How To
20 Tips How to Avoid Overeating after Exercise, Fasting, & During Pregnancy

20 Tips How to Avoid Overeating after Exercise, Fasting, & During Pregnancy

The appetite is both a physical and psychological phenomenon. When we see a dish that smells nice or looks good, it will stimulate an involuntary physiological response inside our body. Having a healthy appetite is a good thing, but an excessive increase in appetite can lead to real health problems.

List Of Best Tips On How To Avoid Overeating After Fasting, Exercise, & During Pregnancy To Try Out!

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best home remedies for overeating that can be used in both adults and babies. So, if you or anyone else around you is facing this health concern, you should keep both of your eyes on this article right now.

I. Foods To Suppress Appetite

People may have excessive appetite caused by mood swings, an unhealthy lifestyle, boredom, depression, anxiety, stress, and a lot of different emotional factors. In addition, certain diseases like bulimia, premenstrual syndrome, Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and pregnancy can cause one’s appetite to rise.

Depending on the trigger factor, an increased appetite may last for a few days or even longer. It can cause weight gain, unhealthy eating habits, and several other health issues.

Whether you are striving to lose weight, stay healthy, or just want to modify your eating habits, it is important for you to control your own appetite every day.

There are a lot of strategies that can help in suppressing the appetite and avoiding overeating. Some of them are drinking a lot of water, getting adequate sun exposure, and avoiding refined carbohydrates. You can also incorporate certain food items into your diet every day to aid a lot in reducing your appetite.

1. Green Tea

This is the very first tip on how to avoid overeating after fasting, weight loss, and during pregnancy we would like to share in the entire article today!

Green tea, whether cold or hot, is one of the beverages that you can consume in between every meal to suppress appetite and aid a lot in stopping mindlessly snacking. Green tea has phytonutrients, such as EGCG that can increase the hormone ‘cholecystokinin’, which is responsible for producing the satiation feeling.

In addition, the catechins contained in green tea can help to slow down the rise of blood sugar and subsequent fat storage, as well as prevent high insulin. Stable blood sugar levels can help a lot in stabilizing hunger cravings.

Furthermore, green tea is jam-packed with nutrients, such as chromium, carotenoids, vitamin C, selenium, zinc, other trace minerals.

Consume about 3 – 4 cups of green tea every day to control cravings as well as boost the weight loss.

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2. Avocado

how to avoid overeating

Avocado is another superfood that can help as a tip on how to avoid overeating after fasting, exercise, and during pregnancy while reducing the urge to overeat. Being abundant in heart- soluble fiber and healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, it may take a long time for the body to digest avocado. This offers a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

A recent study [1] at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University in New York discovered that avocado contains the oleic acid that can help a lot in suppressing appetite and contributing to weight loss as well.

As avocados are very abundant in fat and calories, consume this creamy fruit in moderation.

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3. Flaxseeds

Being abundant in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber, flaxseeds can also help in suppressing your appetite and aid people a lot in staying fueled and satiated for a longer time.

They are also an excellent source of omega-6 fatty acids, which can increase the levels of cholecystokinin – the appetite-suppressing hormone.

You can also use ground flaxseeds to sprinkle on your yogurt, cereal, vegetables, and salads. You can even add 1 tbsp. of ground flaxseeds in your smoothie or morning shake to increase the nutritional value. This is also one of the best tips on how to avoid overeating during pregnancy, after fasting and exercise you should not skip!

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4. How To Avoid Overeating After Exercise – Greek Yogurt

Another good source of protein is Greek yogurt, which can also help to suppress appetite. Greek yogurt also has a rich amount of calcium that can help to control hunger pangs and also help the body keep going all over the day.

It also offers the additional benefit of its fat-burning potential. According to study [2] done at the University of Tennessee, diets with at least 3 servings of yogurt every day can also speed up the weight loss process.

You can enjoy the creamy, thick texture of the Greek yogurt as it is or add some fruits to get a more filling snack to consume between your meals. A glass of yogurt smoothie is also an ideal option.

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5. Apple

This is also one of the best tips on how to avoid overeating after fasting and exercise that people should not miss yet try to make use right from today for good! Apples are a soluble fibre-rich food that can help to satisfy the stomach for longer and can also aid in preventing overeating. They have high water content and contain few calories – the two keys of controlling appetite.

In addition, the pectin in apples can support the weight loss process and aid in preventing blood sugar spikes that spur hunger. It also enhances the energy level as well.

You can consume apples of all types, but you need to consume the apple with its peel. An apple is a good choice for a morning or afternoon snack. You should ensure to chew an apple properly. The chewing time will give the body more time to realize that you are not hungry any more.

