How To
10 Tips How to Stop Frequent Urination in Males & Females Naturally at Night

10 Tips How to Stop Frequent Urination in Males & Females Naturally at Night

If you realise that you are making a trip to the bathroom every 2 hours or more frequently to urinate, then this is really a problem rather than a normal habit. And you do not have to just accept it as the way it is yet learning how to stop frequent urination in males and females at home naturally with us right here!

List Of Best Tips On How To Stop Frequent Urination At Night To Try Out!

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best home remedies for frequent urination that can be used in people at all ages. So, if you or anyone else around you is facing this health condition, you should keep both of your eyes on this article right now.

In normal circumstances, our bladder can store urine till it is convenient to go to the toilet, from four to eight times throughout the day.

Frequent urination happens as the body is not able to manage the activity of urination accurately and because of an overactive bladder, you cannot hold the urine and need to pee more often. Check out the following section to discover some quick tips on how to stop frequent urination in females and males at night without having to use any drug, pill, or medication right from today.

I. Quick Tips How To Stop Frequent Urination Naturally

  • Once you need to pee, you just need to do it. If you hold it inside, it can increase the risks of an infection.
  • Do not wear tight clothing, especially undergarments.
  • Manage chronic diseases, such as diabetes, that might contribute to signs and symptoms overactive bladder.
  • Schedule toilet trips so that the body gets trained to urinate every day at the same times.
  • Use absorbent undergarments or pads to protect your clothes and avoid embarrassing incidents.
  • Try bladder training to train your own body to delay voiding when you feel an urge to urinate.
  • If you are overweight, just spend efforts on losing weight as soon as possible. Your bladder will suffer from more pressure because of the excessive weight.
  • Stop smoking. It not only irritates the bladder but also increases the risks of bladder cancer.

II. Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

An overactive bladder is not a normal issue. About 33 million Americans, according to the American Urological Association, have an overactive bladder and as many as 40% of women and 30% of men in the U.S live with signs and symptoms of overactive bladder.

There are a lot of trigger factors that cause an overactive bladder. Some common leading triggers are obesity, old age, pregnancy, nerve damage, cystitis, menopause, uncontrolled diabetes, aggregated crystals named ‘gravel’ in the urinary tract, bladder cancer, urinary tract infections, and conditions, such as prostatitis, prostate fibrosis and urethral stenosis.

Too much water consumption, excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine, anxiety and medications that lead to a fast increase in urine production or require that you take them with a lot of fluids can also lead to this annoying issue.

You may experience signs such as an increased urge to urinate, pain while urinating, uncontrolled urination, lower abdominal pain, blood clots in the urine, bladder tenderness and pain in the back as well as hip areas triggered by an overactive bladder.

Frequent urination is not a very severe health issue, but it can lead to a lot of discomforts because you have to urinate several times a day, even at night. Luckily, you can cure this annoying issue with some effective home remedies.

Learn More: 22 Natural Home Remedies for Prostatitis Pain Treatment and Control

1. Avoid Constipation
how to stop frequent urination

This is the very first tip on how to stop frequent urination naturally at night that we would like to introduce in the entire article today and encourage readers to make use for good!

Hard stools can block the flow of urine and press against the urinary tract, letting the bacteria to grow while also rising the risks of a urinary tract infection, which in turn can lead to an overactive bladder.

In addition, constipation can make the symptoms of an overactive bladder worse.

A study [1] published in BioMed Research International in 2017 reported that symptoms of moderate to severe overactive bladder are correlated with functional constipation. In addition, functional constipation is related to moderate to severe symptoms of overactive bladder and to overactive bladder with urinary incontinence.

Thus, it is crucial to prevent constipation by having regular bowel movements. To prevent constipation, add more high-fibre food items into your diet every. Fibre can help a lot in softening the stools by drawing water into them, making them easier and bulkier to pass.

A according to a study [2] meta-analysis published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in 2012 reported that dietary fibre consumption can rise the stool frequency in patients suffering from constipation.

To get fibre, add breads and whole-grain cereals, lentils, beans, brown rice, fresh fruits and veggies into your daily diet.

