How To
41 Tips How to Get Rid of Milia on Lips, Forehead, & around Eyes Fast

41 Tips How to Get Rid of Milia on Lips, Forehead, & around Eyes Fast

Milia are small white or yellowish bumps that can occur on the skin at any age. Basically, they are keratin-filled cysts that cause no threat to you. They are common in newborn babies and they often go away within a few weeks. Whereas, this skin condition in adults may stay for months, even years.

This skin problem occurs when the dead skin cells cannot be removed, thus causing clogged pores. Besides, it can be caused by some other factors including use of pore-clogging skincare products, blistering injuries, sun damage and prolonged use of steroid creams. Although milia cysts are harmless, they tend to affect your beauty.

In this post, I will give you tips on how to get rid of milia around eyes, on lips, and forehead fast in details, so I hope that you will spend time reading some other articles on the page of How to and then try to follow one or more of these tips for good.

How To Get Rid Of Milia Fast – Top 41 Tips To Apply At Home

Check out the following list to discover some natural and safe ways to say goodbye forever to this health issue right at the comfort of your own home:

1. How To Get Rid Of Milia Fast – Understand What Milia Are

Milia are tiny while the bumps forming on the face once dead skin cells is trapped beneath the surface of the skin, creating small cysts. Milia can turn up at any age, and they are most widely noticed with infants. Half of all babies have some forms of milia. Most people who suffer from milia have them because their skin have not been properly cleansed. Adults can also have secondary milia, but in which rashes or burns cause their skin to blister, thus damaging the pore lining. In fact, if your infants have milia, they will disappear without any special treatment. Thus, most doctors will recommend that you do not need to make an effort. Simply, wash your baby’s skin with lukewarm water and then pat it dry with a towel daily.

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2. Keep The Face Clean

How To Get Rid Of Milia

Regular cleansing is a very important step to treat milia. Young children should cleanse their skin once a day, while adults or teenagers should wash their skin twice a day. You should use lukewarm water in order to relax the pores when cleaning your face. Then, you gently pat it dry with a clean and soft towel.

Teens and adults should use a mild facial cleanser. Remember that facial cleansers are not recommended for small children and babies, unless their faces are unusually oily. Consider consulting with a doctor to see whether you should use this facial cleanser. In case you cannot speak to a doctor, only use a mild soap, which is free of excess dyes, fragrances or chemicals.

3. Use An Exfoliating Product

Adults and teens should try treating milia by using good exfoliating treatments. You can either choosean exfoliating moisturizer or an exfoliating product. An exfoliating moisturizer is a good choice in case your milia is accompanied by dry skin. The moisturizer will decrease the production of dead skin cells below the skin as well as the exfoliating effect will help the skin release the accumulated dead skins. Opt for a moisturizer that has vitamin A and no heavy oils.

An exfoliating treatment is best in case you have some milia that you want to treat, but have no other skin problems. Opt for a treatment that contains salicylic acid. This treatment should be used directly to your milia once a day until you see an improvement, but check out the label to ensure that it is safe for your skin condition.

Read More: 35 Best Ways On How To Exfoliate Skin Naturally At Home

4. Avoid Using Heavy Creams Or Cosmetics

You want to conceal your milia by using makeup, but this will only prolong their presence. It will add more dirt onto the skin, making your milia more difficult to get rid of. In fact, heavy creams and cosmetics stay on the skin and block the pores. To treat your milia, you need to exfoliate dead skin cells, but doing so will be harder if the pores are blocked by your makeup. Also, make sure to remove your makeup before you go to bed.

It is actually one on the best tips on how to get rid of milia on lips, forehead, and around eyes fast that you should consider follow if you want to treat your milia at home.

5. Do Not Scratch Them Away

Milia will fall off on their own within a few weeks and they should not cause any pain or discomfort. But, you may end up causing damage to the skin or pain if you try to pop or scratch the milia away on your own. Milia are not pimples, thus popping them will not make them disappear. The cyst lying below your skin will stay there unless you get a help from a professional. You are likely to cause damage to the skin, irritation and even scar if you try to do that on your own. So, try not to scratch your milia in order to prevent the skin from damaging.

