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Top 21 Best Home Remedies for Ear Discharge in Babies And Adults

Top 21 Best Home Remedies for Ear Discharge in Babies And Adults

Ear discharge is defined to have fluid coming from an affected ear. It is a common health condition and can influence people of all ages. Ear drainage can be a sign of a few health conditions. Unusual ear discharge can be caused by an injury, a ruptured eardrum, an infection occurring in the middle ear, or trauma to the ear canal. Depending on the cause, you can also experience pain and a general discomfort.

List Of 21 Home Remedies For Ear Discharge To Try Out!

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best home remedies for ear discharge that can be used in both adults and babies. So, if you or anyone else around you is facing this health condition, you should keep both of your eyes on this article right now.

I. Causes And Symptoms Of Ear Discharge

Earwax is a normal discharge and it is made from the natural oil produced in the ear. It helps ensure that bacteria and dust will not get into the ear canal. Luckily, ear discharge is a common health condition no matter how unpleasant.

Some common signs and symptoms of ear discharge include:

  • White, grey or yellowish discharge
  • Painful at times
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Fever
  • Numbness or tingling sensation

Ear discharge can be the result of the following health conditions and factors:

  • Swimmer’s ear: According to a study [1], bacteria entering the ear from contaminated water can result in inflammation and a fluid buildup in the ear. The discharge may be foul-smelling and green or yellow in colour.
  • Cold or flu: A viral or bacterial infection can result in ear discharge. And, infectious agents can get into the ear canal through the throat or nasal passage.
  • Pressure changes: A sudden increase in pressure can produce a discharge.
  • Presence of foreign object: Ear discharge can happen when you push a foreign object too deep into your ears.
  • Inflamed adenoids: If there is fluid that comes from the Eustachian tubes, denoids can be inflamed, resulting in infection and discharge.
  • Loud sounds: They can damage the eardrum, causing ear discharge.
  • Earwax blockage: People with earwax blockage can experience an ear discharge. Although earwax production is normal, if earwax cover the eardrum, it can lead to ear discharge.
  • Chronic or inner ear infection: People with chronic or inner ear infection can experience an ear discharge.

To know some of the best ways to treat ear infections in babies, toddlers and adults, read on 23 Best Home Remedies For Ear Infections Pain In Babies, Toddlers, Adults

II. Home Remedies For Ear Discharge

Treatments for ear discharge will depend on its cause. If you have mild or acute ear discharge, you can try applying some simple home remedies to help treat the health condition as well as associated discomfort. However, if the drainage does not improve within a few days, the drainage gets a foul smell or the drainage accompanied by fever, and severe pain, consult your doctor immediately.

1. Olive Oil

home remedies for ear discharge

This is the first one among home remedies for ear discharge in babies that we want to mention in this article and want all of my readers to apply for good.

If your ear discharge is caused by wax in the ear being attacked by a bacterial or fungal growth, this obstruction can be cleared by using olive oil. Simply, you just need to slightly warm up some olive oil and then put the oil into your affected ear. When the warm olive oil touches the wax, it will be softened. After that, you can remove the wax by using a cotton swab. Just keep in mind that you should not push the swab too deep into the ear to avoid damaging the eardrum.

List of 19 Ways To Use Olive Oil For Acne Skin & Scars Treatment On Face will show you some of the best ways to use olive oil for treating acne skin and scars on face, so check it out!

2. Best Home Remedies For Ear Discharge – Warm Compress

Using a warm compress is a great treatment for ear discharge. This is because the heat can promote the fluid flow and simultaneously relieve any associated pain. To know how to use warm compress to treat the symptoms of ear discharge, you can take the following steps:


  • Soak a clean washcloth in a bowl of hot water
  • Then, take out the excess before placing it over the ear for about 2- 5 minutes
  • Tilt the head in order to promote fluid drainage.
  • After that, take a break and repeat if needed.
  • Alternatively, place your head on a heating pad covered with a towel for several minutes at regular intervals.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great option when it comes to learning home remedies for ear discharge in adults naturally. The vinegar contains acidic properties that help kill off the bad buildup within the ear. Besides, according to a study about benefits of apple cider vinegar [2], it is also packed with other nutrients that help with immune system and simultaneously reduce inflammation.

You should not put the apple cider vinegar directly into your affected ear because this can lead to some discomfort. The best thing you could do is to put some diluted apple cider vinegar onto the cotton wool and then use it to make an ear plug. After that, place this ear plug in your ear for 5 minutes. Alternatively, you can massage the diluted apple cider vinegar around your affected ear in case you do not have sensitive skin. Another option for you is to gargle some apple cider vinegar in order to let the liquid get into your Eustachian tubes.

Read on 30 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Dandruff And Itchy Scalp, Hair Loss to discover some of the best ways to use apple cider vinegar for treating dandruff, hair loss and itchy scalp.