Learn More: Top 15 Best Foods to reduce Bloating and Gas on Stomach Fast & Naturally

2. How To Stop Frequent Urination – Do Not Restrict Fluids Too Much

An overactive bladder in no way means that patients need to reduce the daily fluid consumption. In fact, you must try to consume a sufficient amount of fluid to keep your body hydrated, but avoid excess consumption at all costs. Ask your doctor to know exactly how much fluid your body needs every day.

If you do not consume enough fluids, your urine turns to be concentrated and can irritate the lining of the bladder. This in turn can rise the urge to urinate. Dehydration may even exacerbate some issues, particularly headache intensity and chronic constipation.

A study [3] published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing in 2015 suggests decreased fluid consumption for controlling the signs and symptoms overactive bladder, while making sure the adequate hydration for other health demands.

To manage your fluid consumption:

  • To drink water, use cups with smaller size and sip the water slowly.
  • Unless you are exercising, avoid carrying a large-size water bottle with you.
  • Spread out fluid consumption all over the day, sipping water between any meal.

You must avoid consuming too many liquids right before your bedtime, as you may have to empty your bladder more usually during the night and this will just attack your sleep. Keep reading for more tips on how to stop frequent urination overnight in males and females to apply at home as soon as possible!

3. How To Stop Frequent Urination – Avoid Dietary Triggers

Certain dietary causes can make your bladder overactive and lead to frequent urination. In such a scenario, it is best to avoid the dietary causes as much as you can.

Drinks and foods that are known to contribute to overactive bladder are caffeinated beverages; citrus fruits and their juices; soda and other carbonated beverages; spicy foods; chocolate; milk and dairy products; artificial sweeteners; and sugar and high-sugar food items.

Although cranberry juice is usually suggested as it is very good for bladder health, it actually can work as an irritant if you have overactive bladder. Thus, you should not consume this juice too often.

You must also limit your alcohol consumption because consuming too much alcohol can also cause the frequent urination issue.

Learn More: 22 Best Homemade Juices for Glowing Skin in a Week

4. How To Stop Frequent Urination – Indian Gooseberry

how to stop frequent urination

Indian gooseberry, also called amla, is beneficial for your overall urinary health.

Being an excellent source of vitamin C, it can help to increase the acidity of the urine, thus killing infection-triggering bacteria. The potential issues of urinary tract infections are one of the important causes behind an overactive bladder.

In addition, vitamin C is beneficial for your immune system:

  • Prepare an amla and extract the juice from it. Add 1 tsp. of honey to it and stir well. Consume this combination along with 1 banana two to four times on a daily basis.
  • Add 1 tsp. each of turmeric powder and Indian gooseberry to 1 cup of water. Boil the solution till ½ the water evaporates. Let it to cool for some time. Consume the solution three times per day for three to five days.
5. How To Stop Frequent Urination – Biofeedback

An alternative cure, biofeedback can also offer relief from uncontrolled urination and overactive bladder as a great tip on how to stop frequent urination at night in males and females without having to spend too much time, money and effort.

In biofeedback, you are connected to electrical sensors that help to make subtle modifications inside the body; for example, strengthening the pelvic muscles. This way as you have urgency feelings, you can suppress them. A study [4] published in Urology in 2000 reported that biofeedback can be employed as an adjunct to other treating forms, including drug therapy, and is especially effective for small kids.

A study [5] published in the Journal of Pediatric Urology in 2016 discovered that biofeedback can be thought of as the first-line cure choice when standard uro-therapy fails in those kids suffering from the overactive bladder issue.

For biofeedback, you need to consult an expert.

6. Acupuncture

Another tip on how to stop frequent urination in males and females at night is using acupuncture. Acupuncture is very useful for managing overactive bladder syndrome. In this Chinese technique, acupuncture practitioners cure issues by inserting extremely disposable, thin needles into certain acupuncture points.

A study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2005 discovered that females who received four weekly bladder-specific acupuncture therapies had great improvements in bladder capacity, frequency, urgency, and quality-of-life scores as compared with females who received placebo acupuncture cures.

Another study [6] published in the British Medical Journal in 2014 confirms that acupuncture can help in reducing the micturition and urgency episodes more than 1 day and improve the life quality among those suffering from the overactive bladder issue.

