Sexual Health
Top 10 Simple Tips for Sexual Health and Sex Advice for Christmas

Top 10 Simple Tips for Sexual Health and Sex Advice for Christmas

Christmas is a great time for staying with partners, or getting a kiss under the Noel pine tree that may lead to something more. Christmas is also a time for some sexual health problems. So, if you want to have a romantic night with your partner at Christmas, you should keep both of your eyes on this interesting article.

List Of Simple Tips For Sexual Health And Sex Advice For Christmas

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas that you should know and then try to apply for good. Actually, all of these tips are helpful and can help you enjoy a satisfied sexual life with your partner.

I. Benefits Of Having Sex

If your holiday preparations are increasing your stress levels, spending time relaxing with your partner may be helpful. According to a study [1], sex is great for relieving stress. A study found that stress-related blood pressure may be lower in those who have recently had sexual intercourse and the love hormone called oxytocin may be the secret behind this phenomenon. Oxytocin reduces the production of the corticotropin- releasing factor gene, hence regulating the stress response in your brain. Here are some good reasons to have holiday sex:

  • Orgasms cause the release of oxytocin, which is the ‘feel good’ hormone.
  • Having sex makes you look healthier and younger. Studies found that having sex helps improve your complexion by boosting the immune system.
  • Orgasms relieve tension and simultaneously exhaust the body, hence helping you fall asleep quicker.
  • Having sex helps reduce blood pressure and increase the heart rate.
  • Having sex is a great way to increase your focus and pay attention to the importance. After having sex, you may increase your self-esteem and intimation.

If you want to know the negative effects of depression on sexual health, read on Check Out How Depression Can Affect Sexual Health Right Here With Us!

II. Tips For Sexual Health And Sex Advice For Christmas

There are a few tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas. All of these tips are helpful and can be easy to apply at the comfort of your own home. So, if you want to benefit your health over the holidays by having sex, you should try to apply the following tips.

1. Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infection

This is the first one among tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas that we want to mention in this article. The rates of sexually transmitted infection increase post Christmas. According to a research [2], using condoms offers protection against most of the STIs such as gonorrhea, HIV and chlamydia. Free condoms are available before the Christmas party season. Also, you can buy condoms online, in pharmacies, supermarkets, or some pub vending machines. Keep in mind that you should check that your condoms have a CE mark and they are within expiration date. Have some condoms at home and bring them with you. If you have unsafe sex and your body shows symptoms of an STI, you should get tested for STIs.

List of Top 37 Things Women Need To Know About Sexual Health will show you some of the most important things women should know about sexual health, so check it out!

2. Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy

The rates for pregnancy also increase post Christmas for a few reasons. One of the reasons is that you have more time with a partner to enjoy sexual life. If you are pregnant and you think that you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage post Christmas, you should go to see a doctor. In case have tried to get pregnant for some time, or experienced stillbirth or pregnancy loss, Christmas can be difficult to get through.

Read on 7 Tips On How To Put On A Condom Without Breaking It, Without Going Soft And Without Being Awkward to know how to put on a condom correctly without breaking it.

3. Use Method Of Contraception

tips for sexual health and sex advice for christmas

If you are using a daily method of contraception like the pill, you should make sure that you have enough in order to cover the holiday period. In case you have experienced contraception failure or have not used contraception during the holiday period, you need to use emergency contraception. You can buy the ‘Morning After Pill’ from pharmacies. There are two kinds of emergency contraceptive pill. The first one can be taken 72 hours after sex and you can buy it in case you are over 16. The other one can be taken up to 120 hours after sex.

To know some of the negative side effects of taking birth control pills, read on 17 Emotional & Negative Side Effects Of Birth Control Pills For Breastfeeding

4. Drink Alcohol

When it comes to learning tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas, you should not look down this tip. Alcohol can play a vital part in our holiday parties. However, you should keep in mind that drinking alcohol can make you get sick or forget to take a daily birth control pill. Besides, drinking alcohol can also affect your judgement and simultaneously increase the chances of arguments and violence. Drink soft drinks instead of alcohol.

5. Have Fun

If you are looking for some flirting or relationships over the Christmas period, you may find Christmas a chance to have connection with your partner. You may want to be with your partner and show how you desire each other.

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6. Make The Time Together Special

About 87.8% of us find cuddling regularly is very appealing and 72.6% of us feel the same when watching a romantic movie. So, why you do not snuggle up on the sofa to see a romantic Christmassy movie? This way will give you an opportunity to get some precious intimate moments.

7. Talk About Sex With Your Partner

tips for sexual health and sex advice for christmas

This is another one among great tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas that you should know. We all know the importance of communication when it comes to sexual satisfaction. According to a research [3], the interest in sex wanes over years. This is particularly correct for women, especially when they reach the onset of menopause. You should talk with your partner about your sexual desire or sexual problems.

8. Try Not To Fix Expectations

Whenever you turn on the television, you all see images of happy families, a twinkling tree, a roaring fire, and laughing. Then, we may believe in this perfect scene and try to create it for ourselves. However, this will easily lead to disappointment. Keep in mind that it is not real. You should forgive your own and your partner’s imperfections so that you will feel a lot less stressed out.

If you want to know other great tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas, you should continue to read the rest of this article and then try to apply some of these tips as soon as possible.

9. Do Not Have To Have Sex

You do not have to have sex just because it is a holiday. If you are stressed or anxious over this period, you may find sex unsatisfactory. If you are worried something related to the holiday, you should reduce some of the pressure by saying no to have sex with your partner. Instead, enjoy a sensual massage or a naked cuddle. Besides, too much alcohol and foods are not good for sex.

10. Carry A Condom

This is the last one among simple tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas that we want to mention in this article. If you want to have sex with your partner, you need to ensure that you always carry a condom [4]. We all know that using condoms is the best way to protect against unwanted pregnancy and STIs. Also, you remember to check the expiry date and the European mark to ensure that they have been tried and tested.

After reading this interesting article, we hope that you can know some of the simple tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas. And then, you can apply some of these tips this Christmas. If you think that this list is helpful and can help other people around you who are planning to have a romantic night with their partners at Christmas, you should share this list with them and then stimulate them to apply these tips as soon as possible. Also, if you know other great tips for sexual health and sex advice for Christmas, feel free to share them with other readers by leaving your comments in the comment box below. One more thing, if you want to know more about sexual health tips and facts, you can visit our Sexual Health Category.

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