How To
21 Best Easy Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis Pain and Heel Spurs

21 Best Easy Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis Pain and Heel Spurs

Plantar fasciitis is known as a common disorder causing acute pain in the sole of the foot as well as the heel. This disorder occurs because of the inflammation in the plantar fascia. Tearing and repetitive stretching can make the plantar fascia become inflamed or irritated. Besides, tight calf muscles also lead to this problem because they limit our ability to flex the ankles. Plantar fasciitis can have many negative effects on your daily activities. Luckily, you can relieve its symptoms with simple home remedies and lifestyle changes.

List Of Home Remedies For Plantar Faciitis:

In this article, Healthy Guide will reveal some of the best home remedies for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs that you can apply with ease at home. Actually, all of these remedies are effective and not time-consuming, so you can try applying any of these remedies at the comfort of your own home, especially if you want to deal with the plantar fasciitis symptoms with natural ingredients.

I. Causes And Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

Apart from age, there are some other factors that can increase the risk of getting plantar fasciitis. They include:

  • Regularly joining in intense activities
  • Faulty foot mechanics
  • Jobs that need you to stand for long hours
  • Wearing shoes with soft sloes or poor arch support
  • Obesity
  • Injuries due to overactivity
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Long-term diabetes

Some common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include;

  • Heel pain
  • Pain and inflammation in the foot arch
  • Difficulty standing or walking
  • Stiffness in the heel
  • Pain after doing weight-bearing activities

Read on How To Heal Cracked Heels In Winter Overnight – 24 Remedies to discover some of the most effective home remedies for cracked heels in winter that you can apply with ease at home.

II. Home Remedies For Plantar Fasciitis

To deal with this condition, you can try applying some easy home remedies for plantar fasciitis pain at home. They are very effective and easy to apply at home.

1. Cold Compress

This should be the first one among natural home remedies for plantar fasciitis that we want to mention in this article. This method can help reduce pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis.


  • Wrap some ice cubes in a clean, thin towel.
  • Place this towel over your affected area for several minutes
  • Repeat this home remedy several times a day.
  • Note: Avoid rubbing ice directly on the heel.

List of 15 Best Natural Home Remedies For Cracked Heels Treatment & Control will show you some of the best natural treatments for cracked heels that are easy to apply at home, so check it out!

2. Home Remedies For Plantar Fasciitis- Ginger

home remedies for plantar fasciitis

When you are looking for easy home remedies for plantar fasciitis, you should consider using fresh ginger. Acording to a study [1], ginger contains pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, which help fight off plantar fasciitis.


  • Add 1 tbsp. of grated ginger to about a cup of water.
  • Bring it to a boil for several minutes and steep it for 10 minutes.
  • Strain it and then drink hot ginger tea.
  • Drink 2- 3 cups of ginger tea daily.
  • Alternatively, add ginger to your daily cooking or take a supplement after consulting a doctor.
3. Ginger Tea And White Sugar

If you do not know home remedies for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs, you can consider the combination of ginger tea and white sugar.


  • Peel a piece of ginger and scrape it into fibers.
  • Next, boil a moderate amount of water and then pour the boiling water into a cup of prepared ginger
  • Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, add some white sugar and mix them well.
4. Ginger, Lemon Juice And Honey

This combination is known as one of the best home remedies for plantar fasciitis that you should give it a try!


  • Clean ginger and then cut them into some smaller slices.
  • Place the ginger slices into a pot of filtered water
  • Then, let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the ginger juice out of a glass.
  • Next, squeeze ½ of the lemon and 1-2 tbsp. Of raw honey into the hot ginger juice.
  • Note: Hot ginger can negatively affect weakened blood vessels, so if you have ever experiended any bleeding disorders such as uterine bleeding, nosebleeds or hemorrhoids, you should avoid using this remedy to avoid serious illness.

To know some of the simplest ways to improve skin, hair and nails with the help of honey, read on 31 Best Natural Ways To Use Honey To Improve Skin, Hair, And Nails

5. Fish Oil

Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and eicosapentaenoic acid that are effective in relieving pain and inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis. Actually, fish oil helps in regulating the inflammatory process and simultaneously reducing the pain and muscle stiffness. It is reommended to take 3g of fish oil twice per day. Also, you can consume more cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna. Just remember that you should consult your doctor before you plan to take fish oil supplements if you are using diabetes or blood-thinning medication.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective in treating the pain, inflammation and other symptoms of plantar fasciitis thaks to its medicinal properties. Therefore, if you are looking for easy home remedies for plantar fasciitis, you should not look down apple cider vinegar. Now, in order to use apple cider vinegar for treating the symptoms of plantar fasciitis, you just need to apply either of the following methods:

Method 1:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. of raw apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. of raw honey in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Drink this solution a few times daily.