6. Protect The Skin From The Sun

How To Get Rid Of Milia

Your milia can become worse due to sun damage. And this is especially true in case you suffer from secondary milia caused by blistering. Actually, a sunburn can lead to the spread or prolonged presence of milia, so reducing sun exposure will help you treat milia faster. You should try to stay away from direct sunlight as much as you can. When being in the sun, wear a hat in order to shade the face. Also, remember to apply an oil-free sunblock formulated for facial care. This is because a heavy oily sunblock just clog the pores more, making it more difficult to exfoliate the trapped dead skin cells, which cause the milia. Whereas, a light sunblock with a minimum SPF of at least 15 can protect the skin from the sun without causing clogged pores.

7. Use Retinol

It is commonly used to treat acne and signs of aging. Retinol has exfoliating properties that help you skin become soft and clear. To get the best results, you should use a retinol lotion and then use it directly to your skin area infected by the milia. Just apply a small amount of retinol to the infected skin area every other night. Wait for half an hour after you rinse your skin before using the retinol. Also, do not apply retinol into your upper eyelid as it can result in damage and irritation in case it gets into the eyes.

Learn More: How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast At Home – 40 Natural Treatments

8. Take Vitamin B3 Supplements

Another one on the list of best tips on how to get rid of milia on lips, forehead, and around eyes fast that you should not skip out must include taking vitamin B3 supplements. Vitamin B3 is an essential nutrient that many people do not take in enough this vitamin. This vitamin is thought to help maintain body’s functions. Among its health benefits, many people believe that it can help keep the skin healthy and treat milia. Start by taking a small dosage of 100mg of vitamin B3 daily. Do not exceed 1500mg daily as this can cause liver damage.

9. How To Get Rid Of Milia – Take Biotin Supplements

Most people take in enough this nutrient through their diets alone, but in case you think that you need more of this nutrient, you can try its supplements. Biotin has many health benefits and one of them is helping the skin get rid of the milia more quickly. Adults should just take in 25-35mcg of biotin daily.

10. Increase The Consumption Of CoQ10

Increasing the intake of CoQ10 can be done naturally without using its supplements. This vitamin is believed to help you maintain many systems and functions in your body and help improve the skin health. CoQ10 works as an emulsifier, so it can help you remove oils from the skin, thus helping the pores blocked with milia to remove any dead skin cells.

11. Drink Plenty Of Water

One of the best tips on how to get rid of milia on lips, forehead, and around eyes fast that you should know is that you must drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water can help to flush out toxins and wastes from the body. Besides, herbal tea and fresh juices can be helpful for you.  Green tea is also effective in unblocking pores, clearing toxins and removing milia. So, you can consider drinking 2 cups of green tea daily.

12. Facial Sauna

How To Get Rid Of Milia

A facial sauna is known as a home remedy for milia and unclogging pores because it can help you loosen and then remore debris and dead skin cells.

How to make:

  • You soak a clean towel in boiling water and then take out the excess water.
  • Then, you place this towel on your skin for several minutes and then remove it.
  • Follow this treatment several times daily for about a week or more.
  • Alternatively, you can steam the skin for about 10-15 minutes daily until you can see your condition clears. Then, you can use castor oil or apple cider vinegar after this treatment.
13. Pomegranate Peel Powder

Using pomegranate peel powder is another effective home remedy for milia cysts because of its exfoliating and antioxidant properties. Being high in vitamin C, this powder is also helpful to your skin. Also, it will help soothe pimples and acne.

How to make:

  • You roast some pomegranate peels until dark brown and brittle. Crush them into a fine powder.
  • Then, you add a little rose water or lemon juice to 2 tbsp. of the powder to create a paste.
  • You gently apply this paste on your skin. Allow it to rest for 15-20 minutes before washing it off.
  • Repeat this home remedy several times a week until you can see your milia disappear.

