Sexual Health
Top 18 Ways to Last Longer in Bed for Men and Women

Top 18 Ways to Last Longer in Bed for Men and Women

If you find hard to hold on while having sex and it ends too early, it is no fun for both you and your partner. And now, you may want to know ways to last longer in bed naturally, then this article may be helpful to help you get orgasm back for longer.

Ways To Last Longer In Bed – 18 Effective Tips For Men And Women

Now, in this article, I will show you some of the effective ways to last longer in bed for men and women that you should follow as soon as possible. If you want to learn more about sexual health and how to make love last longer, read on this writing and then try to follow one or more of these ways for good.

1. Control Confidence And Mental Health

This is the first one of the best ways to last longer in bed that I want to reveal in this article today and want all of my readers to follow for good. According to a research about relationship between premature ejaculation and depression [1], premature ejaculation was believed to associate with mental problems and men who suffer from premature ejaculation were prescribed to follow hypnotherapy, but this did not work well. When premature ejaculation is physical, you should try to control your mental health, your own thoughts, confidence, and concentration levels during your sex intercourse in order to last longer in bed.

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2. Control The Surrounding

ways to last longer in bed

One of the best ways to last longer in bed for men and women that can help you achieve an orgasm is to control the surrounding. According to a research, having sexual intercourse in a comfortable place where both of you and your partner feel secure will help you last your sex longer. So, you should avoid anything that can make you and your partner too exciting. In case you feel comfortable and relaxed in bed, then you should try to control the surrounding until you can control your orgasms.

Read on 14 Ways On How To Remove Negative Energy From Home And Body to discover simple ways to remove negative energy from both home and body.

3. Get Out Of Your Head

According to a study [2], the anxiety and stress during sex intercourse is one of the top killers of erections. The tip for you is to deal with these worried ones and increase your confidence level. When you start feeling stressful, you should stop it immediately and then take a deep breath. Just remove negative thoughts from your mind and focus on your own body and your current feelings.

To discover some of the best natural treatments for stress that can help give you an instant relief, read on Top 48 Best Home Remedies For Stress Relief 

4. Try New Sex Positions

Other effective ways to last longer in bed for men and women that you should know must include trying new sex positions. There is a fact that some sex positions can make you get an orgasm faster than other sex positions and some of them could make your sex last longer. For example, the missionary position can be safe and help you enjoy greater sex life. Nonetheless, you will never know which sex position works until you really try it out.

If you want to know ways that can help you achieve an orgasm fast and effectively, read on 9 Ways On How To Have An Orgasm For Men And Women 

5. Massage

According to a study about massage and sexuality [3], stress can affect your sex performance and dealing with stress through massage for both you and your partner is very important for a longer sex performance. You should start learning how to pamper yourself and satisfy your partner through deep massage at home. And then you should spend about 5-10 minutes on exchanging massage before your sexual intercourse. With this way, you will help yourself and your partner relax and breathe deeply. A back massage, butt massage and foot massage can give your body more pleasure and comfort. Actually, massaging can help those who want to learn ways to last longer in bed achieve their sexual desire.

6. Take Turns

When it comes to natural ways to last longer in bed, you and your partner should consider taking turns. There are lots of couples in the world to have sexual intercourse in give-and-take pleasure mode. They touch their sexual partners while they are touched. When you are a giver, you should relax and then try to receive as much pleasure as possible. And when you are a receiver, you should lavish your partner with as much pleasure as possible. Therefore, to know ways to last longer in bed, you should consider taking turns, and then your sexual intercourse will last longer and become more satisfying. Also, you should learn how to use your hands to please you and your partner.

7. Start-Stop Technique

ways to last longer in bed

With the Start- Stop technique, you will have your sexual partner stimulate until you nearly gain an orgasm. Then, you ask your partner to stop it immediately. When your sexual tension nearly stops, within only 15 seconds, then you ask your partner to continue. By following this technique, you will be able to enjoy more time on bed. In fact, this technique is also among the best ways to last longer in bed for women and men that you should not look down, but try to apply as soon as possible.

8. Allow Your Women To Climb On Top

In case you are a man and want to know ways to last longer in bed for men, then allow your woman to climb on top. By following this sex position, your penis will surely be less stimulated, thus making sex last longer. Addition to this, ask your partner to go slowly as fast and long thrusting can make you find harder to maintain your endurance. You can also consider entering your partner’s body and not moving for a couple of minutes so that your penis can acclimatize to your partner’s wet and warm insides.