4. Rubbing Alcohol And White Vinegar

White vinegar has antibacterial effects that help treat the infection occurring in the middle ear. Addition to this, rubbing alcohol contains drying agent that helps boost the evaporation of fluid inside the ear. Therefore, if you do not know any home remedies for ear discharge in adults, you should try this remedy.


  • Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar and pour this solution into an ear dropper.
  • Then, lie down with your affected ear upward.
  • Place 2-4 drops of this solution into your affected ear
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes before tilting the ear to the other side.
  • Repeat this process twice daily for the best results.
5. Salt

If you want to know the best home remedies for ear discharge in babies and adults, you should not miss this remedy. The warm salt can help take the fluid out of your affected ear and simultaneously reduce pain and swelling.


  • Slightly heat up a cup of salt for a few minutes.
  • Then, place the warm salt in a soft and clean cloth.
  • Now, lay down and place this cloth on your affected ear for ten minutes.
  • Repeat this process daily for the best results.
6. Tea Tree Oil

A great natural remedy for ear discharge, both in children and adults, is tea tree oil. According to a research about tea tree oil for ear infection [3], this essential oil can be used to treat ear inflammation thanks to its antiseptic powers. Remember that you do not put this essential oil directly into your affected ear because it can lead to damage to the ear. Instead, you should apply it around your affected ear. Also, you should dilute the tea tree oil instead of applying it directly to the skin. You can mix tea tree oil with coconut oil because coconut oil also contains antiviral and antibacterial properties.

If you want to know some of the best ways to use tea tree oil for treating warts on face and other body’s parts, read on 24 Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil For Warts On Face, Hand, Scalp, Neck & Finger

7. Neem Oil

home remedies for ear discharge

The neem oil is also effective in treating inflammation and infection of the middle ear. Besides, this oil also helps relieve the pain related to ear discharge. Therefore, if you are looking for home remedies for ear discharge in adults, you should not look down neem oil.


  • Place 2- 3 drops of neem oil into your affected ear with the help of a dropper.
  • Leave the oil on for 10-15 minutes before tilting the head for the fluid removal.
  • Repeat this process 2- 3 times daily for the quick results.
8. Best Home Remedies For Ear Discharge – Onion

An onion is one of the most effective home remedies for ear discharge that you should give it a try!


  • Extract the juice from a small onion.
  • Slightly heat the juice to make it warm.
  • Then, place 2-3 drops of onion juice into your affected ear.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes before tilting the head for the fluid drainage,
  • Repeat this remedy 2-3 times daily.
9. Peppermint Juice

Peppermint contains powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties that can help treat ear discharge. Simply, you just need to put some fresh peppermint juice in a clean dropper before placing 2-3 drops of peppermint juice into your infected ear. Alternatively, you can apply some peppermint oil around the opening of your ear.

10. Use Blow-Dryer

This is one of the most innovative home remedies for ear discharge. Using a blow-dryer to remove any excess fluid from your affected ears is quite controversial, yet it actually works. Simply, you just need to keep a hair dryer at the lowest setting. Then, you keep the hair dryer one foot away from your affected ear. Studies found that the steam will remove the fluid from the affected ear. Just be careful when using blow dryer. If you feel too painful or uncomfortable, stop using blow-dryer immediately.

11. Mullein Flower Oil

Mullein contains healing properties, making it one of the home remedies for ear discharge in babies. The mullein extract can be mixed with garlic oil and other herbs to treat coughs as well as respiratory conditions. The mullein flower oil contains analgesic properties that can be effective in reducing pain. Besides, mullein flower oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve inflammation.

Method 1:

  • Place some mullein oil in a small bowl
  • Then, soak a cotton ball in the mullein oil before placing it in your infected ear for 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy if required to relieve pain.

Method 2:

  • Mix some mullein oil with garlic oil
  • Then, place this oil mixture in your affected ear.
  • Repeat this remedy as often as necessary.
12. Best Home Remedies For Ear Discharge – Basil Leaves

Basil leaves are another great remedy for an ear infection and ear discharge. This is because basil leaves contain antibiotic properties that help to treat the infection and provide an instant relief from pain.


  • Wash 4- 5 basil leaves and then crush them to take out the basil juice.
  • Slightly heat the juice to make it warm
  • Place 2-3 drops of the basil juice into your affected ear with the help of a dropper.
  • Repeat this process twice daily for several days.

Do you want to discover other effective home remedies for ear discharge in babies and adults? If your answer is “yes”, you should keep both of your eyes on the rest of this article and then try to apply any of these natural remedies as soon as possible.

13. Radish

Radish can be used to treat health conditions as high blood pressure, constipation, dehydration, and fever. Moreover, you can also use it to treat the pain and inflammation caused by ear discharge.


