How To
43 Best Home Remedies for Post Nasal Drip in Toddlers, Babies, & Adults

43 Best Home Remedies for Post Nasal Drip in Toddlers, Babies, & Adults

Post-nasal drip is known as a common problem occurring due to excess mucus production by the nasal mucosa. It is uncomfortable and irritating problem and it can affect people of any age. Glands in the lining of the throat, nose, and airways produce mucus, which helps clean the nasal membranes, clears the inhaled foreign matter, fights infection and humidifies the air. Normally, you may not notice the appearance of mucus from the nose; however, if there is too much mucus, it may start dripping from the back of the nose, leading to post-nasal drip. Luckily, you can treat this health condition at home with natural ingredients.

List Of Best Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip That You Should Know:

If you or your babies are suffering from the symptoms of post nasal drip, you do not need to worry too much because you can deal with this health condition by using natural ingredients. Now, in this article, Healthy Guide will reveal some of the home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers, and adults that you should consider trying out at home.

I. Causes And Symptoms Of Post Nasal Drip

Some common causes of post-nasal drip include:

  • Common cold
  • Allergies
  • Cold temperature
  • Sinus infection
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Excessively dry air
  • The intake of spicy foods
  • The use of certain medications
  • Fumes from perfumes, chemicals, smoke, cleaning products and other irritants.

Patients with post nasal drip often have the feeling that the fluids flow back to the nasopharynx, down their throat. This can cause itchiness, and cough suddenly, making the patients feel tired, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. Additional symptoms of post nasal drip include hoarseness, a sore throat, congestion, and difficulty swallowing.

Read on 31 Tips How To Treat Nasal Polyps In Children & Adults Without Surgery to discover some of the most effective natural treatments for nasal polyps in both chldren and adults.

II. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

There are some natural ways on how to treat post nasal drip that you can apply with ease at home. All of these remedies use natural ingredients, so you do not need to worry when applying any of the following remedies at home.

1. Steam Inhalation

This should be the first one among home remedies for post nasal drip in adults, toddlers, and babies that we want to mention in this article. Steam inhalation can help control excess mucus production causing post-nasal drip.


  • Have a bowl of boiling water.
  • Optionally, add some drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Cover a towel over the head and then hold the face over the steaming.
  • Deeply inhale it for about 10 minutes before blowing the nose.
  • Repeat this home remedy about 2- 3 times daily.
  • Note: This remedy is not ideal for small children.

List of 32 Tips How To Get Rid Of Runny Nose & Mucus In Baby & Adults Fast will show you some of the best treatments for runny nose and mucus in both babies and adults, so check it out!

2. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Ginger

Ginger is known as a natural decongestant and it is rich in antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant properties. Actually, it helps reduce the excess mucus production, relieve chest congestion and sore throat, which are common post-nasal drip symptoms.


  • Add 1 tbsp. of sliced ginger to about 1-2 cups of water
  • Then, simmer it on low heat for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain, and then add some raw honey
  • Drink this ginger tea about 2- 3 times daily.
  • Alternatively, chew some raw ginger slices a few times daily or use ginger in your cooking.

To know some of the best ways to remove phlegm from the nose, throat and lungs after a cold, read on 34 Tips How To Get Rid Of Phlegm In Nose, Throat, & Lungs After A Cold

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

home remedies for post nasal drip

Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat post nasal drip thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These powerful properties can help relieve the inflammation in your nasal passage and treat post-nasal drip.

Method 1:

  • Add 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  • Mix it well and then add some raw honey for flavor
  • Consume this solution at least twice daily.

Method 2:

  • Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with about 1/2 cup of water
  • Bring it to a boil for several minutes
  • Cover your head with a towel and rinse the nose from the steam
  • Apply this home remedy a few times daily for several days.

If you want to know some of the best ways to treat dandruff and itchy scalp using apple cider vinegar, read on 30 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Dandruff And Itchy Scalp, Hair Loss

4. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is known as a natural expectorant that contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study about post nasal drip [1], peppermint oil is very effective in treating the symptoms of this health condition.


