List of 18 Natural Plant Foods High in Estrogen for Menopause & Breast Growth

List of 18 Natural Plant Foods High in Estrogen for Menopause & Breast Growth

The US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control claimed that heart disease accounts for one in every four deaths in America in nowadays. And the most common form of this condition is the coronary artery disease. Undiagnosed CAD causes heart attacks. But wait, why are we even discussing about heart disease this time in this place? Are we off track? Nope. Not at all. Eating processed foods too much, using tobacco too much, having a sedentary lifestyle… are the leading causes of CAD. However, there is another trigger factor that is usually ignored – the deficiency of estrogen. Therefore, knowing foods high in estrogen is necessary for females to stay healthy and avoid many diseases.

As a female comes into menopause, her estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone levels start to decline. This decline will cause higher risks of heart disease. Estrogen is essential because it can help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol as well as increase good cholesterol levels. The hormone can also help to relax the blood vessels – thereby, increasing the risks of heart attack.

List Of Plant Foods High In Estrogen For Breast Growth And Menopause

Estrogen is among the most essential hormones created by the ovaries and is responsible for the secondary sex characteristics of women: the menstrual cycle, breast growth, body form. What most people do not realize is that males also have a certain level of estrogen inside their own body, but it is balanced by high testosterone levels adequately.

A lot of the food items we consume contain estrogen-like properties that can raise the level of the hormone inside our bodies. While this may bring about benefits to some people, men, particularly, can be infected negatively.

In this article, Healthy Guide will reveal some of the best foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause. In reality, many kitchen available foods are good sources of this nutrient. Try any of the following foods and feel how amazingly it work for your own case.

I. Are You Getting Enough Estrogen? 

Can you know whether or not you are consuming sufficient amount of estrogen every day?

You may know better as you get it checked at a hospital or a clinic.

However, here are some ways you can try at home to make sure that you are maintaining healthy estrogen levels inside your own body that you should know before learning about the best plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause:

  • Make sure to eat food items that are abundant in estrogen. Women do not get estrogen from their diet, but consuming healthy food items that are high in phytoestrogen will give the body a chance to produce estrogen naturally, according to a study [1].
  • Look out for some signs and symptoms that indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body, such as decreased fertility, vaginal dryness, the loss of bone density, erratic mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, irregular periods.
  • Quit smoking if you are smoking. In premenopausal women, smoking is associated with infertility, menstrual dysfunction, and early onset of menopause.
  • Reduce the daily sugar consumption. Research [2] shows that eating too much sugar is related to an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone levels inside the body. Use whole grains to replace food items that contain refined white flour.
  • Ensure that you will spend about half an hour to do a moderate workout on a daily basis.
  • Getting a good night’s sleep with 7 to 8 hours sleeping will work wonders for our body. Research [3] showed that sleep disturbances determine the overall health of a woman, particularly her menstrual cycle, menopause, and pregnancy.

All good. However, how much of it do we need to eat on a daily basis?

If you are struggling with signs and symptoms of low estrogen levels, then there are a lot of foods that are rich in estrogen can provide you with great help. While they do not offer exactly the same hormones synthesized in the human body, they do help to produce phytoestrogen, a plant-based estrogen that can help to mimic the real estrogen as processed by our body. It goes without saying that you should avoid these food items if you are concerning about high estrogen levels.

II. List Of Foods High In Estrogen

In fact, there are so many types of foods that are beneficial for women health and share. However, foods high in estrogen is among the best things that can do wonders for ladies. In this section of the article today, we will talk about how women can find and make use of plant food sources with high estrogen content. The following is a list of foods high in estrogen that are suitable for everyone and can be found in every region all over the whole world with ease:

1. Multigrain Bread

foods high in estrogen

This is the very first one among the best natural foods high in estrogen for menopause and breast growth that people should make use. In fact, this food is a phytoestrogen called ‘lignan’. This category includes grains such as barley, oats, rye, and wheat.

  • Serving Size – 26 grams (1 slice)
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 4798.7 mcg
  • Lignans – 1244 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Multigrain bread is often a very common part of the daily diet. You can spread peanut butter or cheese over toasted multigrain bread or make a sandwich with this ingredient and consume it as a snack or for breakfast.

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2. Garlic

Garlic is very rich in isoflavones and provides a lot of health benefits, according to a study [4]. It is famous for the ability to help in reducing cholesterol level and preventing heart diseases as well as cancer.

  • Serving Size – 9 grams (3 cloves)
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 603.6 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 1.8 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can add chopped garlic to salads, soups, stir-fries, sautés, pasta, and stews to add a boost of flavor, making it one among the best foods high in estrogen your best friend every day.

