How To
24 Best Easy Home Remedies For Pinworms in Stomach for Babies & Adults

24 Best Easy Home Remedies For Pinworms in Stomach for Babies & Adults

Pinworms are one of the common sources of infection in both children and adults. They are often about ½ inch in size and you can easily see them with naked eyes. Normally, children have higher risk of getting this infection; nonetheless, adults can also have these contagious worms in case they do not take necessary precautions. If you are looking for natural treatments for this infection, you should keep both of your eyes on this interesting article right now.

If you are infected by pinworms and want to eliminate all of the pinworms from your system, you should keep both of your eyes on this interesting article on Healthy Guide and then consider applying any of the following remedies for good.

I. Causes And Symptoms Of Pinworms

Pinworms are tiny white worms living in the rectum and colon of the infected individuals. The infections caused due to pinworms are contagious and can be caused due to ingesting their tiny eggs.

Pinworm infections are caused by accidentally inhaling or ingesting of the eggs, which are often transferred through contaminated drinks, foods or other infected utensils. These eggs are very small and you cannot see them with your naked eyes. When these eggs enter your body, they will turn into adult worms within a few weeks. Then, the adult worms go on moving in the body and even lay eggs around the anus area. This cycle will go on until the infection is treated and the source of the infected individual is completely disinfected.

Some common symptoms of pinworms we can observe in an infected individual are

  • Frequent irritation and itching in the anal area
  • Having pinworms in stools
  • Disturbed sleep caused by irritated anal region
  • Nausea and abdominal pain

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If untreated, having the infection from pinworms can cause some complications, including:

  • Urinary tract infection: Pinworms can get into the urethra and then affect the bladder.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases: Pinworms can lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases by infecting the linings of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  • Weight loss: Pinworms can contribute to weight loss in the infected individuals.

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II. Home Remedies For Pinworms

Pinworms can be very troublesome and irritating. Therefore, it is very important to treat this infection once you observe its presence. Now, we will show you some of the natural home remedies for pinworms for adults and babies that you can consider applying with ease at home.

1. Castor Oil

home remedies for pinworms

Castor oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that have been known to eliminate harmful parasites and worms from the body. Pinworms often stick to the walls of the intestines, so they cannot be excreted from the body. And, castor oil can be effective in dislodging them from the intestines thanks to its laxative effects, hence pushing the pinworms out of the body through excretion. Simply, you just need to consume about 1 tsp. of castor oil once daily.

To know some of the best ways to use castor oil for boils in both women and men, read on 9 Uses Of Castor Oil For Boils In Men And Women

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, which can help rebalance the pH of the body while maintaining the hydrochloric acid balance. Therefore, this ingredient can create an uninhabitable environment for pinworms, making them find difficult to survive in the body. To use apple cider vinegar for treating pinworms, you just need to take the following steps:


  • Add 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water
  • Mix it well before adding some honey for flavor
  • Consume this solution at least twice per day.

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3. Home Remedies For Pinworms – Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known as a natural antioxidant that contains powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help eradicate pinworm infection as well as its symptoms. The only thing you need to do is to consume 1-2 tsp. of coconut oil every morning. Simultaneously, apply some coconut oil to your infected area every night. For the best results, reapply this remedy on a daily basis.

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4. Garlic

This is another one among easy home remedies for pinworms for adults and babies that we want to mention in this article. According to a study about health benefits of garlic [1], garlic contains powerful antioxidant that helps exhibit antifungal and antibacterial properties. Directions:

  • Mince 1-2 garlic cloves and then mix them with some petroleum jelly
  • Now, apply this paste on your infected area, ideally every night
  • Alternatively, chew on 1-2 garlic cloves daily or add them to your dishes as seasoning.
  • Repeat this home remedy once daily.
5. Lemon Juice

Lemons are acidic in nature, so they can be used to reduce the pH of the body, making the pinworms find difficult to survive. Therefore, if you are looking for the best home remedies for pinworms in stomach, you should not skip this remedy.


  • Squeeze 1/2 lemon into a glass of water.
  • Then, add some honey to the lemon water and then consume it daily.
  • Drink this juice 1-2 times daily.

See More: Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water – 19 Reasons To Drink It!

6. Hot Water

As pinworms are contagious, it is very necessary for you to disinfect all of your household with soap and hot water to eliminate pinworms completely. Also, this process can help prevent the pinworms from reoccurring.


  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap after you have any contact with utensils that can cause pinworms.
  • Also, soak all of your clothes that may be infected in hot water. Leave them on for at least half an hour before washing.
  • Plus, clean the washrooms daily with soap and hot water.
  • Reapply these processes daily until you eliminate all of the pinworms.
7. Clove Essential Oil

Clove oil contains a substance called eugenol that helps exhibit germicidal properties. Besides, clove oil also contains antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, both of which help eliminate pinworm infection. Simply, you just need to apply 1-2 drops of clove essential oil on your infected area. If you have sensitive skin, dilute clove essential oil with 1 tbsp. of coconut oil in order to prevent irritation. For the best results, repeat this remedy once every night.