In a recent study [7] published in Medicine (Baltimore) in 2018, scientists claimed that acupuncture might have an impact in reducing the number of nocturia episodes, incontinence episodes, and micturition episodes. Nevertheless, the evidence is not enough to show the impact of using acupuncture alone or the added impact to drugs in curing overactive bladder.

You just need to ensure to always have acupuncture done by a professional. Never try acupuncture at home if you have not been well-trained in it. There are many other tips on how to stop frequent urination in males and females naturally at home waiting for you. Let’s find out with us!

7. Yogurt

how to stop frequent urination

Keeping the bladder healthy is a preventive measure for the overactive bladder issue. And making use of yogurt is a great tip on how to stop frequent urination at night you should not skip!

For bladder health, adding yogurt into your daily diet is a simple yet very good choice for you. Greek yogurt is a probiotic food that can help to improve the growth of good bacteria in the urinary tract and boost the healthy bacteria balance inside our gut.

It can aid a lot in treating urinary tract infections and boost the kidney health as well as digestion at the same time.

A 2006 study [8] published in Drugs suggested that probiotics can be very good for preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in females.

Every day, you should consume about one or two bowls of plain yogurt to achieve the desired results. Remember not to eat flavoured yogurt as they have artificial agents and sweeteners.

Along with yogurt, you can have other fermented food dishes, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and sour pickles.

8. How To Stop Frequent Urination – Warm Compresses

To ease the pain caused by an overactive bladder, it is best for you to make use of a soothing warm compress.

The heat can aid a lot in minimizing bladder pressure as well as relaxing your muscle mass, thus lessening the pain. Follow these steps for a great tip on how to stop frequent urination in females and males naturally at home:

  • Wrap a bottle of hot water in a towel.
  • Lie down and put it over your lower bladder.
  • Let it stay still as long as possible.
  • Repeat the process as necessary.

You can also make use of a heating pad to get instant relief from the pain.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

how to stop frequent urination

When it comes to tips on how to stop frequent urination naturally at night, apple cider vinegar is also a great and effective choice.

Apple cider vinegar contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that can aid a lot in combating any infection that may cause the frequent urination issue. It can also help to reduce the pain triggered by the infections in the digestive system.

In addition, it is an excellent source of potassium, enzymes, and other useful minerals, and can help a lot in restoring the natural pH balance inside our body.

  • Add 1 tsp. of raw honey and 1 tbsp. of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Consume it 2 times per day.
  • Alternatively, you can try adding one or two cups of apple cider vinegar to your bathwater. Soak in it for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Apply this method every day till your condition improves.
10. Kegel Exercises

Regularly doing Kegel exercises can help people cope with the signs and symptoms of frequent urination. This is the last yet not the least tip on how to stop frequent urination overnight naturally at home that we encourage readers to try!

Kegel exercises, also widely called pelvic floor exercises, consist of repeatedly relaxing and contracting the pelvic floor muscles to make them stronger. These exercises, by strengthening the urethra and pelvis muscles, can help to support the bladder.

A study [9] published in the Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association in 2017 discovered that pelvic floor muscle training can help to boost the function of pelvic floor muscles, the symptomatology, as well as the life quality of women with signs and symptoms of overactive bladder.

  • Sit or lie down in a quiet place and keep your Kegel muscles stay still. These are the muscle mass that you use to stop the urine flow during your urination [10].
  • While breathing normally, contract these muscles for about five seconds. Your stomach, sides, back, and thigh muscles should not tighten as you do this.
  • Relax for five seconds and repeat again.
  • Repeat ten to twenty times per session.
  • Do this at least three times throughout the day.

Learn More: 14 Health Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Guys & Ladies Sexually & in Pregnancy

After reading this interesting article, we hope that all of my readers can find some of the best solutions helpful to deal with the symptoms of frequent urination. Actually, all of the home remedies for frequent urination that we mentioned above are safe and effective in treating the signs and symptoms of frequent urination without causing any unwanted side effects. Therefore, you can feel secure when applying any of these home remedies. Now, if you know other effective tips on how to stop frequent urination in females and males, you can share them with us by leaving your comments in the section below.

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