9. Follow The Kama Sutra

When it comes to ways to last longer in bed for men, you can consider following this technique. The Kama Sutra technique can make sex last longer. With this simple technique, you will just start slowly with one “in/out” stroke for three seconds. Then, you have more strokes slowly over your sex intercourse of 4-5 minutes until you have one stroke for each second. In case you feel that you are going to come, stop immediately and then hold yourself inside your lover’s inside until you take the control again. Finally, follow this process again.

10. Breathe From Your Belly

According to a study about premature ejaculation [4], deep breathing may help you deal with ejaculation. Therefore, you should try to breathe slowly and deeply from your belly. You should breathe from your belly while following the start-stop as well as squeeze techniques. Also, the yoga-style breathing may be helpful.

Actually, it is one of the best ways to last longer in bed for women that you should not skip, yet try to apply, especially if you want to make sex last longer without taking any drugs, pills or medications.

11. Ejaculatory Muscle Control

There are important muscles that control your ejaculation and when these muscles are in the relaxed state, it is impossible for you to ejaculate. In order to effectively control your ejaculation, you need to learn ways to control these muscles well. Although controlling these muscles may be difficult, performing some specific exercises on a regular basis can help you control these muscles well. This process may take you 4 weeks to achieve your desired results and once you practice these advanced skills, you will become a master on bed.

There are other effective ways to last longer in bed for women and men in this entire article. So, keep your eyes on this entire article and then try to follow these ways for good.

12. Kiss Like A Teenager

When you are looking for ways to last longer in bed, you should not look down this trick, yet follow it as soon as possible. When you were a teenager, you would like to spend many hours with your partner on couch. So now, if you want to know simple yet effective ways to last longer in bed, then you should spend more time on kissing like a teenager. Combine your lips and hands to explore the body of your partner. Also, you should your partner should take turns being kissed and kissing.

13. Masturbate More Often

When it comes to ways to last longer in bed, you should consider masturbating more often and getting more in touch with your sexual partner. When you are stimulated, just stop it right before reaching the highest point. Then, give yourself enough time to calm down before starting to stimulate yourself again. Repeat this process until you can control your sexual release.

14. Change Things Up   

ways to last longer in bed

When you are coming to the point of no return, the best thing you should do is to change your speed. You should consider taking your penis out and then move its head up and down between your partner’s labia. Actually, her vaginas have lots of nerve endings, so your action can help her experience the great moment.

15. Cool Down Methods

Whether or not you experience premature ejaculation, you should know a few cool down methods and then practice them if you start to lose your control. There are a few cool down methods out there that can make you last longer in bed, so learn some of them as soon as possible.

16. Squeeze

Squeezing is also known as one of the best ways to last longer in bed for women that you should not miss, yet try to make use for good. When you put pressure or squeeze three areas on your penis, this could help a man keep an erection longer and harder. Firstly, make a tight ring with both of your thumb and index finger around the base of your erected penis. Then, you stimulate the penile ring to help you maintain the blood flow to your dick. After that, you put a proper pressure on the head of your penis. Finally, you press on the “perineum,” or the area between the anus and the base of testicles.

17. Grab Thicker Condoms

Grabbing thicker condoms is one among the list of best ways to last longer in bed for women and men that I want to introduce in this writing. It is important to practice safe sex, so you should opt for a little thicker condom. Also, you should make sure that you find a condom that fits right for your partner and do not double-up on condoms because this can cause unwanted issues.

18. Consult Your Doctor

This is the last but very important one of the best ways to last longer in bed for men and women that I want to reveal in this article and want you to know for good! In some cases, you should consider seeing your doctor to ask him about ways to last longer in bed. A lot of prescriptions are out there if you are suffering from premature ejaculation [5] that has negative effects on your relationship. Also, there are supplements available that can help improve your guy’s ability in bed, the best solution for you is to consult a person who understand what the issue you are suffering from and what steps you should take.

Now, after you finish reading this entire article about top ways to last longer in bed, hope that all of my readers of Healthy Guide can follow one or more of these simple ways as mentioned above as soon as possible. Actually, all of these ways are recommended by experts to help make sex last longer without causing any unwanted side effects. As a result, feel free to follow these sex tips for good.

If this article can help other people around you who do not satisfy with their sexual life, share this list with them and then stimulate them to apply these ways as soon as possible. If you know other effective ways to last longer in bed for men and women, remember to share them with other readers by leaving your comments below.

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