Read More: Top 10 Natural Homemade Face Packs For Pimples

14. Sandalwood And Rose Water

How To Get Rid Of Milia

A combination of rose water and sandalwood may help you get rid of excess oil and flush dead skin cells out, hence reducing milia cysts as well.

How to make:

  • You mix 2 tbsp. of sandalwood powder with enough rose water to create a smooth paste.
  • You apply this paste on the skin and allow it to sit on for around 15 minutes.
  • Then, you rinse it off with cool water and then pat it dry.
  • Repeat this home remedy daily for a couple of weeks.

In fact, this is one of the best tips on how to get rid of milia on forehead, lips, and around eyes fast that you should know for good and then try to follow this home remedy as soon as possible.

15. How To Get Rid Of Milia – Castor Oil

It contains antibacterial and healing properties and alsohelps you control the production of oil, thus treating some skin problems including milia and acne.

How to make:

  • Simply apply ½ tsp. of castor oil onto your skin and allow it to sit on until it is entirely absorbed.
  • Repeat this home remedy daily for a couple of months.
  • Alternatively, you can use a mixture of castor oil and olive oil in the same amounts and then apply it onto the skin.
  • Also, you can apply a paste of 1 tsp. of castor oil and enough baking soda on your affected skin area. Allow it to rest for a couple of hours and then rinse it off. Follow it daily for about 2 weeks.
16. Cornstarch And Apple Cider Vinegar

A combination of apple cider vinegar and cornstarch is another home remedy for whitehead-type milia. Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and cornstarch absorbs excessive oil.

How to make:

  • You add enough cornstarch to 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to create a paste.
  • You apply it on your infected skin area and allow it to sit on for 20-30 minutes.
  • You remove this paste by using a washcloth soaked in lukewarm water. Then, you wash it off.
  • Repeat this treatment daily until you can see your milia are gone. In most of the cases, your milia go away within a few days.

Do you want to know other tips on how to get rid of milia on forehead, lips, and around eyes fast? Continue reading this entire article and then try to follow one or more of these tips as soon as possible.

17. Aloe Vera

It has healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties that may help you get rid of milia easily. Also, it helps to open up the pores of the skin.

How to make:

  • You massage the affected skin area with fresh gel taken from an aloe vera leaf.
  • You allow it to stay overnight and then rinse it off the next morning.
  • Repeat this twice a day until your milia disappear. It often shows positive results after you follow this treatment within a few days.
  • Alternatively, you can apply a combination of aloe vera gel and green tea in equal amounts. Allow it to sit on for 15 minutes and then wash it off. This home remedy is also good for dark circles around the eyes.

Read More: 15 Ways On How To Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Naturally 

18. Sugar Scrub

How To Get Rid Of Milia

When it comes to knowing tips on how to get rid of milia on forehead, lips, and around eyes fast, do not skip out sugar scrub. In fact, using a sugar scrub can help you get rid of milia because it can exfoliate the skin. Moreover, this treatment includes olive oil and lemon juice that may make the skin brighter and softer.

How to make:

  • You take out the juice from ¼- ½ piece of lemon. Then, mix it with 2 tbsp. of granulated sugar and 1 tsp. of olive oil.
  • You gently scrub this solution onto the skin for a couple of minutes.
  • Allow it to sit on for about 20 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a week for a couple of months.
19. Tea Tree Oil

Regular application of this oil can help you dry out the milia. Besides, tea tree oil works as a natural disinfectant for the skin.

How to make:

  • You just need to wash the face thoroughly and apply a little tea tree oil onto the infected skin area once a day.
  • You should do this at night before you go to sleep for the bed results.
  • Then, you wash it off in the morning with clean water.
  • Repeat this home remedy until you can see your milia disappear.
20. Fenugreek Leaves

Another one on the list of tips on how to get rid of milia on forehead, lips, and around eyes fast is that you can use fenugreek leaves. They are used as a beauty aid to treat acne breakouts, milia, blackheads, boils and blemishes. They contain anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

How to make:

  • You grind a handful of fenugreek leaves with a little water.
  • Then, you apply this paste on the skin. Allow it to sit on for 10-15 minutes.
  • You wash it off and repeat it daily until the milia are gone.
21. Honey

Honey can help you get rid of milia due to its humectants and antioxidant properties. Also, it can be combined with other ingredients in order to make a facial scrub to remove dead skin cells and reduce milia.