Learn More: List of 30 Healthy Food for Pregnant Women during Pregnancy

3. Red Wine

Red wine has a phytoestrogen known as resveratrol that can help to increase the estrogen levels inside the body and also reduce the chance of having cardiovascular diseases as you have it in moderation. In fact, this is also one of the best foods high in estrogen for menopause and breast growth that women should not look down at all costs!

  • Serving Size – 30 ml
  • Isoflavones – 4.95 mg
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 53.9 mcg

Learn More: List of 25 Best Healthy Pregnant Recipes for Women to Go!

How To Add Into Your Diet:

Red wine is best consumed as it is or along with a light snack, such as roasted peanuts. Consume red wine in moderation. Physicians suggest not to drink red wine more than two servings per day for men and just one serving per day for women.

4. Legumes

Another among the best plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause is legumes. Legumes, in fact, is an abundant source of phytoestrogens.


Soy comes in a variety of easy-to-eat choices such as edamame beans, tofu, or soy milk. Soy products are considered to contain the best source of isoflavones, a class of phytoestrogen that can be added into our daily diet with ease. Soy is also a rich source of protein, making it one of the best options for meat replacement in vegetarians and vegans.

Black Beans:

Black beans are so healthy that they can be eaten every single day. They help to boost the fertility in women because they are very abundant in phytoestrogens. They are also a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and several essential minerals and vitamins.

  • Serving Size – 172 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 5330 mcg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Black beans are very great in taste as you add them to your daily salads or soups. You can also try making a black bean spread and consume it with cucumber and carrot slices.

White Beans:

White beans are very good for human health – abundant in fiber, phytoestrogens, and nutrients like folate, iron, and calcium. This can help a lot in balancing the estrogen levels in the human body.

  • Serving Size – 179 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 72.7 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 70 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

There are a lot of ways to consume white beans. You can toss boiled white beans into your daily salad or ground them to make a paste and have it as a dip.

Green Beans:

Green beans are also an abundant source of iron, which can help to improve the fertility in women. These veggies are very high in nutrients and low in calories as well.

  • Serving Size – 110 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 105.8 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 42.9 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Green beans can be added to stir-fries or sautéed veggies. They can also be cooked as a curry and eaten with rice.

Check Out: List of 29 Foods to Avoid When Pregnant for Women

5. Coffee

foods high in estrogen

Women who consume more than 2 cups of coffee (200 mg of caffeine) per day may have higher estrogen levels than those do not have this habit. While caffeine may rise the levels of estrogen inside the body, it does not seem to boost the fertility. If you are trying to increase estrogen in order to ovulate, then caffeine and coffee may not help much. There are two ways to make use of this one among foods high in estrogen that you can try at home:

  • Try consuming coffee and other caffeinated beverages in moderation. You should not take more than 400mg of caffeine every day, and you should aim to drink much less than that on average.
  • Try opting for organic coffee. Most coffee is a heavily sprayed crop. Thus, you should choose organic coffee to drink as it can help to reduce your exposure to fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Use unbleached filters. Many white coffee filters have bleach that can leach out into the final product. Therefore, try to opt for unbleached coffee filters to be safer while consuming this.
6. Strawberries

When it comes to fruits and plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause, strawberries are considered among the best sources. Strawberries are not only abundant in phytoestrogens, but they also possess a multitude of health advantages that include healthy hair and skin, increased energy levels, as well as lower the chances of getting obesity.

  • Serving Size – 152 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 51.6 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 3.65 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can enjoy strawberries raw. You can also try adding diced strawberries to plain yogurt, oatmeal, pancakes, or waffles. You can also try blending strawberries with another fruit, such as banana, and create a healthy smoothie.

7. Peaches

These delicious fruits are also very good for health and they are also among the best foods high in estrogen for menopause and breast growth that women should make use at home for good. They are very abundant in phytoestrogens and provide a lot of essential nutrients. Peaches are also considered to help a lot in reducing the risks of heart diseases, cancer, and stroke.

  • Serving Size – 175 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 64.5 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 4.55 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Peaches are very tasty as many other fruits that can be eaten raw or made into desserts, such as peach pies or peach cobblers.

8. Mung Bean Sprouts

These are an excellent source of phytoestrogens, along with other nutrients like iron, folate, fiber, and vitamin B-complex. In fact, they are among the best plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause that can work amazingly for women at any age.

  • Serving Size – 104 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 495.1 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 238.99 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can have them raw or boiled, either as it is, or added to soups or salads.

9. Alfalfa Sprouts

These are one of the best choices for you if you are trying to find plant foods high in estrogen levels. These sprouts are very low in calories and carbohydrates and are extremely good for health.

  • Serving Size – 33 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 441.4 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 130 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can add alfalfa sprouts to your sandwiches, soups, or salads for a nutritional boost to your meal.