Method 2:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in your warm bathwater.
  • Soak your feet in this solution for about 5- 10 minutes
  • Repeat this home remedy twice daily.

If you want to know some of the natural treatments for dandruff and itchy scalp with the help of apple cider vinegar, read on 30 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Dandruff And Itchy Scalp, Hair Loss

7. Foot Massage

home remedies for plantar fasciitis

Foot massage can give you a relief from the inflammation and pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Actually, regular massaging can stimulate blood flow around your affected area and simultaneously reduce tension around the plantar fascia.


  • Take some warm coconut oil, olive oil or sesame oil in your fingers
  • Then, massage your heel with the oil for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this process a few times daily, especially before you go to bed.
  • Alternatively, use an electric massager to relieve pain as well as inflammation in your heel.
8. Lose Weight

When it comes to learning home remedies for plantar fasciitis pain, you should not forget this method. We all know that weight gain is one of the common causes of plantar fasciitis pain. Therefore, it is very important for you to lose weight to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis.

Read More: Top 34 Best Foods For Fat Loss Diet And Muscle Gain

9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is another way among home remedies for plantar fasciitis that you should remember and then try to apply for good. Drinking plenty of water can help deal with the symptoms of plantar fasccitis. Also, eating plenty of fruits can help satisfy your thirsty for a long time. Avoid drinking water only when you are thirsty, drink it throughout the day instead.

Learn More: List Of 29 Best Easy Homemade Drinks Recipes To Lose Weight

10. Home Remedies For Plantar Fasciitis- Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can be effective in relieving your plantar fascia and simutaneously reducing inflammation and pain. Besides, it can also help heal the connective tissues and muscles.


  • Add 2- 3 tbsp. of Epsom salt to your warm bathwater.
  • Soak your foot in this solution for about 10- 15 minutes
  • Gently massage your affected area to reduce pressure
  • Repeat this home remedy twice per day
  • Note: Using Epsom saline foot bath too much can cause dry and cracked feet. Theredore, you should use this remedy 30-60 minutes for only 2-3 times per week. People with dry skin should use less Epsom salt and after soaking and drying the feet, massage with moisturizer or olive oil.
11. Cayenne Pepper

According to a research about health benefits of cayenne pepper [2], this ingredient is rich in capsaicin, which can work as a natural pain reliever. Besides, it can also aid to reduce muscle stiffness because of plantar fasciitis.

Method 1:

  • Add ½ tsp. of powdered cayenne pepper to ½ tub of hot water.
  • Soak your feet in this solution for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this home remedy several times daily.

Method 2:

  • Rub some creams that have the compound called capsaicin on the lower side of your foot
  • Repeat this remedy several times daily.

Note: Avoid using either of these remedies on the inflamed or broken skin.

If you want to know other best home remedies for plantar fasciitis, you should keep both of your eyes on this interesting article and then try to apply any of these natural remedies at the comfort of your own home.

12. Turmeric

According to a research [3], the compound called curcumin found in turmeric can be used as a potent painkiller and it can help reduce both chronic and acute inflammation. If you want to use turmeric as a plantar fasciitis treatment, you just need to apply any of the following methods:

Method 1:

  • Add 1 tsp. of powdered turmeric to a cup of milk.
  • Simmer it over a low flame and add some raw honey
  • Drink this solution daily before you go to bed.

Method 2:

  • Mix 2 tsp. of turmericand some honey in 200ml of water
  • Drink this solution in the morning, evening

Method 3:

  • Take 400-600mg of curcumin supplements
  • Take the supplement twice per day
  • Note: Consult a doctor before taking this supplement.
13. Eggplant Roots

home remedies for plantar fasciitis

This is worth mentioning in the list of easy home remedies for plantar fasciitis that you should consider making use for good.


  • Wash and dry some eggplant roots for about 2-3 days
  • Boil them for about 20 minutes over low heat.
  • When the roots cool down a bit, soak your feet for 1 hour.
  • Repeat this home remedy twice a day for the best results.
14. Home Remedies For Plantar Fasciitis- Cactus

This is another one among easy home remedies for plantar fasciitis. It contains powerful andantiseptic properties.