  • Add 5- 6 drops of peppermint oil to a bowl of hot water.
  • Then, inhale the steam for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy 1-2 times daily.
5. Lemon Juice

When it comes to learning about the best home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers, and adults, you should try using lemon juice. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost the healing process. Also, lemons contain bactericidal properties, which can help treat the symptoms of post nasal drip.


  • Add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to a cup of water
  • Mix it well and then add some raw honey for flavor
  • Consume this lemon water 3-4 times daily.

Read More: Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water – 19 Reasons To Drink It!

6. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera can be used for many medical purposes. While its anti-inflammatory properties are great for reducing inflammation occurring in the nasal passages, its antibacterial properties are effective in treating cough. You just need to consume ¼- ½ cup of aloe vera juice once daily.

See More: 29 Uses Of Aloe Vera For Acne Scars, Redness, Blemishes & Pores

7. Garlic

If you do not know home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers, and adults, you should try making use of garlic. Garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin that has antimicrobial effects. So, it is often used to relieve the symptoms of cold and cough, which are common causes of post-nasal drip.


  • Crush 3-4 garlic cloves and then extract its juice.
  • Add some raw honey to this extract and then consume it daily.
  • Repeat this home remedy at least 3 times daily.
8. Black Garlic

This is another one among home remedies for post nasal drip in toddlers, babies, and adults that you should know. This is because black garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin, which can inhibit many kinds of bacteria causing post nasal drip. This compound can help improve the immune system to kill bacteria, produce natural antibodies, and simultaneously fight infections. You just need to use raw black garlic in your daily dishes.

9. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help treat post-nasal drip naturally. Simply, you just need to consume 1-2 tsp. of coconut oil every morning when you have an empty stomach. Alternatively, drop 2- 4 drops of coconut oil into your nostrils. Next, cover each nose’s side to help the oil get into the sinuses. Repeat this remedy regularly to see the positive results.

Learn More: Top 27 Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Stretch Marks On Breasts During Pregnancy

10. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Oil Pulling

This is another one among home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers, and adults, you should try this remedy. Oil pulling can be used to decongest the throat. Actually, the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the oil can help treat the post-nasal drip naturally.


  • Swish 1 tbsp. of olive oil, or sesame oil in your mouth
  • Optionally, add some 3% hydrogen peroxide to this oil.
  • Do it for about 15 minutes when you have an empty stomach.
  • Then, spit it out and wash off the mouth.
  • Do this remedy once daily.
11. Honey

According to a research [2], honey has been used for treating many health problems thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help treat cough and cold. To know how to use honey for treating the symptoms of post nasal drip, you can take the following steps:


  • Add 1 tbsp. of raw honey to a cup of lukewarm water
  • Consume this home remedy about 2- 3 times daily.

See More: 31 Best Natural Ways To Use Honey To Improve Skin, Hair, And Nails

12. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been known to reduce the symptoms of flu and cold. Therefore, you can use this essential oil to directly fight the infection that can cause the post-nasal drip. Simply, you add 3-4 drops of lavender oil to 1 tbsp. of coconut oil or olive oil. Then, apply this mixture onto your back, chest, and throat. Repeat this remedy twice a day.

There are other home remedies for post nasal drip in toddlers, babies and adults in this article. So, keep reading this interesting article and then try applying one or more of these natural remedies for good.

13. Grapefruit Seed Extract

home remedies for post nasal drip

Grapefruit seed extract has powerful antimicrobial properties, which help relieve inflammation. Therefore, it is known as one of the most effective home remedies for post-nasal drip. Simply, you just need to consume about 200mg of grapefruit seed extract. For the best results, consume the supplement twice daily.

14. Salt Water Gargle

This is another one among home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers, and adults that you should give it a try! The antimicrobial properties of salt water gargle can help you treat the infections that cause the post nasal drip. The only thing you need to do is to add 1 tsp. of salt to a glass of hot water. Then, use this solution for gargling for 3-4 times a day.

15. Green Tea

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins, which exhibit antimicrobial properties to fight off infections. Besides, it is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which may are effective in dealing with the inflamed nasal passage associated with post-nasal drip.