10. Dried Apricots, Prunes, And Dates

foods high in estrogen

Dry fruits are actually the best foods high in estrogen that can help women struggling with menopause and those trying to improve breast size at home. These are healthy snacks that are very abundant in fiber and phytoestrogens at the same time. The process of drying these fruits can help to increase the amount of vitamins, phytoestrogens, and minerals in these fruits.

  • Serving Size of Prunes – 248 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 177.5 mcg
  • Serving Size of Dates – 24 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 329.5 mcg
  • Serving Size of Dried Apricots – 130 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 445.5 mcg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

These dried fruits are very good for health as well as palatable. They are best enjoyed as a snack in the middle of the day. Carry these with you to munch between meals.

11. Peanuts

Peanuts is one of the most commonly available nuts in the market and they are also a good source of phytoestrogens, as well as the best foods high in estrogen you may find out:

  • Serving Size – 1 ounce (28 grams)
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 34.5 mcg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Add the peanuts into your salads for crunchy effect. They can also be eaten raw or you can ground them to make peanut butter and use it as a spread.

12. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts and also among the best foods high in estrogen for menopause and breast growth women can make use at home without having to spend too much money and efforts. They are very abundant in phytoestrogens as well as omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and a wide variety of nutrients essential for the human health and body.

  • Isoflavones – 14.9 mg
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 26 mcg
  • Serving Size – 1 ounce (28 grams)
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can add chopped walnuts to salads or top the walnuts over your ice creams, fruits, or frozen yogurt. You can also consume the nuts as it is or mixed with other types of nuts.

13. Pistachios

Pistachios [5] contain the highest amount of phytoestrogens among every type of nuts all over the world:

  • Serving Size – 1 ounce (28 grams)
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 382.5 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 49.5 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

They are best enjoyed roasted or raw. You can also try adding them into a trail-mix and eat with other nuts. Keep reading for more foods high in estrogen and learn how to make use of them at home.

14. Tofu

The soy version of cottage cheese, tofu is also directly created from soy milk. Available in firm and soft varieties, this ingredient can help a lot in increasing the levels of estrogen in the body.

  • Serving Size – 3 ounces
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 27,150 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 20 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Tofu is a versatile ingredient that can be added to curries, salads, or soups. You can also sauté it along with some other vegetables that you like and have it as a side snack or salad. In fact, this is also among the best plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause you should not look down at all costs for good!

15. Soy Yogurt 

foods high in estrogen

Also called ‘bean curd yogurt’, this is made from soy milk, making this yogurt an abundant source of phytoestrogens.

  • Serving Size – 200 grams
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 10,275 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 21 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Soy yogurt can be eaten as it is, along with meals. You can add nuts and fruits to this and consume it as a healthy snack.

16. Soy Milk

Another one among the best foods high in estrogen you should make use right from today is soy milk. Soy milk is also a very abundant source of phytoestrogens. It is very food for providing relief from menstrual issues, such as pain or cramps by restoring the estrogen levels inside our body.

  • Serving Size – 200 ml
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 2957.2 mcg
  • Isoflavones – 30 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

Soy milk is available in ready-to-drink tetra packs and you can buy it in any market or supermarket with ease. Try consuming it as a mid-day snack every day. Instead of your regular cow’s milk, you can also try adding soy milk to your breakfast cereal.

17.  List Of Foods High In Estrogen – Sesame Seeds 

These are quite abundant in lignans, hormones that can aid a lot in balancing the estrogen levels in a woman’s body. They are also very rich in dietary fiber and a wide range of minerals and vitamins essential for the body’s health and development.

  • Serving Size – 1 ounce
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 8008.1 mcg
  • Lignans – 11.2 mg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

One of the best ways to eat sesame seeds is to create a paste of them, known as tahini, and use it to replace a dipping sauce. You can also add them to your salad, soup, or stir-fried veggies.

18. Flaxseeds

This is the last yet not the last one out of the list of the best plant foods high in estrogen for breast growth and menopause that every woman all over the world should make use for good!

Flax seeds are believed one of the best sources of estrogen in nature and they occupy the top position in the list of phytoestrogen food sources. Also known as linseeds, these are considered to contain 3 times higher levels of phytoestrogens than soybeans. Apart from having estrogen, they are also an abundant source of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber and can aid a lot in reducing the cholesterol levels inside the body.

  • Serving Size – 1 tablespoon
  • Isoflavones – 22.5 mg
  • Phytoestrogens (per 100 grams) – 379,380 mcg
How To Add Into Your Diet:

You can try grounding flaxseeds and use them to sprinkle on breakfast cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt. They can also be added to muffins and cookies before baking.

The foods high in estrogen for menopause and breast growth as mentioned above can help you stay healthy as you are a woman. Therefore, you should try adding one or more of these foods to perfect your health and life every day. One more thing, if you know other effective foods sources of estrogen in nature, don’t be shy to share them with us by leaving your comments below.

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