  • Firstly, remove all thorns of the cactus and then cut the cactus trunk into two pieces
  • Use this cactus trunk to cover your pain before going to bed .
  • Then, use cloth or gauze to heal the cactus in your leg
  • Leave it on overnight and then remove the next morning.
  • Repeat this remedy for a week to relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis.
15. Vinegar

Vinegar is very effective in preventing the bacteria reproduction. Vinegar is rich in acidity, so it can help remove dead skin cells and soothe the calluses on the legs. Besides, the properties found in the vinegar can help to keep the skin moisturized. As a result, regular foot soak with vinegar can help reduce the appearance of calluses, hence reducing plantar fasciitis.


  • Warm up 2l of vinegar
  • Pour the warn vinegar into the basin
  • Then, soak your feet for 30- 60 minutes
  • Repeat this home remedy for one month
16. Tofu

Among the best home remedies for plantar fasciitis, using tofu is one of the best solutions. To use tofu as a plantar fasciitis treatment, you just need to follow the instructions below:


  • Boil the tofu and then pour it into a basin.
  • Place the feet into the tofu
  • Repeat this remedy 3-5 times per day for the best results.
17. Soybean Roots

This is known as one of the home remedies for plantar fasciitis pain that you should not look down, yet try applying for good. Soybean roots contain anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, they are a great source of anthocyanins, which has been proven to help reduce swelling and pain for chronic diseases, including joint pain and gout.


  • Put 500g of soybean root into a pot
  • Then, add the sufficent amount of water to the pot
  • Boil for about 20 minutes and then let the water cool down a bit
  • Soak your feet for 40-60 minutes every night before going to bed
18. Garlic

home remedies for plantar fasciitis

According to a study [4], garlic contains natural antibiotics that can help destroy the disease virus. It can be used to treat skin diseases, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases thanks to its surprising effect. However, you use only 1- 2 garlic cloves daily. You can use garlic powder or fresh garlic to add to salad, soup, meat, or even eaten raw.


  • Peel garlic and slice it into small slices
  • Place them in a bottle with about 1l of white wine
  • Leave it on for 10 days and occasionally shake it up
  • Drink it twice a day with a dose of 40 drops.
19. Take A Rest

Taking a rest is very important for treating fulminant hepatitis, especially for those who need to stand for a long period of time. Taking a rest and changing walking patterns can help reduce pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis. Getting enough sleep can help you have more energy to effectively work. If you are suffering from sleep disorders, you should consider practicing deep breathing, or listening to soothing music.

20. Home Remedies For Plantar Fasciitis- Stretching Exercises

When it comes to learning home remedies for plantar fasciitis pain, you should try performing some stretching exercises. Actually, stretching exercises involving your lower leg muscles and feet are a great way to control heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. These exercises can also help reduce pain and inflammation in the calves as well as other leg muscles.

Exercise 1:

Before getting out of bed every morning, stretch your lower leg muscles, feet, tose and calf muscles. Sit up in bed, pull your flexed feet toward you for about 30 seconds. Release and repeat this process 2 more times.

Exercise 2:

Roll a frozen water bottle under the arch of the foot. Apply a bit pressure. Repeat this process for a few minutes, once per day.

Exercise 3:

Stand at the arm’s length from the wall with your leg bent at your knee and your affected foot behind you. Gently press the hips forward while holding both of your heels flat on the floor. Keep this position for about 30 seconds before relaxing. Reapply this exercise in 2 sets of 10 reps, a few times a week.

21. Dietary Changes

This is the last but very important one among home remedies for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs that we want to menion in this article. To reduce inflammation and pain, you need to follow a diet that contains anti-inflammatory foods in order to boost the healing process and reduce inflammation [5]. Some great food choices are extra-virgin olive oil, tart cherries, salmon, ginger, walnuts, garlic, berries, sweet potatoes and almonds. Besides, you should consume foods that are rich in vitamins A and C, calcium and zinc. Plus, consume foods that are rich in amino acids in order to strengthen connective tissues.

Additional tips when it comes to learning how to treat the symptoms of plantar fasciitis:

  • Avoid using high-heel footwear and opt for shoes that have adequate arch support for the feet.
  • Limit the time you stand on your feet.
  • Avoid exercising on hard surfaces.
  • Avoid using the heating pads because it can worsen the symptoms.
  • Avoid going barefoot.
  • Try acupuncture and magnetic therapy to reduce plantar fasciitis pain.
  • Stop performing intense sports activities when you have plantar fasciitis pain,
  • If the pain become severe, you may need medical treatments

After reading this article about home remedies for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs, we hope that you and my other readers can find some great treatments for your condition. Actually, the home remedies as we revealed above can help you reduce the pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis without causing any unwanted side effect. Therefore, you can feel secure when applying any of these remedies at home. If you have ever tried any of these home remedies or you know other home remedies for plantar fasciitis, share your ideas with other readers by dropping your comments in the comment box below.

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