  • Add1 tsp. of green tea leaves to about a cup of boiling water
  • Steep it for about 5- 10 minutes.
  • Then, add honey to this cup and consume the warm green tea.
  • Drink this green tea at least 3 times daily.
16. Orange Juice

This is worth mentioning in this list of home remedies for post nasal drip that you should consider using at home. Orange juice is rich in antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, it also contains vitamin C, which can be effective in treating cough as well as post-nasal drip. Simply, squeeze the juice from 1-2 oranges and then drink orange juice at least 2- 3 times daily.

17. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is rich in bromelain that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, it can be used to decongest the phlegm and simultaneously cure post-nasal drip. Blend 1 cup of pineapple with a cup of water. Then, drink this pineapple juice at least once daily.

18. Vicks Vapor Rub

Vicks vapor rub contains some beneficial ingredients like eucalyptus and menthol, which exhibit expectorant and antibacterial properties to help treat the symptoms of post nasal drip. Apply a large amount of Vicks vapor rub onto your throat, chest, and back for an instant relief. Repeat this home remedy twice daily.

19. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Onion

In regard to learning home remedies for post nasal drip in adults, onion is one of the best treatments for the symptoms of post nasal drip. Onions have sulfur content, making them a great solution for sinus infections, which can cause post nasal drip. There are 2 methods of using onions for treating post nasal drip.

Method 1:

  • Wash an onion and cut it into small pieces
  • Leave these onion pieces on a thin towel
  • Then, place this towel near your nose to smell
  • Note: Using chopped onion can lead to discomfort to the eyes. To prevent this, cut an onion and put them in hot water for 5 minutes. Then, inhale the aroma in order to relieve the runny nose.

Method 2:

  • Wash, peel and cut 2-3 onions into thin slices
  • Place these onion slices in the pot with clean water or some vinegar to boil
  • Cover your head with a towel and rinse the nose from the steam.
20. Horseradish

Another great way among home remedies for post nasal drip in toddlers that you should not look down, yet try making use for good. Horseradish with high sulfur content has a strong antibiotic effect to help treat the symptoms of post nasal dip. To use horseradish as a post nasal drip treatment, you can try any of the following methods:

Method 1:

  • Place the horseradish in the mouth until this plant’s flavor helps to flush the mucus out of your nose.
  • Alternatively, place some crushed horseradish in the mouth

Method 2:

  • Chop some horseradish and onion
  • Then, mix about 1/4 cup of chopped onion with 1/8 cup of chopped horseradish and a cup of water
  • Bring it to a boil for about 4- 5 minutes
  • Pour this solution through a sieve and then drink the liquid.

Method 3:

  • Rinse and chop 3 horseradish and place them into a bottle.
  • Next, pour 1/2l of apple cider vinegar into this bottle.
  • Leave it on for 10 days and occasionally shake it up.
  • Inhale this mixture every 5 minutes
  • Repeat this process daily for 5 days.
21. Probiotics

To deal with sinusitis that is known as one of the common causes of post nasal drip, you can consider taking probiotics. According to a study [3], some foods that are rich in probiotics include kefir, Greek yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, pickles, etc. Some studies found that the sinus irrigation that contains the contents of a probiotic capsule is very effective in treating nasal sinusitis.

22. Curry Grass

This herb is commonly used to remove the mucus causing sinusitis from the system, making it a great solution for treating post nasal drip. Research found that this herb contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help maintain normal blood circulation to the nasal passages, reduce sinus pain and nasal congestion. Just remember that this remedy is not ideal for pregnant women because it can stimulate the uterus and even lead to contractions. Also, if you experience lips swelling, flushing, and difficulty breathing, you should see a doctor immediately.

23. Fish And Shellfish

home remedies for post nasal drip

This is another one among home remedies for post nasal drip in adults that you should try out, especially if you want to get rid of this condition through diet. Consuming fish and shellfish can help fight off the virus causing post nasal drip. Actually, salmon, herring and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and protect the lungs from respiratory infections. Consider having 2 meals with shellfish or fish a week.