8. Tea Tree Oil

home remedies for pinworms

When it comes to learning the best home remedies for pinworms for adults, you should consider making use of tea tree oil. According to a research about tea tree oil [2], the antifungal and antibacterial properties found in tea tree oil can help fight off all parasitic infections. To use tea tree oil for treating pinworms, you just need to follow the instructions below:


  • Mix 1-2 drops of tea tree oil with 1- 2 tsp. of coconut oil
  • Then, apply this mixture to your infected area before going to bed
  • Repeat this home remedy daily
  • Note: This remedy can cause irritation if you have sensitive skin.
9. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract has polyphenols that can exhibit powerful antimicrobial effect against pinworms. You just need to take 200mg of grapefruit seed extract supplement on a daily basis. Consume this twice per day for about 7 days. Also, remember to consult your doctor before using these supplements.

Do you want to know other effective home remedies for pinworms for babies and adults? Keep reading this interesting article and then consider applying any of the following natural remedies for good.

10. Easy Home Remedies For Pinworms In Stomach – Pineapple Juice

If you do not know the best home remedies for pinworms for babies and adults, you can consider using pineapple juice. Pineapples are rich in bromelain, which can help exhibit antimicrobial activities, hence treating pinworms. To eliminate pinworms from the system with the help of pineapple juice, you just need to take the following steps:


  • Peel and then cut 1/4 pineapple.
  • Blend these pineapple pieces with a cup of water.
  • Then, drink this pineapple juice 1-2 times daily.
11. Carrots

Carrots are rich in fiber that helps improve the bowel movements and digestion, hence pushing pinworms out of the body through the intestine. You just need to have a medium-sized carrot. Peel it, cut it and then consume these pieces with your meals. For the best results, you should consume one cup of shredded carrots 1-2 times on a daily basis.

12. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is an effective solution for pinworms naturally and effectively. When you want to use Diatomaceous Earth for treating pinworms, the recommended dosage is about 1 tbsp. for adults and 1 tsp. for children on a daily basis. Just make sure that you should avoid inhaling the Diatomaceous Earth since it can contribute to lung damage. You can consider adding to smoothies, applesauce, and water. Stir it well and then consume it until all of the pinworms are eliminated completely from the system.

13. Pumpkin Seeds

Among one among best home remedies for pinworms in stomach that you should try giving it a try is pumpkin seeds. According to a research [3], pumpkins contain substances called cucurbitacins, which have anthelmintic activity to paralyze pinworms.


  • Blend a cup of raw pumpkin seeds with ½-1 cup of water to create a creamy paste.
  • Then, consume this paste every morning when you have an empty stomach.
14. Ginger Root

home remedies for pinworms

Being spicy, aromatic and pungent, ginger can add special flavor and zest into our dishes. Apart from being used in cooking, ginger root can be used to treat many health problems, including dizziness, sickness, nausea, cold sweating and vomiting. Plus, ginger root is effective in eliminating many intestinal worms, including pinworms. As a result, if you have pinworms, you can add some ginger root to your daily dishes or consume some raw ginger pieces in order to get a significant relief from the infection. Alternatively, you can consider drinking some ginger tea by soaking ginger root in hot water. Leave it on for about 5 minutes. Let it cool down and then drink ginger root tea daily.

Actually, using ginger root is known as one of the most effective and easy home remedies for pinworms in stomach that you should not look down, yet try to make use of ginger root for good.

15. Rubbing Alcohol

This is worth mentioning in this list of easy home remedies for pinworms for babies and adults that has been recommended by patients with pinworms. The antimicrobial and disinfecting properties found in rubbing alcohol can aid to kill off the pinworms and simultaneously prevent the infection from reoccurring. Soak a cotton ball in some rubbing alcohol and then use it to wipe your infected anal region. Repeat this remedy whenever you use the toilet.

16. Radish

Using radish is one of the home remedies for pinworms that you should know and then follow for good. To consume radishes, you can cook them, or eat them raw or pickling. Radish can help in treating many health conditions including fever, kidney disorder, sore throat, bites, dehydration, coughing, constipation and gastric problem. Radish can help cleanse the intestine and eliminate the pinworms from the system. As a result, there is no wonder that radish is known as one of the best home remedies for pinworms for children. You just need to grate some radishes and take out its juice. Then, add some salt to the radish juice and drink it about 3 times daily until you eliminate the pinworms completely.