How to make:

  • Simply, you apply raw honey on the skin. Allow it to sit on for 15 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat this treatment until you see positive results.
  • Alternatively, you can mix 2 tbsp. of raw honey and 1 tbsp. of jojoba oil. Then, you apply it on the skin and rinse it off after about 15-20 minutes. Follow this daily or 3-4 times a week until you can see an improvement.
  • Also, you can add 1 tbsp. of granulated sugar and 3 tbsp. of oatmeal to this mixture above to create a facial scrub. Apply it to scrub the skin for a couple of minutes and then wash it off. Follow this once or twice a week until your milia are gone.
22. How To Get Rid Of Milia – Potato

Potatoes are a good source of starch, which helps to reduce milia.

How to make:

  • You cool a potato in the refrigerator for some time.
  • Then, you remove it from the fridge, peel and grate it.
  • You apply the grated potato onto your skin and allow it to sit on until it dries out.
  • Alternatively, you can extract the potato juice, soak a cotton pad in it and follow the same method.
  • Also, you can apply some potato slices on the skin.

Actually, using potato is one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of milia at home that you should know for good.

23. Egg Mask


You can make a mixture with some common ingredients from your kitchen. Eggs contain retinol and retinol ester and both components are used in a lot of skincare products. They are effective in treating the milia safely and quickly.

  • You combine ½ tsp. of almond oil, 1 egg white, 1 tbsp. of raw honey and 1 tbsp. of yogurt.
  • Mix them well and apply this paste onto your affected skin area for half an hour
  • Then, wash it off with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
  • Repeat this treatment 3 times a week for the best results.
24. Baking Soda

The exfoliating properties found in baking soda can unclog the pores and simultaneously remove the dead skin cells. Also, it helps to balance the pH levels of your skin.

How to make:

  • You combine baking soda with required amounts of water.
  • Then, you massage this paste on your skin in circular motions for a couple of minutes.
  • Allow it to sit on for a couple of minutes or until it dries.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water and then pat it dry
  • Follow this process 2-3 times a week for the best results.

Note: People who have dry skin should not apply this treatment as it can make their skin drier.

25. Lemon

The citric acid found in lemon can help unclog the pores, dry out the excessive oil and remove dead skin cells. Besides, the antibacterial properties found in lemon can kill any bacterial activities.

How to make:

  • You take juice of a lemon and then add a little salt into it.
  • You apply this mixture onto your milia with a cotton ball.
  • Allow it to sit on for about 20 minutes.
  • Then, you rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
  • Follow this process daily within 2 weeks.
  • Alternatively, you can rub a slice of lemon on your affected skin areas. Allow the juice to dry completely and wash it off with water.

Note: This home remedy can cause burning and irritation sensation for people who have sensitive skin. So, do a patch test before you try out this treatment.

26. Tomato

Tomato is rich in vitamin C, which helps you remove dead skin cells and offer a glow to the skin. It is one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of milia on forehead, lips, and around eyes fast.

How to make:

  • At first, you cut a tomato into some slices of tomato.
  • Then, you sprinkle some sugar on this slice.
  • You apply it on your affected skin areas for a couple of minutes.
  • Allow the juice to sit on for another several minutes.
  • Finally, you wash it off with water and then pat it dry.
  • Repeat this home remedy daily for a month to get the best results.
27. Rice Scrub

The rice bran has high amounts of antioxidants as well as skin-hydrating properties. Also, it is effective in removing the dead skin cells and impurities from the skin.

