour some cucumber puree and papaya puree. Keep them in the fridge to make some ice cube of papaya and cucumber.

Ÿ Then, you apply the cubes after you each time you want to shave your unwanted hair on your skin.

Ÿ Try to repeat this treatment 2-3 times daily.

23. Sour Cream

Sour Cream

It is another great ingredient, which has a plenty of benefits for skin and health. It will help you reduce your irritation and redness on your skin.

How to use:

Ÿ You take some sour cream and add 2 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar or witch hazel.

Ÿ Keep this mixture in the fridge for half an hour. Next, you apply it to your razor burn areas.

24. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn Fast – White Tea

White tea is one of the best tips on how to get rid of razor burn on face and body that you should not miss out. It may sound crazy, but white tea bags can help you get rid of razor burn at home. White tea contains tannic acid, which aids to reduce inflammation and pain. Simply, you wet a tea bag and then press it on your affected skin in order to reduce swelling and redness. Therefore, consider using white tea when you are trying to get rid of razor burn at home.

25. Antibacterial And Antibiotic Cream

Antibacterial And Antibiotic Cream

You can also efficiently get rid of razor burn with a daily application of over-the-counter antibiotic and antibacterial creams. Remember to consult with your pharmacist before using any of these creams.

26. Retin-A Cream

You can consider using Retin-A cream in order to get rid of razor burn at home. It is a topical vitamin A derivate that will help you sooth your irritated skin and simultaneously prevent razo burn from occurring.

27. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Face, Legs, Neck, And Body

– Baby Powder

Baby Powder

It has various uses and one of these uses is to clear up dry skin or rashes. Initially, baby powder was used to keep children away from diaper rash, so it will also help you get rid of razor burn or washing rashes.

How to use:

Ÿ Simply, you sprinkle a bit of baby powder on wherever you intent to shave about 10 minutes before shaving.

28. Strawberry Paste

If you see red burns just after shaving, you can consider preparing a god paste from some strawberries with enough acrid cream This is a great solution for razor burn and dry skin that you should consider applying at home. .

How to use:

Ÿ Mix some strawberries and acrid cream to create a thick consistence.

Ÿ Then, you apply this on your affected skin.

Ÿ Leave it on for 15-20 minutes

29. Sugar Scrub

Sugar Scrub

Using coconut and sugar can help you get rid of razor burn at home.

How to use:

Ÿ You blend 2 tbsp of sugar with 4 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tbsp of crude nectar.

Ÿ Then you apply this mixture on your affected skin and leave it on for several minutes before washing it off.

30. How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn On Neck, Legs, Face, And Body – Regular Exfoliation

You should exfoliate your skin twice a week. This will open clogged pores, remove dead skin cells and prevent razor burns. Therefore, it is actually one of the best tips on how to get rid of razor burn fast.

Hopefully, these home remedies will help you get rid of razor burn at home. If all of them are not working, you can need to go to see your doctor to find the best treatment for your case. If you have anything unclear about the content of this article, leave your comments below!

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