17. Home Remedies For Pinworms – Vaseline

Vaseline contains healing properties that help reduce itching and irritation. Simply, you just need to apply some Vaseline on your infected area and leave it on overnight. Repeat this remedy once per day. Actually, this is known as one of the home remedies for pinworms for babies that you should try out!

18. Squash Seeds

Another great one among home remedies for pinworms for adults and babies that you should try out! Crush about 50g of squash seeds and then boil them in water for 15 minutes. After that, add some water after this solution cools down. Consume a glass of this solution between meals to eliminate the pinworms.

19. Yogurt

This is another great one among home remedies for pinworms for babies that you should not look down, yet try to apply for good. According to a research about benefits of yogurt [4], yogurt is rich in active probiotics that help restore the balance of bacteria in the digestive system. Actually, these bacteria can destroy and flush harmful bacteria and germs out of your body. The only thing you need to do is to consume a cup of plain yogurt at least once daily.

20. Cabbages

Cabbages help reduce the cholesterol levels and eliminate the pinworms from the intestine. This is because cabbage is rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin C, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Addition to this, cabbage has high sulfur content, which can eliminate the pinworms from the system. You should take some grated cabbages daily in the morning until you get rid of pinworm completely.

Nonetheless, before consuming cabbages, you must wash cabbages carefully under the running water. Also, ensure that the cabbages you purchase do not get any cracks, bruises, or blemishes. In some cases, cabbage’s leaves can cause a decay or worm damage, which affects the quality of cabbages. Also, storing these cabbages in fridge can help retain vitamin C content. Red and green cabbages can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

21. Bitter Gourd

When it comes to learning home remedies for pinworms for adults, you should not skip this remedy. Bitter gourd contains a compound called cucurbitacin, which helps eliminate the pinworms from your body’s system.


  • Add 2 medium-sized bitter gourds to a cup of water.
  • Then, add some raw honey to this blend for flavor.
  • Drink this juice a few times daily.
22. Wormwood Tea

home remedies for pinworms

In regard to learning home remedies for pinworms in stomach, you should consider drinking wormwood tea. The antiparasitic properties of wormwood extract can help kill off pinworms and fight the infection.


  • Add 3-4 drops of wormwood extract to about cup of boiling water.
  • Add some honey for flavor
  • Then, consume this tea 3 times per day for a week.
23. White Willow Barks

White willow barks can be used for inflammation treatment. And, this herb is an effective home remedy for pinworms as well as other parasites. This is because this herb contains salicylic acid and aspirin contents, which are effective in treating a pinworm infection.

However, people who are allergic to aspirin should avoid this pinworms treatment. Besides, people who have peptic ulcer disease and kidney disease should not use this remedy too. Plus, the mixture of white willow barks and vitamin E, garlic, ginkgo can increase the risk of bleeding; therefore, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, and teenagers should not use this treatment.

24. Home Remedies For Pinworms – Onions

This is the last but very effective one among home remedies for pinworms for adults that we want to mention in this article. Onions have high sulfur content, which can help kill off the pinworms from the system within 1- 2 days.


  • Firstly, peel 1-2 medium-sized onions.
  • Wash and cut them into a few thin slices.
  • Then, put these onion slices in a bowl and add some water.
  • Soak them in the water overnight
  • The next morning, strain the water with the help of a cheesecloth.
  • Finally, drink this solution.
  • Do this home remedy 3 times per day for 2 days.

All of the home remedies for pinworms can help boost up the recovery from pinworm infection [5]. Addition to this, it is necessary for you to follow some tips to prevent the infection from occurring. They include:

  • Include fiber-rich foods in your diet plan. Some great food choices for you are cabbages, carrots, grains, and whole fruits.
  • Consume probiotic foods such as buttermilk and yogurt to eliminate the pinworms from the system.
  • Wash your hands before meals, shower daily, clean the washroom and wash your clothes with hot water on a daily basis.
  • Vacuum the carpeted area, change all the towels and sheets, scrub the floors and clear the entire household.
  • Clean the genital or anal region with mild soap and warm water regularly.
  • Avoid scratching and putting the fingers to the face
  • Cut the fingernails and keep them clean and short.
  • Avoid sharing towel with other people.

The remedies as we mentioned above can give you the effective results when followed regularly. As a result, you can try out any of these remedies if you want to get rid of pinworms naturally.

After reading this article, we hope that all of my readers can know the best treatments that can help you treat the infection from pinworms. Actually, all of these home remedies are actually effective in eliminating pinworms and their eggs from your body without causing any unwanted side effects. If you know other effective home remedies for pinworms for babies and adults, remember to share these remedies with other readers by leaving your comments in the comment section below. To know more about simple yet effective tips that can help improve the human health, visit our How To Category.

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