How to make:

  • You soak some rice in an adequate amount of milk for about 5 hours.
  • You mix them together to create a paste.
  • Then, you apply this paste on your affected areas and lightly scrub for a couple of minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water and then pat it dry.
  • Follow this home remedy 3 times a week.
28. How To Get Rid Of Milia – Toothpaste

The fluoride found in toothpaste can treat the symptoms related to milia.

How to make:

  • You apply a thin layer of toothpaste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for about 25 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
  • Follow this process daily until your milia go away.

Note: While applying this treatment for the first time, you can see slight burning sensation. However, it is normal and it will reduce in some time.

29. Cinnamon Mask

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in treating many skin problems including milia.

How to make:

  • You make ½ tbsp. of cinnamon powder and 1 tbsp. of baking soda and some drops of lemon juice.
  • You apply this paste on your affected areas and allow it to dry out completely.
  • Rinse it off with warm water.
  • Follow this process twice a week.

Note: For people who have sensitive skin, using cinnamon mask can cause skin irritation. You can reduce this condition by adding some water into your paste.

30. Green Gram Flour Scrub

How To Get Rid Of Milia

Green gram flour can remove the dead skin cells as well as other impurities found on the skin.; whereas, jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory properties. This mixture is safe and effective in treating the milia to a maximum extent.

How to make:

  • You mix equal amounts of jojoba oil and green gram flour.
  • You scrub it on your affected skin areas.
  • After a few minutes, you wash it off with clean water and pat it dry.
  • Follow this process daily to get rid of milia.
31. Almonds

Vitamin E found in almonds is effective in keeping the skin healthy. This process may make a scrub that is helpful in removing dead skin cells as well as other impurities from the pores.

How to make:

  • You grate some almonds into a powder.
  • You combine adequate amounts of almond powder, 1 tsp. of oatmeal and some water in order to make a paste.
  • You apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for 15 minutes and wash it off with clean water.
  • Repeat this process in a regular basis.
32. Yogurt

The lactic acid found in yogurt is very effective in getting rid of milia. Besides, it can moisturize and hydrate the skin.

How to make:

  • You combine 2 tbsp. of oatmeal, 3 tbsp. of yogurt, 1 tbsp. each of olive oil and lemon juice
  • You apply this paste on your affected areas and allow it to sit on for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cold water and then pat it dry.
  • Follow this process regularly.
33. Coriander Leaves And Turmeric Pack

The combination of coriander leaves and turmeric makes a good face pack for you if you want to know how to get rid of milia around eyes, on forehead, and on lips fast.

How to make:

  • You grate handful of coriander leaves into a paste.
  • You add turmeric into this paste and then mix them well.
  • Then, you apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this process once a week.
34. Orange Peel Scrub, Lemon And Garlic

The polymethoxyl flavonoids found in orange peels can help to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Lemon is effective in treating the milia. Garlic has strong bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to make:

  • You mix 2 crushed garlic cloves, 3 tbsp. of lemon juice and some orange peel powder in order to create a thick paste.
  • You apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for 10 minutes and wash it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this home remedy regularly until the milia disappear.

Continue reading this entire article about tips on how to get rid of milia around eyes, on forehead, and on lips fast and then follow these tips for good!

35. Clay Mask

When it comes to knowing tips on how to get rid of milia around eyes, on forehead, and on lips fast, you should not skip out clay mask, but try to follow this home remedy for good. Clay mask is good for cleansing the pores and absorbing the excessive oil on the skin. Also, it is also effective in treating milia.

How to make:

  • You combine clay mask and enough amounts of rosewater to create a paste.
  • You apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for few minutes and wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this treatment regularly for the best results.
36. How To Get Rid Of Milia – Tea Bags

The astringent properties found in tea bags provide softening and soothing effect on your skin. Also, it helps to treat and prevent the development of milia.

How to make:

  • You empty the contents of a tea bag while wet.
  • You apply its content on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to sit on for few minutes and wash it off with clean water.
  • Follow this home remedy twice a week for the best results.