6. Oatmeal

how to avoid overeating

You can feel your stomach satisfied for a longer time after eating a bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal is very high in fibre (both insoluble and soluble fibre) and it can aid a lot in increasing an appetite-regulating hormone called ‘cholecystokinin’ inside the body.

In addition, oatmeal is a slow-digesting carbohydrate that can aid in keeping insulin and blood sugar at optimum levels while boosting the fat-burning process. On top of that, oatmeal can also aid a lot in lowering the LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and reducing the blood pressure levels at the same time.

To increase the fulling effect of oatmeal, consume steel cut oats with some cinnamon powder added. Keep reading for more tips on how to avoid overeating during pregnancy, after fasting and exercises and learn how you can make use of these tips and home remedies.

7. Cayenne Pepper

Spicy foods like cayenne pepper has been discovered to help keep people feeling full for a longer time period. In addition, it has a compound known as ‘capsaicin’, which can increase the metabolism and can aid a lot in burning fat and calories at a faster rate. Thus, it can help you lose weight more quickly.

You can consume cayenne pepper raw, dried, cooked, or in powdered form to control appetite. You can also use cayenne pepper to make a tea by adding 1 cup of hot water over 1 pinch of this pepper in 1 cup. Squeeze the juice from ½ a lemon in it and consume this tea in between any meal. For more tips on how to avoid overeating after exercise and fasting, don’t skip the following sections of the entire article!

8. Almonds

Almonds are an abundant source of healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help a lot in preventing you from overeating. These healthy fats also keep your cholesterol levels low. In addition, almonds are an abundant source of appetite-killing fibre, which may take time to digest so people will not feel hungry faster.

Almonds have also been considered helping to manage weight, according to a study [3] presented at the 2006 Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting.

9. Egg

Eggs can also aid a lot in stopping snacking between meals and curbing the appetite. Their satiating impact comes from the high – quality protein in them which offers sustained energy levels. In fact, the use of egg is also a great tip on how to avoid overeating after exercise and fasting, as well as during pregnancy that you should make use!

Consuming 1 – 2 eggs for breakfast can keep mid-morning hunger pangs at bay. According to a study [4], as people consumed scrambled eggs for breakfast, they were less hungry at lunch time compared to people who consumed cereal for breakfast.

It is suggested to consume more of egg whites than the yolks as they are very low in calories, virtually fat-free, and free of cholesterol. On the other hand, egg yolks is very rich in cholesterol and saturated fat.

You must contact your doctor if you have a persistent, unexplained increase in appetite.

10. How To Avoid Overeating After Exercise – Green Leafy Veggies

how to avoid overeating

Green leafy veggies are abundant in water and fibre, which can help to keep the stomach feeling full and turns off the hunger signals to the brain. In addition, these low-calorie veggies when eaten every day offer optimal health advantages and aid a lot in weight loss.

You can opt for kale, mustard greens, collards, spinach, or asparagus to make a green salad, a bowl of soup, or a refreshing glass of veggie juice. These veggies make a satisfying and highly nutritious as well as tasty meal to keep hunger at bay.

II. Tips How To Avoid Overeating

Here are some simple tips on how to avoid overeating after exercise, fasting, and during pregnancy people should not look down at all costs!

1. Keep Your Goals In Mind

Setting long-and short-term goals and referring to them usually can help people stay on track as well as reduce their urge to overeat.

Knowing the reasons why people want to stop overeating and how overeating is keeping them from reaching their goals of wellness and health can motivate you to break this unhealthy habits.

Jotting down motivational quotes and hanging the quotes in prominent places around the house can help give people the inspiration they need all over the day to stick to their own plan.

2. How To Avoid Overeating – Break Old Habits

Habits can be difficult to break, particularly when they involve foods.

Several people get into comfortable routines, such as having a bowl of ice cream or consuming dinner in front of the TV every night.

You may need to spend time to identify unhealthy behaviours that can cause overeating and replace them with brand new healthy habits, but it is well worth the efforts.

For instance, make it a point to consume at the dinner table instead of in front of the TV, or use a hot cup of tea to replace your nightly bowl of ice cream. These replacements will become healthy habits over time.

3. How To Avoid Overeating – Check In With Yourself

Do you find yourself sticking to the kitchen and checking the refrigerator a little bit excessively?

If you overeat even as you are not hungry, it may be a good idea to spend one more minute and check in with yourself to understand why your body is urging to consume foods.

Depression and boredom are 2 common issues that have been associated to the urge to overeat.