  • Mix 1 tsp. of small radish pieces in about 2 tbsp. of mustard oil
  • Then, slightly warm it up for about 10 minutes.
  • Remove the radish pieces and put the radish oil in a glass bottle.
  • Now, put 2- 3 drops of the radish oil in your affected ear.
  • Repeat this process if required until pain is gone.
14. Garlic

home remedies for ear discharge

This is known as one of the best home remedies for ear discharge that you should not look down, yet try to make use for good. To get rid of middle ear infection that results in ear discharge, you can consider using garlic. Moreover, according to a study [4], garlic contains antibiotic properties that help fight off the infection.


  • Crush 2- 3 garlic cloves to take out the fresh juice.
  • Then, put 3-4 drops of this solution into your ear using a dropper.
  • Leave it on for about 5 minutes before blowing dry the ear.
  • Repeat this process twice daily for several days.
15. Home Remedies For Ear Discharge- Humidifier

Using humidifiers is one of the most effective home remedies for ear discharge in babies. Actually, dry air can result in many respiratory infections and simultaneously prevent the earwax breakup. Therefore, you should consider using a humidifier while sleeping to stimulate the steam buildup and treat the ear discharge. Moreover, humidifiers are good in winter when the air in your bedroom can be very dry.

16. Consume Probiotics

This may sound strange when it comes to learning home remedies for ear discharge, but it actually works. To treat ear discharge, you should consume more yogurts that contain actual probiotics to help deal with the ear infection, hence reducing the ear infection symptoms. When you have more healthy bacteria in your body, the bad bacteria will be killed off, creating a neutralized immune system.

17. Steam Inhalation

Another great way to get rid of ear discharge is using steam inhalation. Studies found that steam will be effective in opening the Eustachian tube to stimulate the fluid release in the ear, hence promoting smooth drainage.


  • Firstly, pour hot water in a large bowl
  • Add some eucalyptus or any of your favourite essential oils.
  • Cover your head with a towel and slowly inhale the steam for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Finally, tilt your head to one side to help the fluid flow out.
  • Repeat this process as needed.
18. Decongestants

Another great one among home remedies for ear discharge in adults is to use decongestants. You can use an OTC decongestant in order to unblock your ear and simultaneously remove excess fluid or remove an earwax buildup in your affected ear. Just keep in mind that you do not dig a Q-Tip deep into your affected ear. Just pour some decongestant in your affected ears. You can try lying down on your side in order to speed up the process.

19. Home Remedies For Ear Discharge- Use Gravity

home remedies for ear discharge

In order to treat ear discharge, you need to remove all of the fluid buildup in your affected ear. And, using gravity may be the simplest way to do this.


  • Tilt the side of the head so that your affected ear is parallel to the ground.
  • Then, put a clean finger in the affected ear before creating a vacuum to help in dislodging the fluid.
  • Finally, clean up the discharge with a cotton bud or towel.
  • Alternatively, you just need to lie down on your side and place a towel under your affected ear.
20. Breast Milk

Breast milk is another one among home remedies for ear discharge caused by infection of the middle ear. Breast milk contains a natural antibiotic agent that helps reduce pain and swelling. In fact, this is known as one of the simplest home remedies for ear discharge in babies that you should try out!


  • Place 2- 3 drops of breast milk in your affected ear using a dropper.
  • Repeat this remedy a few times daily to treat the infection.
21. Avoid Phlegm-Producing Foods

This is the last but very important one among home remedies for ear discharge that we want to mention in this article. When you have ear discharge, you should avoid consuming foods that can produce phlegm because phlegm can make this health problem worse. The phlegm-producing foods you should avoid include:

  • Dairy products such as yogurt, milk and cheese.
  • Animal products such as eggs, poultry and meat.
  • Alcohol and caffeinated beverages
  • Foods with gluten like lentils, wheat products, barley and rye.
  • Sugary foods and beverages.
  • Phlegm-producing fruits and vegetables, such as corn, bananas, potatoes and cabbage.

Additional tips when it comes to learning home remedies for ear discharge:

  • Never use cotton swabs when removing earwax.
  • Avoid touching your ears too often
  • Gently blow your nose in order not to put pressure on your eardrum [5].
  • Avoid pushing any pointed objects into the ears.
  • Avoid smoking
  • Take measures to prevent the common cold
  • Expose your affected ear to direct sunlight for 10 minutes on a daily basis.
  • Take steps to prevent getting the common cold.
  • Avoid exposure to wind and cold.
  • Consume more foods that help reduce the production of phlegm such as celery, garlic, onions, winter squash, parsley, leafy greens, broccoli, berries and bell peppers.
  • When taking a bath and shower, avoid letting water enter your ear.
  • When swimming, wear earplugs, and after swimming, shake your head to remove leftover water.

After reading this interesting article, we hope that all of my readers can find some of the best solutions helpful to deal with the symptoms of ear discharge. Actually, all of the home remedies for ear discharge that we mentioned above are safe and effective in treating the ear discharge symptoms without causing any unwanted side effects. Therefore, you can feel secure when applying any of these home remedies. Now, if you know other effective home remedies for ear discharge in babies and adults, you can share them with us by leaving your comments in the comment section below.

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