This is another one on the list of tips on how to get rid of milia around eyes, on forehead, and on lips fast that you should consider following if you are trying to treat your milia at home.

37. Chickpea Flour And Rosewater

How To Get Rid Of Milia

Another one on the list of best tips on how to get rid of milia around eyes, forehead, and on lips fast that you should know must include chickpea flour and rosewater. This mixture can remove the dead skin cells as well as other impurities that can clog the pores. Also, it is effective in maintaining the healthy and hydrated skin cells.

How to make:

  • You combine chickpea flour and enough amounts of rosewater.
  • You apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow this application to sit on for 20 minutes and wash it off with clean water.
  • Repeat this treatment about 3 times a week.
38. Milk Pack

It is one of the best home remedies to clean the pores and remove the impurities. Also, it regulates the production of oil. So, it is one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of milia at home that you should know for good.

How to make:

  • You combine 2 tbsp. of whole milk, 1 tbsp. each of lemon juice and salt.
  • You mix them well and apply this mixture on your affected skin areas for a minute.
  • Allow it to sit on for 15 minutes and wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this treatment regularly.
39. Gelatin Peel Off Mask

A peel off mask is one of the best ways to treat milia. It can remove the dead skin cells and simultaneously unclog the skin pores.

How to make:

  • You combine 1 egg white, 1 tbsp. of gelatin, honey and orange juice.
  • You apply a thin layer of this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to dry completely
  • Slowly peel it off and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this treatment regularly for the best results.
40. Cloves

Cloves dissolve the keratin that is effective in treating milia. However, avoid using this treatment if you have milia around your eyes.

How to make:

  • You blend 2-3 cloves with a little water to create a paste.
  • Apply this paste on your affected skin areas.
  • Allow it to dry completely and wash it off with water.
  • Do this process regularly.

In fact, cloves is one of the best tips on how to get rid of milia fast that you should consider using when you are trying to treat milia.

41. How To Get Rid Of Milia Fast – Mustard Oil

This treatment will help to break down the milia.

How to make:

  • You warm up some mustard oil and then apply it on your milia.
  • Allow it to stay overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Some other tips and precautions you need to take into consideration when treating milia:

  • While you are treating milia around the eyes, ensure to be extra careful. Also, avoid the mixture from getting into the eyes. While scrubbing, remember to be gentle.Make sure to change your pillow covers at least once a week.
  • Make sure to change your pillow covers at least once a week.
  • Avoid eating junk foods and taking vitamin D supplements.
  • Avoid touching the milia and affected areas with dirty hands.
  • Take frequent showers
  • Exercise daily
  • Use creams that contain vitamin A.
  • Keep the hair clean
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Moisturize the skin on a regular basis.
  • Decrease the consumption of high- cholesterol foods
  • Avoid chocolates, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, oily and spicy foods

If you suffer from a severe case of milia that will not disappear on its own and has no improvement after following exfoliating treatments, you may need a help from a dermatologist who is willing to remove the milia from the skin in a physical manner. I hope that tips as I mentioned above are helpful for you. So, readers of Healthy Guide should try to follow one or more of these tips as soon as possible. If you know other tips on how to get rid of milia on lips, forehead, and around eyes fast, remember to share them with other readers by leaving your comments in the comment section below. I will try to reply you as soon as possible.

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  1. Capey Franky

    June 3, 2018 at 1:02 pm

    Amazing, this is actually the solution for my girlfriend’s milia issue. She has to deal with it everyday and she always feels sad about it. This article will become her brand new friend, I am sure whenever I give her this article. Thank you a lot for sharing the tips and techniques based on scientific studies and prestigious researchers! Wish you the best things!


  2. Edwards Graham

    June 5, 2018 at 8:14 am

    Milia is also a popular issue that when summer comes, we usually have to face. My little daughter is also one of the victims of this disease. Thanks to this article, I think I found the real solution for this issue and I will give it to my daughter soon. Thanks again for your support and study!


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    August 7, 2018 at 3:48 pm

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