Fortunately, there are actions people can take to break the cycle. For instance, you can try taking on a new action you enjoy. It can aid a lot in preventing boredom and distracting you from the urge to overeat.

If you think that the depression may be driving your overeating, consult a mental health professional for exact solution, and they can help you get back on track.

4. Plan Ahead

how to avoid overeating

If you are not prepared when hunger strikes, you are more likely to make poor food selections that can make you want to overeat.

If you are forced to buy snacks and meals at the last minute from delis or restaurants, you are more likely to make unhealthy options and consume more than you should.

Instead, you should always prepare healthy snacks and bring with you always, pack home-cooked lunches and stock your refrigerator with healthy choices so you can prepare dinner at the comfort of your own home.

These strategies can help to decrease the symptoms of overeating. In addition, making more meals at home can save you time and money.

5. How To Avoid Overeating – Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking alcohol [5] may urge you to overeat by stimulating your appetite while lowering your inhibitions.

While having 1 – 2 drinks with a meal will not have a huge impact, having many drinks in one sitting may cause increased levels of hunger.

A study discovered that college students who drank 4 – 5 drinks at a time more than once 1 week were more likely to overeat after drinking compared to those drinking 1 – 2 drinks at a time.

Cutting back on the amount of alcohol you consume might be a good way to minimize overeating.

6. Practice Mindful Eating

Adopting mindful eating tips is one of the best tips on how to avoid overeating after fasting, exercise, and during pregnancy that you should make use as soon as possible.

The practice of mindful eating can stress the importance of concentrating on the present moment and being aware of your senses, emotions, and thoughts while consuming foods.

Many studies [6] have claimed that mindful eating is a useful way to reduce binge eating behaviours, emotional eating, and overeating.

Consuming more slowly, chewing thoroughly, taking small bites, appreciating your foods, and being aware of your senses are all simple mindfulness practices you can try incorporating into your daily routine.

7. Reduce Stress

Stress can cause overeating, so it is crucial to find ways to reduce the amount of stress throughout the life. Chronic stress drives up the cortisol levels, a hormone that can increase appetite. Researchers have discovered that being stressed can cause overeating, binge eating, increased hunger, and weight gain.

There are a lot of simple ways to reduce the levels of stress every day you can make use. Consider listening to music, using yoga, exercise, meditation, gardening, and breathing techniques.

8. How To Avoid Overeating – Give Volumetrics A Try

Volumetrics is a way of eating that concentrates on filling up with high-fibre, low-calorie, foods, such as non-starchy veggies.

Consuming food items that are high in fibre and water, as well as low in calories before meals can help you feel full so that you are not tempted to overeat.

Examples of volumetrics-friendly food items include salad [7] greens, grapefruit, beans, broccoli, low-sodium broth, and tomatoes.

Consuming a large salad or a bowl of broth-based, low-sodium, soup before lunch and dinner may be a useful tip on how to avoid overeating during pregnancy, after fasting and exercise.

9. Do Not Ban All Your Favourite Food Dishes

Restrictive eating patterns that cut out a lot of your favourite food items can lead the body to feel deprived and drive you to binge on forbidden cures.

Diets that focus on whole, unprocessed food items are always the best, but making room for an occasional cure is extremely good for health.

Swearing that you will never have a piece of chocolate, a scoop of ice cream, or slice of pizza again is not realistic for almost everyone.

Instead, concentrate on providing your body with mostly nutritious, healthy foods while also giving yourself the freedom to truly enjoy a cure here and there.

10. Know Your Weaknesses

This is the last tip on how to avoid overeating after fasting, exercise and during pregnancy you should not look down at all costs!

Pinpointing which food items you have an especially hard time limiting can help you a lot in decreasing your own risks of overeating.

For instance, if you have a habit of eating a large-size bowl of ice cream every night, do not store ice cream in your fridge.

Preparing healthy choices like a sliced apple with hummus, peanut butter, and vegetables, or homemade trail combination can help you make better options as you are hankering for a treat.

Another helpful tip is to keep unhealthy snack food items like candy, chips, and cookies out of sight so that you are not tempted to grab a handful every time you see them.

After reading this interesting article, we hope that all of my readers can find some of the best solutions helpful to deal with and get rid of overeating. Actually, all of the tips on how to avoid overeating during pregnancy, after fasting and exercise that we mentioned above are safe and effective without causing any unwanted side effects. Therefore, you can feel secure when applying any of these solutions. Now, if you know other effective tips to suppress appetite in babies and adults, you can share them with us by leaving your comments in the section below.

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