24. Soup

Have a soup of fresh vegetables to get a relief from the symptoms of post nasal drip. Drinking this warm vegetable soup 3 times daily to remove the mucus from the system and simultaneously provide a relief from the irritation.

If you want to know other home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, toddlers and adults, you should continue to read this interesting article and then apply these remedies for good.

25. Drink Plenty Of Water

Increasing the intake of fluids can help in thinning the mucus and simultaneously boosting the recovery from the irritation caused by post nasal drip. Keep in mind that if you do not drink enough water, the symptoms of post nasal drip can become worse. As a result, it is very important for you to keep the nasal passage hydrated by consuming about 2l of water daily. Besides, you can also drink hot lemonade, green tea, vegetable or chicken soup as well as other healthy fluids. Just take note that If you have kidney-related issues, consult your doctor before trying to increase your fluid intake. Also, remember to avoid alcohol, soda and caffeine- containing fluids because these drinks can lead to dehydration.

26. Nasal Irrigation

Using nasal irrigation also helps in clearing up excess mucus and keeping the nasal passages free from external irritants. Therefore, if you are looking for best home remedies for post nasal drip, you should not skip this home remedy.


  • Add ¼ tsp. of salt and some baking soda to a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Then, pour this solution into a neti pot.
  • While you stand over a sink, you tilt the head to one side and then squirt this solution into one of your nostrils.
  • Move your head to allow the solution to reach the nasal cavities.
  • Next, blow your nose in order to remove the solution and excess mucus.
  • Repeat this method with the other nostril.
  • Reapply this remedy once daily for several days.
27. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper works as an antihistamine that helps treat post-nasal drip. This is because the capsaicin found in cayenne can help loosen the mucus and soothe the irritated throat.

Method 1:

  • Mix ½ tsp. each of homey and cayenne pepper
  • Consume it 2- 3 times daily for several days.

Method 2:

  • Add ½-1 tsp. of powdered cayenne pepper to a cup of lukewarm water
  • Slowly sip this solution
  • Repeat this home remedy a few times daily.

Method 3:

  • Use cayenne pepper in your daily cooking.
28. Vitamins

Vitamins C and D exhibit antibacterial effects, making them a great solution for post nasal drip. Besides, accordig to a study [4], zinc has also been proven to relieve the symptoms of cold faster. As a result, you should increase your intake of these essential vitamins through diet or supplements to fight off this condition.

29. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Consuming an anti-inflammatory diet that consists of healthy fats, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants is a great way to fight against infection. Especially, when you suffer from a sinus infection, eating anti-inflammatory foods can be effective in reducing the symptoms of sinusitis.

The flavonoids and carotenoids found in cherries, radishes, berries, carrots, broccoli, and other colorful vegetables and fruits have also been found to help treat nasal sinusitis that may cause post nasal drip.

30. Black Pepper

Black pepper is widely used due to its high contents of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Its antimicrobial properties can help treat many infections, including respiratory infection. Simply, you just need to include black pepper in your cooking to reduce the appearance of mucus, loose the accumulated mucus, and reduce the post nasal drip symptoms.

31. Basil, Black Pepper And Ginger

Basil can kill bacteria thanks to its strong antibacterial properties, making it a great solution for reducing fever and pain. Black pepper works to reduce cough, constipation, colds, anemia and indigestion thanks to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It also helps prevent the appearance of post nasal drip. Ginger has the ability to reduce cough, colds, and headache thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties. As a result, the mixture of basil, black pepper and ginger is one of the simplest natural remedies for post nasal drip.


  • Add 10 crushed basil leaves, 1 fresh ginger slice and 1/2 tsp. of crushed black pepper to a cup of water
  • Bring it to a boil and simmer until the water remains ½ of its original amount.
  • Then, filter this solution for water, and add some raw honey before drinking.
  • Repeat this remedy within 2- 3 months for the best effects.
32. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil contains anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, which help reduce the production of mucus and simultaneously clear the nasal blockages. Simply, you just need to add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil to about 2 cups of water. The, hold the head over the container and deeply inhale for about 5 minutes before going to the bed.

33. Thyme Tea

home remedies for post nasal drip

Drinking thyme tea is known as a great treatment for post nasal drip. The only thing you need to do is to add ½ tsp. each of grated ginger and fresh thyme to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for about 10 minutes, strain, and consume the thyme tea twice daily.

34. Goldenseal Herb

Goldenseal is an amazing herb that helps fight off sinus infection by killing unwanted bacteria. Also, this herb contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the inflammation associated with post nasal drip. People who have blood pressure or pregnant women should not use this herb.

35. Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is known as one of the best home remedies for post nasal drip. Simply, you just need to mix 1 tsp. each of Indian gooseberry, honey and black pepper and then consume this mixture once daily for at least a month.

36. Cinnamon

Another one among ayurvedic home remedies for post nasal drip that you should try out is cinnamon You can use cinnamon tea in order to treat cough and flu that may lead to post nasal drip. Simply, you just need to include cinnamon in your daily cooking. Or else, you can make cinnamon tea and then consume it daily.

37. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Echinacea

Echinacea can be used to improve the immune system and fight many infections, hence relieving the post nasal drip symptoms. Simply, boil Echinacea in some water for about 10 minutes and consume this herbal solution.

38. Anise Seeds

Anise seeds work as a natural expectorant, which helps loosen the mucus and reduce the irritation. Mix equal amounts of black pepper, anise seeds, ginger and some honey. Then, take ½ tsp. of this mixture on a daily basis before meals. Alternatively, drink the anise seeds tea to treat the post nasal drip.

39. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is very effective in reducing fever, irritation, and sneezing caused by blocked nose. Also, it treats post nasal drip and gives you an instant relief. This herb helps reduce the histamine levels in the body. You can make tea by boiling some stinging nettle leaves in hot water and then consume it. Or else, add stinging nettle to your regular food preparations.

40. Barberry

Barberry root is effective in relieving the symptoms of post nasal drip. The vitamin C and berberine content found in this herb can have antimicrobial effects that help fight off the respiratory infections. You can make barberry tea by boiling 4g of dried barberry roots in a cup of boiling water. Consume this herbal tea 4 times daily.

41. Magnolia Flower

Magnolia flower works as an effective remedy for various lung infections. It helps clear the mucus in the respiratory passages and reduce the running or stuffed nose. You can use magnolia flower in the form of powder, tea, or pills.

42. Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip – Butterbur

When it comes to learning home remedies for post nasal drip in babies, you should try using this ingredient. Butterbur can be used to reduce the symptoms of nasal allergies. The butterbur oil extract helps treat the post nasal drip symptoms. But, you should avoid using this herb in the form of infusion or tea.

43. Fenugreek

This is the last but very important way among home remedies for post nasal drip in toddlers that we want to mention in this article. Fenugreek seeds work as a powerful astringent that helps relieve the chest congestion. Besides, these seeds also help expel out the mucus [5]. You can add the moderate amount of fenugreek seeds extract or fenugreek powder to your cooking preparations in order to treat post nasal drip.

Using all of the home remedies as mentioned above can help you treat post-nasal drip effectively. Besides, you should also make some lifestyle changes and precautions in order to prevent this problem from recurring. Some other effective tips for you include:

  • Use a humidifier in order to increase the humidity in the house.
  • Apply some yoga poses such as Balasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Uttanasana, Sasangasana, etc.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and smoking
  • Avoid consuming dairy products such as ice creams, milk, and cheese because they can worsen your problem.
  • Keep away from allergens like pollen and dust that can cause post-nasal drip.
  • Blow the nose regularly to remove the excess mucus from the nasal cavities. Remember to wash the hands before blowing the nose.
  • Take enough rest for instant recovery.

By applying the natural remedies mentioned in this article can help you resolve post-nasal drip as well as its symptoms. Therefore, if you are suffering from this health condition, do not hesitate to apply any of these remedies and then tell us if they worked for you. If you know other home remedies for post nasal drip apart from those as discussed above, share your experience by leaving your comments below.

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